The kid/ Sara’s pro

Rachel was a tall girl with great fashion and light green eyes with a pinch of Grey. I stared at her for a while as she drove to my house. I noticed she had a tattoo on the side of her neck that somehow I didn't see before.


She sat there in the front seat as she screamed words I couldn't hear. It was getting hard to stay awake, one of her hands stood on the driving wheel as the other held something down. I regained my sight only to look down and see blood everywhere.

Beep! Beep! Beep! The sounds of the world began to pour into my ears. She must have beeped her horn non stop because cars were moving to the side. She drove with her hazard lights on at 70 miles per hour about 20 miles ahead of the speed limit.

"Stay awake! don't give up!" She screamed as she shifted her head to the road then back to me and onto the road again. She had a huge dragon tattoo on her neck that I noticed right away. "Stay awake stay awake stay awake,"

It seemed like the whole world was falling apart. I was now on a table with lights flying by my face. I closed my eyes and took what I thought was my very last breath.

(Flashback ends)

I stared out the window at cars that flew by in a hurry to get to their destinations. My house was now in sight. I could tell nobody was home because all the lights were off. She parked her car in the driveway and sat up and smiled.

"Well I hope you have a good night I told her,' as I grabbed my bag.

"Same to you"

"Oh and tell pineapple and Valerie I said it was nice to meet them"...

I stepped out of the car and put the key inside the door and instantly a tiny dog was barking On The Other Side. While opening the door I turned to see if Rachel was still there. She sped off in her car the moment I opened the door. My dog rushed inside the house and I stopped once my foot hit the floor inside the house.


She banged on the glass. The glass that surrounded me and acted as a room of its own. "open the door Sara!" She hollered as she circled around the boxed glass room. The glass was unbreakable. The tall lady seemed to be really angry. I realized I was small enough to hide under the desk so I crawled to it and crossed my legs.

"How old is the subject?" A voice asked from afar.

"She's five years old sir" The tall lady said while she calmed herself.

"So why are you screaming at her"

"I'm sorry sir"

(Flashback ends)

I looked around and continued to step into the empty house.

The second day of school I walked to Mrs. Turner's class with a smile on my face. I sat in my seat and looked around the room. I don't even know what I was looking for.

"Ok class get your chem books out"

Was the first thing the teacher said when she walked into the class. Right before she could say her second sentence Rachel ran through the doors.

Mrs. Turner looked at the clock and smiled. "Cutting it close aren't we?" She said as she looked at Rachel.


Rachel took her seat and pulled out her chem book.

"Hey Sara" She whispered.

"Hey Rachel"

"You know you should just call me El"

"Okay cool"

"Hey I have a surprise for you"

"oh really what is it"

" I have decided that I will be driving you home for now on"


" Yeah of course"

Hearing her say that made me really happy because I needed that, it seemed like class went by really fast. When I got into 's car something seemed different. She was super quiet like she didn't have anything to say and as she drove she seemed angry. That's when I saw a single tear drop fall from her face and so I lifted my hand and wiped it off.

"U ok?"

"I don't know let's not talk"


I walked into my house and turned on the tv, the news was on and there was a picture of a man on the screen. Luis Santiago was just a sick man trying to get home to his family and friends. His plane landed at the mexican airport one by one each passenger got off the airplane. Luis took a seat in the waiting area and he began to feel sicker than before. He fell down to the floor. Black foam came flowing out of his mouth and he was shaking like he was having a seizure, he came to a sudden stop.

A lady named Maria Cruz tried to administer CPR but she couldn't bring him back to life. As Maria turned to tell the guy calling 911 that luis was dead, luis jumped up and grabbed Maria's arm biting it like it was nothing.

Security guards ran to grab him but he jumped on top of one of them, he began to tear into his neck, the other security guard tried to grab him but he bit his leg while they were on the ground. As the other security guard tried to stop Luis from hurting anyone else. Two more security guards came into the area and grabbed Luis, handcuffing him to a poll.

They took four individuals to the hospital luis santago, maria cruz, and two security guards when the ambulance arrived. They locked all four of them in an isolation room because they felt they were sick. When I flipped through various channels I noticed all of them were playing this. I turned off the tv and grabbed my computer so I could start my homework. I began with questions from Mrs. London about "Who is Edgar Allen Poe? ̈ I could hear wiggling from the front door which told me someone was coming in.

¨Sara are you here?¨


¨Hey, can you help me with the groceries!¨


I rushed into the kitchen and there sat Kira on the counter alongside 2 bags.


¨hey bug¨ I said as I hugged her. I went outside to help my aunt with the bags, picking up 4 bags I looked up at my aunt. ¨Hey have you seen the news Freya?¨

¨yea it was on the radio to, there are some psychos out there i'm telling you¨

¨yes there really are¨

2 hours later...

¨It's time to eat!¨ Freya screamed so that everyone in the house could hear her. Me, Freya, Bug, Rebeckah, Clause, and Santana sat at the dinner table as we ate meatloaf and mashed potatoes that my aunt cooked. ¨This is really good mom¨ Clause said as he stuffed another spoon full in his mouth.

¨ Yes it really is, ¨ Rebeckah said in agreement.

¨hey can i get seconds?¨ Santana asked.

¨ Yes of course and thank you guys, I thought you would all like it so how was everyone's day?¨ Freya asked.

¨I had a pop quiz in chemistry class and I think I aced it¨ Rebeckah responded.

¨really you've only been in school for 2 days¨ Santana said.

¨Yea our teacher wants to know what we already know¨


¨well today at work there was a rude customer but i shut him up¨ Clause added.

Bug laughed at what clause said and then put out her own input on the conversation ¨i ate green eggs and ham¨

¨really and how did that taste?¨ Freya asked her.

¨It tasted good!¨ she yelled.

I smirked at her response because I thought it was adorable. ¨ Well I didn't have as much fun as bug did today but I did hang out with my friend.¨ Everyone smiled.

¨oooh it's good to know that you're making friends.¨ freya said.

¨girl or boy?¨ clause asked.

"Girl,¨ I responded.

¨cool what's her name?¨ santana asked.

¨what's up with the interrogation? And her name is rachel.¨ I laughed as I let them know.

The rest of dinner consisted of us talking about stuff that made us laugh and more details about each of our days. I went upstairs when it was finished and went to sleep. Today felt like a long day and there's nothing sleep can't fix.