Time Loop II

This chapter has 1332 words. If you round it up its 1.5k, so I guess I kept my promise?


The next day someone came. He brought Max to a complete black car with blackened windows. They drove for a full hour, then Max changed the car he was in. This continued 3 times. After 7h of driving the car stopped near a mountain range. Max was sent out and the car drove away, then after a few minutes agents came and brought him to a hidden entrance. This led to an immense elevator, it moved down at least 200m.

Finally, Max reached the institute, during the drive an agent explained that the institute is underground, so he was not that shocked, but he still was amazed what the UNDA managed to build in secret. A researcher greeted him and while bringing Max to his room showed him some parts of the institute.

The next day Max' first test was started. It was a medical check to find out if anything in his body had changed, nothing was found. Then the researchers took some blood samples for further examination. The rest of the day Max continued his studies of physics, he also talked with some researchers about it and their ideas about time travel.

After a week of tests Max was approached by the researcher assigned to him. "The next test we want to make is a scan of your brain. This includes memory reading. We want to know if you'd do this." "… why memory reading?" asked Max after a short while. "It is possible that the secret to your time travel are memories you cannot remember. Think that they got sealed. We can notice such sealed memories and then try to unseal them." The researcher answered. Max thought about it 'Hm… I… That are memories… I don't know them that personally… I don't think they will make fun of me… But still…' with a voice filled with confidence Maximilian said, "I agree." "Perfect." The researcher spoke. 'We can still go the easy route with him. Let's see how long that goes…'

Max was led into a white room, more whit than usual. In it there was a bed to lie on with a large donut shaped ring at the place one's head would be. "Please lay down there." Someone said. Max did so. "Do you see the two red lights at the top of the ring?" "Yes." "Please look at them. They should turn green." Max looked at them and they turned green. "We'll start now." Suddenly a strange feeling covered Max' head. It was warm but also unpleasant, his head hurt a little, but he continued to look at the green lights. After a few minutes the feeling left, and the lights went off.

"You have done good. We'll tell you the results in a few days." Max went back to his room and continued his studies. The next few days no one bothered him. But the researchers were discussing wildly. That was because the scan only revealed memories before 31.12.2035 23:59, there were no memories of what happened after the time travel. Max' brain still did normal activities like breathing or letting the heartbeat, but all new memories were no longer stored there. But Max had new memories, otherwise he wouldn't remember them or behave properly. "Are his memories stored in something like a soul?" one said "But how can Max do things with his body if he doesn't think in his brain? Where does the signal come from?" another questioned "Is it in a higher dimension?"

Two months went by but nothing mayor happened. The researchers did all kinds of scans with his body and always said "We are still analyzing the data." when Max asked about their progress. It seemed like they did nothing. Max mostly ignored it as he was absorbed in his studies. It was not the kind of studies that you would normally do. He memorized all data about a subject and then tried to make heads and tails out of it. Only when he did that, did he continue.

In a hidden place inside the research facility Max was in, did five people talk. They all had high positions in the UNDA. The subject was Max. They discussed if they should go the hard route with him to get more information, just lock him up somewhere, or send him back. "If we let him go, and he tries to leak information, we can always take him back. If he uses some of his future knowledge to try and prove he's a time traveler, we can make that useless by preventing the events he tries to 'predict'. Thus, I think we should let him go." One stated. Some of the others were thinking about his words, when another one coughed to get their attention.

"I am, an always will be convinced, that even anomalies that are mostly normal like him still should be locked up. We can never know if they have hidden something or have something we cannot detect. In Maximillian's case that are his memories stored somewhere else. What if he's a terrorist from 2042 and only waits for the moment we led our guards down?" Approval was heard from the others.

(I wrote myself in to a corner… guess I'll have to use DEUS EX MACHINA to get some shape I can form…)

Without any warning all atoms in the research facility underwent spontaneous nuclear fission. They all split. Everything was destroyed on an atomic level. A few seconds earlier Max was on the toilet. Moments later he couldn't feel anything at all, he couldn't see anything, he just was. Then something changed, he found himself staring out of his window looking at exploding fireworks in the sky.

"What the fuck just happened?" Maximilian exclaimed after a short while. He looked at his mobile 00:01 01.01.2035 69% 'I was just on the toilet and now Im back at the start of the year. Am I in some sort of time loop?' he looked further at the spectacle 'I guess… that's cool? Hm… let's not get into contact with the UNDA this time. They did nothing. But how did they find me at all? They never told me that.' He thought about that for a moment 'Maybe it was my investments that gave me away? I have a literal eternity to figure it out.'

Max continued his studies of physics. Near the end of the year agents of the UNDA visited him again, this time they said they wanted to study his mind. Max declined.

It again was the 31st, Max was staring out of the window 'Lets if I get back.' His vision and other senses cut, again he just was, then he found himself staring out of the window. His mobile said 00:00 01.01.2035 69%.

A large amount of loops had happened. Max sometimes did whatever he wanted. He stole passwords and other codes from all possible organizations or governments. He studied all of current science there was, and mastered all possible skills like programming, fishing or just walking really silent. The only thing he could take with him were his memories and knowledge. All of this, he did for his ultimate goal of breaking the loop.

He found out that whenever he dies, he gets send back, as well as when a year passes. What he wanted to find out next was if he had to experience a year, or if a year had to pass. This may seem like the same but had a large difference.

If it was time he had to experience, then he could give humanity advanced technology, go to a place where time moves slower than in the rest of the universe and wait till they have conquered the universe and learn their knowledge.

If it was the second, then he could build a supercomputer that simulates the universe and set the simulation speed to something high. After that he could learn the knowledge of all civilizations that evolved and try to use it in the real universe.

To test this, he would send himself into space and accelerate as much as possible.


I don't quite like this chapter. I wrote myself in a corner… yea… hm… at least I now have an ending…

I also want thought about another short story I could write instead of writing this… the next will be about that.