Universal Existences

This text has 924 words.


There were two beings. Those beings had transcended their own Universes and entered the Multiverse. Both of them were exploring their surroundings. To do this they send out their senses and tried to scan nearby Universes.

The first being was from a technical Universe. Its civilization used their supreme technology to become god-like existences. This being was the results of transcended technology this civilization developed, giving it the ability to detect and interact with other Universes.

The second being was from a magical Universe. It was the strongest magic user in it and managed to fuse its power with the universe itself. After doing that it became an absolute existence within it, even surpassing the gods. Soon it managed to sense and interact with other Universes.

To understand the sensing and detecting of other Universes, one has to think of every Universe regardless of its inside size as nothing more than a single point in the space that was the Multiverse. Those points were moving at different speeds and in different directions. Sensing is to notice those moving anomalies in the otherwise still and undisturbed Multiverse.

When they tried to send their senses into the Universes, they noticed some restriction, some other power weakening their sense both came to the conclusion that it was the Universe trying to expel things not of its own.

Thus, both tried to enter the Universes somehow. After a long time, the first being managed to use spatiotemporal manipulating devices to lock onto and create a portal to the Universe. The second being created a magic to track the position of the Universe and then open a gate to it.

Gigantic masses of energy moved and both beings managed to establish a connection to the Universe they wanted to reach. They send over an Avatar to try and see what happens. Soon they felt a power trying to erase and eject the Avatar, but by supplying more energy to their Avatar they fought back.

Their Avatars managed to create an area around them that the Universe no longer could affect directly, they called it Domain. Then both went over with their main bodies. Instantly the power the Universe was applying skyrocket, but also the speed at which the domains expanded. Within mere moments overpowered the beings the Universe they went into. Even though it seemed easy, the battle for dominance was immense and both sides could have won at any moment.

Their domains covered nearly halve of the Universe they entered when they both felt a strong resistance. So, both used more power. They thought it was a last-ditch effort of the Universe to eject them. But the more power they put into their domain, the more the other power also grew. 'What is this?' both thought and stopped trying to push the other power away.

'The other power also stopped?' and so they tried to push again, but 'It pushes back again! Is this the Universes doing?' this continued multiple times till they thought 'How about stopping the expansion of the Domain and going near the space not covered by it?' and so, they did that.

The first being used a teleportation device and teleported near the edge of his domain. It saw a small sphere of light, that upon vanishing revealed another being. Both scanned each other within moments.

They found out the others intentions, overthrowing this Universe and then fusing with its power to strengthen themselves. They knew that if they went away the other would fuse with this Universe and then kill the other one. So they went the only other way. That was to fight and kill the other. (Not really, but I don't know how else to get to the action…)

Instantly did the first being deploy multiple technologies in this Universe. Spatial Seal, Preventing Space Manipulation, Temporal Seal, Preventing Time Manipulation. It then also instantly collapsed the portal it created to seal this Universe off. The second being did the same, Sealing Space and Time as well as collapsing its gate.

Gigantic amounts of energy got utilized, forming two bubbles containing each one of the fighters. Beams shot forth, wrecking the space dust on a subatomic level. A massive magical formation surrounded the second being, giving off a holy aura.

(Insert a super cool gigantic and epic fight scene destroying multiple Universes. More at the end.)


A different being had watched what was happening since its beginning. "Those little pricks have gone too far!" It exclaimed enraged upon seeing them destroying its creation; its creation was the most important to this being.


"I must convince THEM to remove free will for those little pricks again! Or at least create a Divine Law preventing them from always destroying everything I make!" This being was allowed to create and destroy nearly whatever it wanted, but it was not allowed influence the free will of lesser beings directly. It may only erase them if they destroyed a large part if its creation.

Little did it know that THEY had cursed it, so that whatever it created will be destroyed by its creation, for THEIR amusement.


"Where am I?!" the first being exclaimed, just moments ago it was still fighting. "We are at the place all erased things go. The trash dump of this Multiverse." A powerful voice resounded within the first beings entire being.


The sun shone through the window. "ahhhhhh… that was a great dream…" Someone looked out of the window "What a nice weather!" A certain person then stopped. "What was my dream about again?" Then this someone said "Hm… I don't remember it anymore, so I guess it's not important? The main thing is I enjoyed it."


Nice twist(s), right?

Anyways, at the time of writing this, I just want to get this chapter out, and as I suck at fight scenes, I let it out for now. At a later point I will make it complete.