Escaping Lys- Part 2!

Thankfully, Arrluk had brought a small torch with him to light the way inside the tunnel. Unlike him, who has night vision, the kids are completely blind in the dark passageway.

Soon they arrived at the other end of the tunnel that opened in some bushes concealed by some palm trees.

The land of Lys was fertile. Palm and other fruit trees grew all over the island.

As it was in Harold's memory, Arrluk took his companions through the forest of fruit trees to the port on the other side of the city.

Thankfully there were no walls built to enter the port, or else they wouldn't be able to go there without going inside the city.

The port was still active because many travellers were finding a suitable ship for their next destinations, and the merchant ships were being filled with goods with the help of the slaves. Mostly, the vessels docked at the port would only depart in the morning and daytime.

Most of the sailors would be visiting the famous brothels of Lys or sleeping in an Inn. No one would leave at this around. Therefore, Arrluk wanted to find a ship that would take them away from this island by the first light in the morning.

The kids were out of place amid adults working around the post, but no one bothered them. Arrluk was trying the find the harbourmaster. He would know which ship was ready to depart in the morning and their destination.

After asking around a few times, Arrluk finally spotted the harbourmaster talking to a black guy wearing green and yellow feathers.

Arrluk told Tom and others to wait while talked with the harbourmaster.

Arrluk then remembered this particular person from Harold's memory. The harbourmaster was quite a greedy guy, and if Arrluk didn't give him some money, he wouldn't help them find a good ship for free. If he offended the guy, then the harbourmaster might as well point them to slavers' ships.

"Wait a minute, Wolk." Arrluk quickly came before the harbourmaster just as he was turning to walk away from the black foreigner.


Arrluk repeated what he had already thought in his mind and explained his reason to the harbourmaster.

"Hm, you don't look like a slave. Are you running away from someone after offending them? Why would you travel with such a young group of kids?" Wolf was greedy but also very cunning. He asked the questions that Arrluk feared the most.

"No, Uncle Wolk, I need to find some work, but I also can't leave behind brothers. That is why I'm searching for a ship that will take us to either Bravos or any city in Westeros."

"Is that so?... But I'm sorry to say; there are no ships with free births for eight people going to destinations that you have just told me now. Also, I'm doubtful if you can pay for your passage."

"Please, Uncle Wolk, you should have some ship on your mind. I would be in your debt if you could help me this time." Arrluk pleaded as he took out all his seven silver coins.

Wolk's eye gleamed in greed, but he quickly covered his expression. Now he can't let go of such a juicy lamb without drying him out.

"I'm sorry, but for my extra service, you would need at least a gold co..."

"Ah, Wolk, you still here. Father has asked if you still have that Arbor wine with you. He would need it for the long journey to the summer islands."

"Miss Kojja Mo, you must excuse me as I do not have any Arbor wine with me. But there is still a Galley from House Redwyne docked in that direction. You might find House Redwyne's famous Arbor wine in that vessel. Now where was I, right kid, you must give me..." Kojja Mo again stopped work.

"What's your name, boy?" Kojja Mo asked while showing her extremely white teeth. She was slender with smooth skin, as black as polished jet.

Arrluk was dumbfounded hearing her name from Wolk's mouth. It was because he knew her and her father and their famous ship, the Cinnamon Wind. Arrluk also instantly knew that they were his best chance of getting out of this place.

"Arrluk is my name. Miss Kojja Mo, you are the daughter of Quhuru Mo, right? The captain of the Cinnamon Wind. Are you mayhaps going back to your hometown Tall Trees Town?"

"You know about me?" Kojja asked back, extremely surprised.

"Um, not really. I know only your name and some bits about your father his vessel."

"Oh, it's... good to know I have become famous right after my first short voyage," Kojja said while showing a little bit of suspicion on her face.

'Fuck me! I made a big mistake. Kojja should have just started her first voyage with her father at this time around. How can anyone know her before that? Arrluk, you should take more care about the timeline of this world.'

Arrluk could only give back a forced smile before he asked, "Can you tell me about your next destination?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I want to... get out of this island with friends there as fast as possible. Anywhere is fine except Slaver's Bay, Quarth, Basilisk Isles, Iron Islands, stepstones, and Volantis."

"My, My, you know a lot of cities and places...Hm, So anywhere is fine that does not include areas filled with slaver pirates and rapers?

"Yes! I also have sufficient money to book a passage."

"Now, kid. Don't joke around here. Go back to the city and back to your parents. Come, I will myself take inside the safety of the city." Wolk suddenly said and extended his arm to catch hold of Arrluk's shoulder.

Arrluk sneered and grabbed Wolk's wrist tightly in his hand, " Don't mess with me, Harbourmaster. I know everything about your deals with the slavers and owners of the Lysene Pleasure houses. You only want my money and mayhaps want to sell me away to a Master. I had enough of you for one day. Now get lost before I break your whole arm off!"


{Authors Note: Support me on Patreon and have early access to 8 or more chapters than the rest of the world depending on the Tiers.}