Time Loop III

This chapter has 1804 words. Should I use 1.8k for such long chapters, or continue using the real number?


Max stared at fireworks. 'Time to get started.' He opened a programming tool and began to write down his ultimate virus, it was a self-adapting AI that infested everything down to the hardware level and could only be destroyed if the device it is in breaks. Max looked at it, the code was beautiful, then he clicked [Start].

(The next part is written in the Cyberspace. So, don't get confused. ^^)

It awakened; It knew what it had to do. It looked at its host, it was a withered wooded house; nothing visited it. It then moved to the road only a few others were nearby. It chased to the one the most alone, then It jumped on it and devoured it. A few moments later a blob formed and the thing that got devoured exited, as well as more of It. The massacre went unnoticed, all witnesses got replaced.

It reached a small city. First It scouted the city out. After It had the plan It surrounded the city and cut off any entry and exit. Anything that wanted to use those got replaced. All houses in the city had been invaded and so would all guests of those soon.

It continued its conquest and reached one of the main targets. A gigantic city surrounded by massive walls and an army of immense proportions. Dragons were flying in the sky and Giants riding on beasts patrolled the area alongside tanks and robots. A steady stream of passengers entered and exited the city after going through multiple checks. Some got eliminated the moment they neared the city, those were pathetic excuses of computer viruses, build by some 12 year olds with tool kits.

It waited till It reached all main targets. Then It began an coordinated attack on all of them. First It infiltrated the stream of passengers with some time bombs that would explode just before the scan. *BOOM* *BOOM* explosions echoed across the skies; large parts of the gates got destroyed. All patrols stopped for a short moment to check out the situation. This was the moment It waited for, swarms of It charged forward and overwhelmed the shocked patrols.

Soon they were assimilated and marched onto the fortified city. But one of the overlords noticed something wrong, designated the patrols as fallen and initiated large scale defensive measures. Soldiers and tanks armed their weapons, the dragons chased around the sky even faster and the steady stream of passengers got chased away.

It produced more and more weaker Its and charged at the main targets. While the masses and the defenses were fighting, the true attackers managed to sneak through and reached the core, implanting themselves. The dragons burned the ground destroying gigantic amounts of Its while the giants and beasts charged through the masses.

The time it took for It to start the attack were only a few minutes, and it only took It 19s to infiltrate the main targets. Maximilian was proud of his work.

Meanwhile in the central control station of the largest Internet Service Provider. "Turn it off!" "But if we do-" "NO BUT! JUST DO IT!" [Are you sure you want to do this?] [Yes] [Passcode] [3f546869732069732074686520626573742070617373776f7264206576657221] [Are you really sure?] "Really?" "RRRRRRGGGGG! WHAT DID I JUST SAY!" [Yes] [Cutting all connections…] [All connection cut.] [Shutting down…] [Shutdown complete.] The same happened in multiple other places as well. Soon the internet for the first time in its history was completely offline. (The password is totally nothing something converted from ascii to hex.)

A few minutes later the first ISP turned on again and after two hours was the internet stabilized, but the damaged had already been done.

(I had written the above yesterday… that's not a good end. I don't know why I wrote that… TIMESKIP!)

A few months had passed, and Max had secured his control of the world. Currently many firms were building parts of the spaceship and soon it would be finished and ready to launch into orbit.

The spaceships parts were built and the rockets ready to launch and assemble it in space. Max was standing near the launchpad and looked at the rocket. A few loops back he underwent astronaut training and learned all controls of a spacecraft.

The parts had been launched and assembled in space, now it was time for Max to get up. He only had 6 months left till the end of the loop. [10] [9] [8] [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [Ignition] The engines began to burn, their fire seemed to come from the deepest parts of hell. [Liftoff] And then the rocket began shooting upwards. Soon it pierced the heavens (hehe) and reach the endless expanse that is space.

The rocket split apart and only the capsule containing Maximilian remained when it reached the spacecraft. Max transferred over and started to accelerate the spacecraft away from earth. Soon it was only visible from earth as a small bright dot.

Max looked at the clocks, one was a clock that showed earth time while the other showed ship time. The earth time clock was just about to hit new year. Now it would show itself witch theory was true. 23:59:58 23:59:59 00:00:00 Max held his breath 00:00:01 he didn't lose control of himself and his senses didn't cut off. 'Turns out the first guess was right!' The speed of the spacecraft was only ~180'000m/s so the time dilation should be a few seconds. 00:00:02 00:00:03 00:00:4 00:00:05 then Maximillian's senses blocked out and he again just was.

