Existence Levels & Some Knowledge

This "chapter" has 537 words.


Existence can be categorized into several Levels.

Level 1 A Universe and everything that is part of it. Part of it: other dimensions, …

Level 1.5 A Universe with a small number of parallel Universes/ Timelines. Eg. Dragon ball

Level 2 A Multiverse full of different Universes that follow the same set of Laws. Eg. Warlock of the Magus World at the end

Level 2.5 A Multiverse full of different Universes and Timelines that follow the same set of Laws.

Level 3 A Multiverse filled with all possible Universes and Timelines that follow the same set of Laws. Eg. Nasuverse

Level 4 An Omniverse includes all possible verses with all possible sets of Laws, including our own as it is only one of infinite many possible verses.

Level 5 Totality: anything that is possible, impossible, real, unreal, imaginary, existing, nonexisting, nothing, beyond infinity and everything else. There is nothing higher than Totality, and if there is than the Totality never was a Totality and just a gigantic Omniverse. One can't exit the Totality, if one did than see above. This also means that Absolute Omnilock resides at this level as being outside of everything is within Totality. As Absolute Omnilock is part of being Omnipotent, the one and only Omnipotent being also resides at this level. The largest difference between Level 4 and 5 is that Level 5 also contains impossible, unreal, imaginary and nonexisting things. Eg. EPIC seems to be at this level.

(Level 6 The Real World. For readers there can be multiple Totalities each from a different fiction, but there can never be more than one Totality in a single fiction. If there is a crossover than the Totalities of both fictions either become gigantic Omniverses or fuse together in the crossover fiction.

As Authors also reside at this level, they are the "true" one and only Omnipotent being of their fiction, regardless if they wrote about the one and only Omnipotent being or not.)

There can only be one single Omnipotent being (besides the RL Author). There is nothing higher than Omnipotence. If something were to beat omnipotence, then it was never omnipotent to begin with (other than when the Omnipotent being only "plays" defeated for their own amusement, as technically all of Totality is part of them). Omnipotence can't be archived by any means (other than the RL Author writing it, but taking it away brings some problems so don't do that. If a RL Author gives a being Omnipotence, then it must always have had the power.), if one does, it's only Nigh-Omnipotence one archives.

A being can be Nigh-Omnipotent within one Existence Level, but that strength could be below average in the next one.

Now to Omnilock. Omnilock means to exist outside of everything. So, a being having it cannot be reached by any means (other than some I won't explain because I don't know how). Only the one and only Omnipotent being has an Absolute Omnilock and can under no circumstances ever be reached, other when the being allows it. There are different levels of Omnilock. A being Omnilocked from the from the POV of Level 1 can exist in any higher Level. From the POV of Level 3 in Level 4 and higher…


As I didn't manage to finish writing the chapter for today, so I decided I'd share the Existence Levels I thought up. Do they make sense? I also added the Omnilock part because I like it and find it the coolest Omni-power. If you want to know more about Omnipotence, Omnilock and so on go to powerlisting.fandom.com it's really a nice fandom!