
Lucy's pov)

Last night, Clayton told me that he had never left Russia. That's impossible. How has everyone heard about him?

It's lunch time now and there are more colorful foods this time. But what catches my eye is Clayton. He is dressed in a fashionable Black tux. It almost matches my black and white lace layered dress. The black makes his eyes brighter, but I have no idea how that is possible.

After lunch, we all go our separate ways, and my way is to my room, to think more about last night. I am so confused, and tired. We must have stayed up until two.I ask a maid when I got in, she confirms the time of two-thirty AM. That's insane. I wake up at six AM. That makes it only possible for me to have gotten three hours and thirty minutes of sleep. Wow. No wonder I am so tired. As I sit in my chair by my desk, I wonder how much I had opened up to him in the early hours in the morning. He must think I'm insane. But, he did stay up with me. So I suppose it couldn't have been that bad.

The room starts shaking. My maids rush out to the hall, the head maid directing people. They rush back in,

" Miss. Lucy, we have been hit with a bomb. You must follow us." one of them says.

A bomb. What? We have only been at discomfort with Great Britain for the past seven months. Then I remember. The Cleet. Oh no. They have found a bomb, or made one. A homemade bomb is much more dangerous, especially with out the right tools. I run with my maids to a small white door. The guards recognize me and let us in. My mother and Cole are already here, so are all the American royals. I see Claytons Mom, Dad, and. Wait. Where is Clayton. I turn around fast as a bullet. The small iron door has not yet closed, so I push it. It is very heavy, but not too heavy for a princess. I run out and the guards grab me by the arms, and try to pull me back to the bunker. I resist and slip out of their grasp. I run down halls, some I get lost in, but I eventually find my way out. I finally stumble enough to find my way back to the hall where all the guest rooms are. I can hear maids hurried voices in a room. That's Clayton's room. I run over and see a boy laying on the floor and there is blood drenching the carpets. Well, I guess I was going to replace the carpets either way. But the boy on the floor is not Clayton, it's one of the butlers. Clayton is by his side. He looks horrible. He must have liked that butler. I grab one of the maids arms and tell her to seek cover. She and the other maids hurry to the bunker. I go up to Clayton, and he looks at me.

" we need to go now," I say

" okay" is all he replies with.

I grab his hand and we run for the bunkers, a guard runs up to us and leads us, as we obviously don't know where we are going.

Once we get back, we sit down in a corner and our hands don't fall apart. Clayton's face still solemn and he looks at me.

" What is it?" I ask

Tears start to form in his eyes, and he grips my hand tighter.

" He used to be my butler at home."

As we head back out into the castle, we see that the left wing lookout tower has been demolished. And we get word that another has been taken down too. So many bombs, no where to put them but on our castle. This is just fantastic. While all this goes on, mom comes up to me, a worried look covers her face.

"Mom, what is it?"

"I have a lot of work to do, as you know. I need you to go check on your, Father." she says, stumbling over the last word.

"Alright." I reply. This can't be that hard now can it. Just go down there and see if he's there. Then you can leave. I head through the kitchens, every maid and butler greets me with a curtsy or a bow. Then, the metal doors. Locked with a code from the outside, I type in the code 2030, That was the year the New French Empire was built. The doors pop open and I slowly walk inside. The halls, lined with prison cages, are dark and I'm not going to lie, quite scary. I ask a guard which one my father is in, and he tell me Thirteen. This has been an unlucky number for ages, since one through twelve were the first numbers, like ever. I walk through more doors and dark hallways, but I finally make it. Then I just, shine a light in and that's all I have to do.

I take all my courage, and pull the flashlight out of my pocket. I turn it on, and shine it in. There's no one in there. I think the guard must be mistaken, so I run out to him and tell him. He calls a code red and for backup. Two guards escort me out, and we all go back to the bunker. I am the last one in, again. This time I don't have time to check for all the guests. Cole runs up to me.

" Mom. I can't find mom."

And that's all he has to say for me to run back out into the world. He runs after me, and so does Clayton.

" Dad. He took mom. I know it." i tell Cole.

"Your dad is alive?" Clayton questions

"Yeah, but he escaped the castle."