Escaping Lys! - Part 1

Jeremy was surprised when he saw the boy blocking his sword without breaking a sweat. In fact, his own sword bounced back a little.

'It... It can't be... he has more strength than me.' Jeremy noticed the difference in their strength, so how can Arrluk not see that too?

In that moment of lapse due to confusion and surprise, Arrluk deftly moved the dagger in his left hand and stabbed it right into Jeremy's sword-wielding wrist. Arrrluk intended to completely sever his opponent's hand, but he did not expect to get counterattacked so fast.

"Arghhh!..." Jeremy cried in pain, but rather than becoming a defenceless sheep ready to be butchered by the kid, he kicked Arrluk in his stomach and made him take a few steps back.

Jeremy swapped the sword to his left hand and swung it at Arrluks head once again. Arrluk could bring his sword hand up in time to block; therefore, he rolled to his left.


The sword hit the wall causing sparks to fly in the air.

Arrluk backed a bit, but now he didn't have any more space to dodge because of the wall to his right and back and the burning bed to his left. The heat was unbearable.

"You little runt, I will fucking skewer you and eat you alive!" Jeremy shouted in anger and pain.

Arrluk thought of something and took a defensive position quickly. When Jeremy neared once again, Arrluk lifted his left hand towards the burning bed.

Jeremy looked confused, but soon his face turned to that horror. Jeremy watched Arrluk do an unbelievable feat. He flung the burning sheets at Jeremy without even touching them.

"Ah... Aah-Ah!" Jeremy screamed as the whole sheet covered him, transferring the fire to his clothes.

Jeremy tried to throw the sheet away from him, but it seemed to have stuck in his sword. His right hand was unusable because Arrluk's dagger was still stuck in his wrist.

Arrluk did not stand still; he took a step forward and stabbed Jeremy's throat with his blade, ending his miserable cries once and for all.

Arrluk was panting. The smell of burning flesh was nauseating enough, but he knew there was no time to waste anymore.

The neighbours must have heard them fighting, and the fire that has caught onto the cupboard was spreading fast. Arrluk quickly flung the sheets from Jeremy's body with his sword's help and immediately seized the small pouch tied to the waist.

A grey light shot out from Jeremy's body and flew into the blue screen. Arrluk jumped over Jeremy's body and walked up to Jon and then Peter's dead bodies. He took their money and their soul before he quickly exited Harold's house. But outside, the narrow street wasn't empty right now. People were standing there murmuring about the fighting sounds, and screams coming out from Harold's house.

The only reason they had not entered inside was that they knew who was already inside it. Everyone in the lower rung of Lys knew about Jeremy. When they saw Arrluk coming out of the house, the people stopped talking and looked at him with various expressions on their faces.

Arrluk immediately tried to cover his face from the torches light, but some of them still saw his face.

"Dammit!" Arrluk quickly moved to escape this place. The people gave him way because Arrluk had a sword in his hand, still covered in blood.

Arrluk made his way back to his small house shared with seven other kids.

Arrluk quickly entered the small hut and woke everyone up.

"Everyone, get up and pack your bags quickly. We need to escape from this island. Jeremy wants to sell all of us as slaves to become unsullied." Arrluk shouted for everyone to gather their essentials as quickly as possible.

Some of them were confused, some of them were scared, and one of them had a face full of 'I told you so.'

Naturally, it was Tom.

"I will tell you everything after we get to a safe place. Come on, hurry up." Arrluk had to get them to a safe place.

"Follow me in pairs, don't get left behind," Arrluk said as he picked up his bag with his belongings. He only owned a shell pendant with a string attached to it. This item has been the longest with him; even Arrluk did not know who gave it to him or if he had picked it up when he was small. Nonetheless, it was his, and he can't leave it behind even if the string is now too short of tying it around his neck.

Arrluk crossed several streets and alleys before bringing everyone to a secluded place near the Lys' wall.

"Where are we going, Arrluk?" Grant asked.

"Out of the city, we need to get to the port. There we will take a passage to another city, the first chance we get."

"Wh... What!?" Tom exclaimed in surprise and said, "Do you even have that kind of money? No one would give us a berth for a fee on their ships. Also, do we need to run away from here? Surely, we talk to Jeremy and give him his share."

"No! Jeremy won't listen to us; he has made up his mind. Tomorrow, we will be thrown in some slaver's ship that will take us to Astopor and become dickless men. Do you want that to happen to you? No, right, so don't ask any more questions now and follow me. I will protect you all, alright!"

When everyone nodded their heads in understanding, Arrluk continued, "I have enough money for us to get a passage to another city. Now we need to decide which city after we get out of here. You see that well; it has run dry. It is also the entrance to a tunnel that will take us out of the city."

Arrluk explained and signalled them to follow behind him carefully.

Arrluk was the first to go down the well as it had stones in the form of steps jutting out of the well's wall.

When everyone came down, Arrluk showed them the entrance to the tunnel. It was small; they would need to crawl first to enter it.


{Authors Note: Support me on Patreon and have early access to 8 or more chapters than the rest of the world depending on the Tiers you choose.}