Where is she

( Clayton's pov)

I walk to Lucy's room, and I see that Cole is waiting at her door. He sees me.

" She won't open the door. Ive been waiting for five minutes. I don't know what's going on."

" Let me try." I say, hoping maybe this will work.

"Lucy? Are you in here?" I put my ear up to the door.

" Go away," she yells.

I hear something click. It sounds like a tape recorder. I look at Cole with wide eyes.

"What is it." He asks

" It's a recording of her voice. She's not in there."

" Well then, where is she?"

" How the heck would I know." I say.

I back up and run at the door. It caves in to reveal a mess of blood and dirt. Boot prints reveal an outsider snuck in. There is a chair with chains, covered in blood, hanging from the arms and legs. There is also a blindfold and recorder in the chair's seat.

" Well I didn't think you could really do it" says a voice behind us.

I turn around and see a figure, looks to be a man, standing behind Cole. He has a trail of mud following his footsteps. I look up to his face.

It's Alexander Warren.

As he just stands there, I lunge at him. He easily falls to the floor with me on top of him. His face stays in the same smug expression. And I'm about to wipe that straight off his face.

" What did you do with her!" I yell. His face doesn't change. Cole just stands there, looking at us.

" Ha, ha, ha. Very clever of you, tackle and question." Alex says," but what you don't know is that I can fight back." He has the advantage of body weight. I guess I am quite skinny. At least compared to this dang body builder. He uses his obvious advantage to flip me and pin me to the ground. Then he grabs me by the neck and pins me to the wall. I can't breathe. Someone distracts him. A rock blows past my face and dents the wall. Then another hits Alex again. Now he's forgotten about me and is chasing down Cole.

" Find Lucy!!"

Now Alex got two of his " body guards" to finish me off. One of them grabs my arms and drags me out into the hall on my back. I lay there, light headed. Another sits on me, and pins my arms and legs down. And the first walks over and makes sure we aren't seen, for the most part.

" Why do you want me dead." I ask quietly

" Because you are a royal. You were born into this lucky world. We are all said to be equal. So why am I poor. And why do you get a castle."

" Because I don't do crap like this."

" Wow. I am protesting. Are you questioning my freedom of speech?"

" No. Are you questioning my birthrights?"

" No. This is merely my job."

" No it isn't. Join me and we can take down Alex. He is only like this because he wants more than what's his. He won't do anyone good." I say. The persuasion works! He sits up and tells the other man to stand down. They help me to my feet and I take a look back into Lucy's room.

"Alright here's the plan."