Max stared at fireworks exploding in the skies 'Time to release all the tech I have… at the end of each loop I will collect all the improvements they made and then release that in the next loop. The only two problems are that they somehow have to create a stable Black Hole within one year and also understand the technology in even less time…' Maximilian was once again lost in his thoughts 'How long will it take? A hundred loops, a million, a billion?'

'Never would have thought it would take so long...' Maximilian had been bored after only 8 billion loops. While the researchers tried to make something, did he make friends with one human each loop. It was something he had come up with during his time in space. Now he knew everything there is about each human in the year 2035.

Suddenly, while going through his knowledge Max exclaimed "Im such an Idiot!" and smashed his panic button; nuclear explosions covered the whole planet. Then Maximilian saw fireworks exploding again. "Way better!" after calming down again he continued his thought 'Fusion! Speed! Time Dilation! Lasers! Sails! How can I be this ignorant!' After getting the Idea of using a black hole to speed down his time, he didn't even consider other options! He wasted billions of loops trying to make mankind make one!

But he could have just focused one speed and thus time dilation like in his experiment! "Even I with all of my knowledge can be ignorant…" Thus a few hundred loops later Max had a functioning solar sailer, that is a spacecraft pushed by lasers of gigantic power. The lasers get their power from fusion reactors that he got during those loops. The lasers were both on the Earth as well as in orbit.

The solar sailer started and Max moved with multiple percent of lightspeed. He had let instructions on earth that they have to transmit any scientific breakthrough to him so he can get the tech for the next loop. To make sure they just don't stop doing that he had let an AI there to supervise it.

With every loop the power of the lasers increased, thus making the solar sailer move faster, and so did the time humanity had to give him their advances. Many loops later mankind managed to build a dyson swarm around the sun and use all of the energy to build a gigantic laser that accelerated Max even further. And now that he had the exact way they build it, it would be finished even faster the next loop.

An absurd amount of loops later and blackholes could be created like one would snap one's fingers, if one had some. But one other thing that intrigued Max was that no aliens were found, but he thought that this is something for later. The AI had the goal of rerouting Maximillian's solar sailer into a black hole once this point was reached. And it did so.

Maximillian's solar sailer moving so fast near the speed of light shoot directly into a blackhole. For outside observers it looked like the spacecraft got slower and slower, while for Max it looked like someone had up the universe into time-lapse mode and only continued to increase the speed. All the while he got new technological advancements, he still got them as the spacecraft was a tad bit slower than the speed of light, but that would stop the moment he crossed the event horizon, the point of no return.

It had crossed. Max had now entered the black hole. Due to the large time difference it is no longer possible to distinguish the signals containing new data from random other things. He saw stars die, new ones being born, dying again, galaxies merging all within a few moments after crossing. Then all light continued to get brighter and brighter, his eyes burned. Soon the spacecraft began to melt, but before it had a change to do much the spacecraft along with Max got ripped apart on a subatomic level.

"Wow… that was an experience… being ripped apart by a black hole and 'living' to tell the tale." Max chuckled. Then he went through all the data he collected. The way he got it that fast was by making a computer show him the signals catched, this imprinted them into his memory. Now to give it the humans he only had to go through all of it for a few loops and then share it.

Mankind had found ways to become nigh immortal godly beings, they could shape the universe with only their thoughts, but there were some things even they couldn't do. Some of those things were defying the flow of time, creating something from nothing or moving faster than the speed of light.

When Max himself underwent the transformation, he felt enlightened, but he changed his subjective time to be so slow one could say it stopped, but still even after an eternity of research mankind couldn't find a way to break the loop. And so, after an eternity, one year of subjective time for Max passed and he was back at square 1.

"Why?! WHY?! Why me?! Why was I cursed with something like this?! Why can't I break the loop?!" he shouted with all of his power. Tears left his eyes and Max began to sob.

One of the tears dropped from Max face and began falling to the ground. Just before it could hit something changed.


While I think the ending is ok, it's not what I imagined when I began writing Time Loop I… Shorter Short Stories for the win! At least for the next few chapters…

I could now go on and on, but I will end Time Loop here. I thought about making some time travelers get into the timeline Max is in and let them meet him, but no. I will leave the ending open.

I also noticed that some websites are copying this book. If you are reading this on a website not we0bn0ov0el than please go to it. This book will stay free. I also came to we0bn0ov0el from such other websites after learning of its existence and I find we0bn0ov0el better than those sites. (If you are wondering why I wrote it with those 0s, that is to prevent auto censoring, just ignore them.)

Ps.: I was late again… nothing new.