I stood there not knowing or even caring about what was happening around me. The shadows of people walking back and forth and the feeling of eyes on me. It seemed like everyone was making a decision without asking me what I thought. My aunt Candice told me that separating me and my friends was the only way to keep me safe. But little did they know I didn't want their help.
"Hey Sara, Brooke is about to leave, do you want to say goodbye?"
"No thanks Kassidy," I said as I laid my head on the wall beside me.
"You sure it might be your last chance."
"Yea just leave me alone okay."
Kassidy leaves the room to give the others the news. I sat there staring into space. When all of a sudden skarlet walked into the room and sat on the side of me. Tears began to flow down my face. Skarlet wrapped her arms around me, holding me as tight as she could.
"It's going to be okay, we will meet again."
"Promise me Skarlet"
"I promise you sara. it's time for you to go okay"
I got up and walked out the door. I made my way to a door that read "Flight 180 for the United States." I turned to see Skarlet walking with 2 guards to catch a plane that went to Russia. And Kassidy was heading for a flight that was supposed to go to Germany. I could feel that this didn't feel right but I walked through the flite entrance anyway. I sat in a seat between a man and a woman. The man was big with a beard that made him look like Santa Clause. The woman wore glasses, large earrings, and had long brown hair. Throughout the rest of the flight I decided to take a nap. When I landed I was welcomed by my aunt Freya and my sisters kira and rebeckah.
1 year later...
"Sara get up!" My aunt Freya screamed.
Suddenly my head flew up. I looked around to see a messy room. I moved my hair from in front of my face and then put loose strands of hair to the back of my ear.I looked over to see a picture I took 2 years ago. Then I realized how different I looked now compared to back then. My short black hair now being in a long light purple style. My eyes were a lighter shade and I grew a lot in height. I walked down the stairs watching every step I took. I then sat on the kitchen counter. All of a sudden all the noise in the room went silent.
(flashback starts)The sound of the beep woke me up that morning. Beep! Beep! The doors slammed open after the third beep. It was a chance to be free. I lifted my bruised body and made a run for the door. Before I knew it I was on the floor, once again. I looked up to see a tall woman standing in the doorway. It was so dark that I couldn't see anything but her teeth from her smile that went from ear to ear. "Going somewhere" The lady said in an angry but settling voice. Beep! (flashback ends)
"Sara! Sara! Snap out of it!" A voice screamed. I blinked twice before coming to my senses. When I opened my eyes I saw my little sister in front of me. Her pigtails went side to side as she wouldn't stop moving.
I chuckled at the site of her. " What do you want, Bug?" She laughed at what I said and then made a serious face. "BeBe says it's time to go". I looked up and then smirked a little then I looked back down at bug. "Tell Becka I'll be on my way Kira ". The hiper child ran out of the kitchen. I went back upstairs to get my stuff and then sat on my bed. Then I heard a knock at the door, I looked up and saw my aunt standing at the door.
"You took a long time to get up"
¨Yea I couldn't sleep so by the time I did I couldn't wake up"
"Oh okay, hey kiddo dont get into any trouble today okay"
"How so?"
"You know what you do, your always getting yourself into trouble"
"I only do what I need to do"
"Oh so what you have to do involves stealing, fighting, and hacking"
"Not in that way"
"I highly doubt that's true Sara."
I grabbed the closest pillow next to me and threw it at her. She started to laugh and so did I. I got up and grabbed a pair of black sweatpants that had the champion logo on them. I bagan to put on a hoodie that had the same thing as the sweatpants did. I looked in the mirror and smiled as I grabbed my long purple hair into a messy bun. Aunt Freya walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulder. With a look of concern on her face.
"Hey kiddo please don't mess this up ok"
"Ok I promise I won't"
¨Get out of here before Rebeckah leaves you.¨
I ran past my aunt, down the stairs, and out the door. Jumping into the back of my sister's car. When we got to school we went straight to the main office along with my sister Rebeckah. I was supposed to start a long time ago but I had stuff to take care of. There was a big counter with a small woman with glasses sitting there. I waited a few minutes before she finally lifted her head.
"Hello" she spoke up. "How may I help you?"
"Hi I'm a new student" She snared at me for a while and then finally spoke "Names please". Rebeckah walked in front of me to introduce us. "Rebeckah and Sara Brace ma'am." The lady started to type fast to put our names into the system.
"Here you are girls" she handed us two schedules with our locker numbers on them. I investigated the schedule for a while and read it slowly.
Mrs. Turner- chem
Mr. Smith- trig
Mrs. London- English 3
Mrs. Brookes- history
Mrs. Backster- art 2
I knocked on the door twice and finally got a response. The teacher walked up to the door with a huge smile on her face. "Hello you must be Sara."
"Yup that's me"
"Sit anywhere you'd like" She told me as she gestured to the kids in her class. I sat in the back, my usual seat when I go to school. The teacher began to speak again when suddenly a knock was at the door. She walked to open it and a girl with light brown hair walked in. She wore a black button up shirt, red skinny jeans, and black boots.
"You're late," the teacher explained to her.
"Sorry I was with Mrs. Smith"
"It's ok take a seat Rachel"
She walked through all the students and sat next to me. Next thing you know I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hey I'm Rachel what's your name?" She whispered so she wouldn't get in trouble with the teacher.
"I'm sara"
The rest of the class fell silent until the bell rang...
After leaving mrs. smith's class, I sat next to my sister during lunch and we talked a lot. I told her that I would go to the mall after school so that she wouldn't wait for me. I planned to buy a few things ...
I couldn't help but laugh at the sight of Rachel falling in the water fountain. " Need a hand " I asked as I held my hand out for her to grab. And so she did, she giggled when she realized who I was.
" Sorry did I get you wet"
" No but you surely are"
" Yea I know , Sara right?"
"Yup that sounds like me"
Rachel sat on the side of the water fountain soaking wet. I took my sweater off and put it around her as she looked at me in confusion. "Here take it your soaked"
"Come with me" She told me as she grabbed my arm and walked towards the bathroom.
"So how do you like our beloved school so far?" She asked while she looked in the mirror. "It's ok I guess" I replied.
The water dripped down her back drop by drop. Her white shirt now became see through. I couldn't help but notice her perfect curves.
I snapped out of my trans in an instant.
"Sorry I do that sometimes,"I told her.
"I like fruits"
"So I'm gonna call you peach"
"Please don't "
"Why not"
"I don't do nicknames"
"Well now you do"
She began to wipe her face with a washcloth, to get rid of the makeup running down her face.
"Do you have a ride home?" She questioned as she turned to look at me.
"Nope I was planning to take the bus" Her body leaned against the sink as she tilted her head. "No way I'll drop you off we will just make a few stops"
"Yea sure"
"Ok cause there's no way i'm letting a beautiful girl like you ride the bus alone"....
We sat in the car for about 10 minutes before finally taking off. She turned the music up to what seemed like 100 apts.
Her car was a weird kind of silver but inside it was pink . The driving wheel,the seats, the cup holders, and the floor are all taken by the light pinkness.
"So where are you from" she broke the silence with her voice, something I wasn't expecting.
"I'm from everywhere"
"What does that mean?"
"We travel a lot probably 4 times this year"
"My aunts is a huge traveler"
"Oh ok that sounds cool"
"Not really"
All of a sudden it was quiet again. I hate it when it's quiet. I stared at Rachel for a bit but I don't know why. And then I stared back out of the window.