Bombed part two

am in a room with the royal council, Clayton, and Cole. We all seem to have worried looks. Well, everyone but me. I am keeping a blank expression as I try to figure all of this out. Clayton leans over to my tense hand, and grabs it gently. His skin is so soft, and his intentions so pure. I miss the fact that only one day ago, we had all the time in the world to talk, and get close. But now, we only have little moments, tiny treasured moments to share. Avery, one of my advisers, comes up to me.

" We will find your mother, I promise," says Avery

"I know, I just want to find them sooner, rather than later."

At this moment, a guard rushes up to one of the council members, Caylin, and whispers something. Then I realize that he has a solemn look on his face. His job is to look over the burial savings for the country. I get worried, and Clayton senses that. His other hand moves to my shoulder, sending a shiver up my spine. My heart pounds, pounds for an answer. I can see that Cole is nervous too. I grab his hand with my other. Both our palms are sweaty, to no surprise.

"Miss," Caylin says, voice low.

" Yes." My voice is so hoarse that I don't recognize it.

" We are all told to look outside the doors."

" Why, if someone wants to talk they can bring themselves in." As soon as the words leave my lips, I realize what has happened. My eyes widen, and my hands lose their grasp. My legs, even though weak, carry me fast out the Meeting Room doors. I turn, out of the corner of my eye I see Clayton and Cole close behind me. My eyes stare at what's in front of me. I dare keep looking and I feel someone come hug me from behind. Someone else, whom I believe is Cole, walks up beside us. In front of us lays two mangled, lifeless bodies. Two crowns lay on top of the bloodstains, bumpy cloth covering most of the bodies.

I can't tell what I'm feeling. Sad, confused, angry? Caylin walks up to the guards and, I suppose, tells them to take the bodies to be buried. The guards move toward them, but someone yells stop. Probably me, because out of the corner of my eye, I see Cole turn to look at me. I run over to the bodies, and kneel. The one, closest looks be a female. I pull back the sheet to see blank lifeless eyes stare back at me. No. No. Of all people this isn't who I think it is. But I know it is, because I break down sobbing. Cole walks over to the other side, and pulls back the sheet. There lays Dad. Just, there. His fault too. Now he really is dead. And now it's time for another funeral. Great. Cole has tears running down his face too. Clayton's parents walk to him and put hands on his shoulders. They know, they know that we stayed up till two- thirty that one morning. He was also having regular meetings with my mother. Just so he could get a feel for leading a country. Not that he would ever be first in command. He would be second, and that's still a big deal. He feels upset about this too. Well, everyone does. But I mean he does, especially because he was kinda close to my mother.

I lay, hugging my mother's lifeless body. Crying, nonstop. Finally, someone pries me off her. Screaming, helpless, hopeless, little old me. Left to lead the country, with only a brother and a friend. I stay on the floor and watch them carry off the bodies in a hammock looking contraption. Cole gathers himself, gets up, and ushers everyone back into the meeting room. Clayton comes and looks me in the eyes. We just sit there, me looking into sky blue, and him looking into grass green. And for a moment, everything seems as if it's all going to be okay.

Then, as if he knows what's going through my head, he swoops me up into his arms, and carries me back to my room. I blush a little, but then I remember, just friends. He lays me down in bed, and my maids, whom have been cleaning my room, rush over. They all question me, but I don't respond. So, Clayton takes them into the hallway, and informs them of what happened. Since I can hear them, stupid walls, I can hear Clayton tell them to go get water and more covers. Then, as the little clicks of maids heels grow quieter, I see Clayton's head appear from the doorway. He walks in, and sits at the foot of my bed. And again, we just look at each other, take each other in.

The maids come back with water, interrupting my small moment. They set the tray of things on my bedside table, and curtsy. Once they're gone, Clayton gets up and starts to leave.

" Where are you going," I say, my voice sounds so weak.

" I was going to-" He gets no farther before I cut him off, mid sentence with a plea.

" Will you please stay with me?"

Then he lays down next to me and holds me until we both fall asleep.


He shakes me awake gently. It's early morning, and I open my eyes to a lovely sight. Clayton has just gotten out of the shower and he has his jeans on, with a undone belt, and an unbuttoned shirt. His hair a wet, shaggy, mess.

" Wake up beautiful, it's six." He says, softly.

" Thanks"

" For what? It was my pleasure." A sly grin appears on his face, and he winks.

Apparently, we are friends with some benefits. That sounds worse than it is.

" Okay, Handsome." I reply, with a little snark. All he did was smile back. He walks back into the bathroom, and gets a clean toothbrush. I get up and one of my maids walk in.

" The Russian King and Queen are leaving soon. Your councilmen suggest that you call for a carriage."

" On it." I say, a sad look comes over Clayton's face. I walk closer to Clayton. His face now unhappy.

" What is it?"

" I, it's just," he sighs.

" You will miss me, won't you," I say. This catches his attention, and he smiles.

" No. I've decided to stay here, with you."

" What? Don't you have to get back to your country?"

" No. I don't lead it remember? And also, you seem to be having a rough time. So, I decided I'd stay here."

" With me." I say, just to get used to the words. My mother had been queen for so long, the I usually got neglected, except by my brother. But he was always talking to anyone he could find. So I was alone most of the time.

" Yeah. That's right." He says. A smile plays at the edge of his lips.

Without thinking, I just go right up to him, and hug him. This is weird. One, because I never do this. And two, because he doesn't look surprised at all. I look in the mirror, and he's laughing. So I do too. Finally, we get dressed and ready for the day.

We go to the front lobby, and send his parents a farewell. They were surprised, yes, but also permissive. They thought it was a good idea for him to stay also.

We walk back into the Dining hall for breakfast. My brother sits in a tidy fashion at the head of the table, and all the American Royals are on the left. I sit down at the other end, across from my brother, and Clayton sits nearest me. On my left, Alex Warren sits, and as I eat, I catch him staring at me from the corner of my eye. I can tell Clayton has noticed, because he tenses a little.

After lunch I head back to my room. Soon after a knock comes at my door. One of my maids walk up and open it. I tell my maids to leave, and then I walk up to the door.

" Alex Warren. Nice to see you." I say, surprised that he's here. I suspected it would be Clayton, but this is good too I suppose.

" Hello, Lucy. We need to talk."