Time Loop I

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Soon it would be midnight. Maximilian was standing before his window. The sky was as clear as it could be. He looked at his mobile 23:49 31.12.2035 31% only 10 minutes till the spectacle!

Soon it was midnight, he saw the first firework shooting up in the sky, it exploded in a spectacular way. Shortly after the next followed! It was wonderful! 'But it looks similar to last years. I thought they'd make something different.' After the spectacle finished, he looked at the time 00:13 01.01.2035 69% '13 minutes? As long as last years…' he was already a bit tired, so he went to bed.

'A new year a new start!' he thought after waking up. He worked as a programmer, he and his colleges only had two months left to finish a game. Maximilian ate breakfast, it was eggs with bread and some salad. He liked salad. After eating he began reading some book, it was about a mage that killed her gods. He had begun reading it last year, but didn't manage to finish it, as his work piled up.

Max made a pause and looked at his mobile, as usual he had gotten a thousand notifications from all his apps and websites he signed up that wished him a Happy New Year. He wanted to remove all the notifications when he stopped. 'Why is there written "Happy New Year! We wish you a great start into 2035!"? Isn't it 2036?' confused he looked at the date on his mobile 11:53 01.01.2035 42% 'Hu? 2035?' still confused he opened the internet and searched for the date, wherever he looked, it all said 2035.

This confused him even more. He tried to look up some events from mid-2035 but nothing existed. It was like 2035 had never happened before. 'Is this some gigantic joke or did I really Time Travel?'

The next few days he questioned his existence, tried to sleep and looked up Time Traveling online. One thing most time travelers that traveled within the modern era did was use their knowledge of future successful companies and invest in stocks for them, at least it was portrayed so in fiction. Upon thinking about it, Max decided to invest. He knew of a few very successful startups, but mostly only in the programming industry. Another thing they did was winning the lottery, but Max never played it.

Max also noticed that he remembered everything he thought about, even unimportant things like the exact taste of his food on the 1st. This would come to help him later.

Two months had passed. Max had worked like normal at the game company, but because he already had coded it once they finished earlier, his programming skills also improved immensely, and he got a promotion. His investments had already paid out and he had more money than he ever thought he would get. He invested part of this also. Max was happy, he could retire now, but didn't as he liked his work.

2035-04-13 suspicious activity has been detected… type: too great investment streak, priority: level 2, beginning monitoring… collecting information…

2035-04-15 first results: at the beginning of 2035 the subject began searching for information regarding time travel, this is unexpected when looking at subjects' interests at that time… setting priority: level 4, setting subject type: possible forced time travel to past… continuing monitoring…

Many things had changed when the world entered the 30s, worldwide tensions sank, and all nations grew more together. The reason were mutual threats like climate change. Many projects to stop and even reverse it to normal levels had been started, and some of them had been successful. The future looked great. So great that the UN stated a worldwide space program!

'I still want to know how or why I time traveled.' Maximilian thought, currently he took a break and was eating. 'Should I finance research in that direction?' his bank account had long passed the 7th digit. 'Later at home Ill search for researchers that need financing. But what should I finance? Time travel is more theoretical, and I don't think anyone can build a time machine.' He had finished his meal and stared at the ceiling 'Maybe I should learn physics?'

2035-06-27 subject has started studying physics... collected information shows that subject is learning faster than normal… setting priority: level 5, setting subject type: very likely forced time travel to past as well as better learning… as priority is level 5 subject shall be contacted by agents at their home… continuing monitoring…

Maximilian was studying physics when his doorbell rang. It was very rare that someone visited him, his parents had died years ago, and he was not very close to his other relatives. When he opened the door, he saw three man standing there, all clothed in black and two of them had black sunglasses. "Hello Mr. Mcville, may we enter? Well talk about everything inside." The man without sunglasses spoke. "Uh… yes…"

"Now, let me introduce ourselves. We are agents of the United Nations Department for Anomalies, UNDA for short." He showed an ID and continued "We are here because we assume you traveled back in time." Max' face was filled with shock, surprise as well as fear. "We mean no harm. Our only goal is to find out the reason why you traveled back in time, and we also want to know if any disaster happens in the future, so we can prevent this from happening."

Still a bit shocked Max was standing still, till a cough from the sunglassless (does it make sense?) man woke him from his stupor. "Ah… Okay. So, yea… Im from the end of this year. Nothing big happened." "Hm. Do you have any way to proof it? As till now we never had a time traveler, it would turn our knowledge of physics around." The man asked emotionlessly "Well, near the end of 2035 the UNs Space Department had released a statement about their progress in space. It said that they will construct a spaceship builder in orbit. At this moment it should not be public knowledge." "Wait a moment."

The man took out a stick like device from his pocket. Upon pushing a button, a display moved out of it. The man wrote something on it and a moment later he looked up. "Some experts at the UNSD are discussing about it. This prove is accepted." A light smile spread across Max' face "If you want, we can bring you to a research institute, there expert scientists can help you understand what happened to you. If you accept, we will take care about your job."

"And if I refuse?" "Then we will monitor you to make sure you won't do anything stupid." The man looked directly into Max' eyes, it scared him a bit. "Can I still do what I want in that research institute?" "Well, you will have to take part in some experiments, but overall, the rest of your time you can do whatever the institute can provide you with." "Deal." For the first time since the start of the conversation the man showed some emotions. "Tomorrow someone will come and pick you up. We will probably never see us again, so goodbye!" the man chuckled, then he and the other two who stayed silent the entire time left.

"How fast one's life can change…"


I always wanted to write some "real" time travel stuff, so here it is. It is also split in parts; at the end they will probably be also 3. The name Maximilian Mcville is a reverence to another time travel story, maybe you know it? I want to make the UNDA something similar to an early SCP Foundation, lets see how that goes…