The Silence/ Rachel’s Pro

When the bell rang I rushed out of the class so I could get to my locker quickly. I could see Trish who started to make her way toward me.

"Hey you" she said as she leaned on the locker next to mine.

"What's up"

"Nothing much so what are you doing after school"

"Going to the mall, why?"

"I'm having a party"

"Oh ok cool"

¨Any chance you could make it¨

¨Yea iĺl see if i can¨

She smiled and then walked off but before she went past me she placed her arm on my shoulder, leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. As I closed my locker Barbra showed up on the side of me.

"Hey we don't have any student council business today so you can go straight home or whatever"

"Okay cool see you in the morning"

I walked off and got into my car turning the music as loud as I could....

When I got to the mall I stopped by Uncle Arnnie's to say hello to my friend kass.

"Hey kass"

"Oh hey rach "

As usual she was listening to music as she cooked so I turned it to something I liked.

"Wow go right ahead and turn the song why don't you"

"I have a gift for you kasmira"

"Really how kind, what is it?"

"Here it's from a store I road by"

I handed her a black bag with a bunch of stuff in it. "Thanks".

I walked off and went to the footlocker next because I needed some sneakers. All of a sudden I lost my balance and fell into the water fountain. The most embarrassing thing that could have happened.

"Need a hand" I heard as a hand reached out to me.

I realised it was Sara when the light disappeared and I started to giggle because I couldn't help myself. I felt her staring at me as I tried to clean my makeup up in the bathroom...

I could tell she hated the silence but I didn't know what to say. I was at a loss for words. I pulled up to my house so that I could pick up something. The minute I stepped on the porch the door busted open. Small hands wrapped around me even though they couldn't make their way all the way I could tell they were trying.

I looked down and saw my little sister standing there with her eyes closed and her tiny hands held me as tight as they could.

"Hey pineapple"

"Hey Rachel, daddy's being mean"

As I turned around to what sounded like a car starting I saw my father in his front seat. He drove off as quickly as he could. I shook my head and picked up pineapple. I took a glimpse at my car. Sara must have turned on the radio because her head rocked back and forth.

" Who's that?" Pineapple asked.

Pineapple must have noticed me staring because she was staring up at me in confusion. "put me down", she ordered and so I did. She ran to the car in a hurry and she knocked on the window twice. This must have scared Sarah because she jumped up out of shock.

She noticed I was laughing and gave me a death stare. Which made me laugh even more. She got out of the car and took pineapples hand that she kept throwing in Sara's face...

When we walked into the house my mom was just sitting on the couch. Pineapple ran to her and hugged her while standing. I could tell my mom was devastated. Ever since we found out about her cancer she has been like this.

My dad has also been angry since that day. As she sat there I just wanted to place a "fragile be careful" sign on her so my dad would understand.

"Hey Mom"

"Hey Rachel" she leaned her head to the side to see what was behind me. "And who's this?" She asked as she lifted a small smile.

" Thatś Sarah" pineapple screamed while jumping up and down. My mom stood up using every bone in her small body. She held her hand out to Sarah. "I'm Mrs. Myrtle l but you can call me Valerie "

"It's very nice to meet you Mrs. Myrtle."

"Hey Mom i'm just here to get something then I have to take Sara home"

"Okay but here take some money and go get something to eat if you girls have time" She said as she handed me $40.

I ran up the stairs to grab a bag that I needed for dance practice when I turned around Sarah was standing in the doorway.

"Nice room"


In a rush, I grabbed her hand and we made our way down the stairs.

I waved my mom goodbye and we got in the car. I stopped at McDonald's and brought Sara something to eat. I didn't realize that Sarah's house was such a far drive away from our school. I still can't believe she said she would walk to her house sometimes after school.

I drove up along the driveway and stopped in front of an even larger set of doors. I was surprised at how large her house was. It almost made it hard to believe she just moved here. After we said our goodbyes I went to dance practice and afterward I decided that a little fun at a party wouldn't hurt. When I arrived at the party I immediately noticed Trish, she walked towards me and i could tell she had been drinking because she was swaying back and forth.

¨heyy girl, i see you decided to come after all¨

¨yea i wanted to see how bad of a party it would be¨

¨here have a drink¨

¨no im okay im just visiting¨

¨okay well i'm gonna go have some more fun.¨

After a while I decided it was time to leave so I drove home. My mom laid there in her bed all by herself, I walked over and placed a cover over her. Then I went to my little sister's room and she was nowhere to be found. I made my way throughout the house in search of her, only to find her in the living room laying down on the couch with the tv on. I turned off the tv and picked her up to carry her to her room. I placed her on her bed and put her favorite teddy bear in her arms. I heard noise coming from the hallways so I walked towards it, there my brother stood he turned and smiled at me.

¨ Hey El did I wake you?¨ he asked.

¨no its ok i was just about to go to my room¨

¨oh ok well night¨


I plopped down onto my bed and picked up my necklace when I opened it a small pill fell into the palm of my hand. I took the pill, threw on my headphones and turned on my music. I laid my head down on my pillow and slowly fell asleep as every thought began to disappear.