Pretty Boy

Clayton's pov)

She walks into my room, after dinner, with complete authority.

" Clayton, can I speak with you."

" Sure, I mean, Isn't there something better for you to be doing?"

" You are a guest in my palace. It is only right of me to get to know you better. There is always time for our guests."

Something seems off about her. She seems, well, confused. I realize that I'm starting to get nervous, so I put my hands in my pockets, half hoping to calm down, and half not.

She takes me out to the gardens, and we sit on a bench, in a field of beautiful, thornless roses. She looks so beautiful in the moonlight. The blue rays, hitting her blonde hair. Her green against the paleness of the skin.

" Lucy, I'm sorry for the informality earlier. But, I couldn't seem to get your attention. I-"

" It's okay," she says, I can tell she is fighting a blush. She clears her throat and continues. " I wanted to ask why you were so sad earlier."

" My room here reminds me from home. And so does this garden, but I like the garden. I like all of this, don't get me wrong. I've" I pause, "I've just never been away from Russia before."

" You haven't?" Lucy says, shocked obviously. This is the one emotion she has let herself show in the past twelve hours that I've been here.

" No. I didn't think that would be such a shock."

as soon as I say that, I regret it. She wipes all emotion completely from her face.

" Well, I don't mean to be offensive, but of all the ladies raving over you, I believed you had traveled the world at this point."

This is insane. I didn't even know about all the ladies raving over me. I guess I had a confused expression covering my face, so Lucy continues.

"Sorry. I thought you knew. But all of Europe's female population wants you." she concludes and lets out a little giggle. Her laugh is the best thing I've ever heard. But my mom's laugh isn't the best, so I can't seriously compare.

Hours later, after we finish talking, she leads me back to my room. We tell jokes and get along quite well, apparently. I believe we could be quite good friends by the end of my stay. After she leaves, I close my door, and the maids come rushing over to help my dress for bed. I never thought she would let her walls down. Or maybe she hasn't. But whatever I saw, was amazing. As I lay in bed, I remember the soft touch of her skin this morning, it was beautiful.