The Narrator

This text has 925 words. I also have decided to use this place at the beginning only for the word count and the source of inspiration if I got directly inspired by something.


The Narrator looked at his completed tasks. In a space that seemed infinite, but also finite, there were 16 Balls. But that doesn't explain much The Narrator thought, so he changed the narration.

The Narrator looked at his completed tasks. In a space that seemed infinite, but also finite, there were a total of 16 Spheres. Some of the spheres were close together while some others touched, some were large some were small. Yea way better.

One of the pairs of spheres that were close together suddenly moved. If one looks closely one would notice that both spheres were in fact worlds. Those worlds had their story flow paused as they were not narrated. The story of both were nearly completely the same with only minor differences and one large. The large difference was that when The Narrator narrated them, he used different languages. The same was true of the other pair that was close together.

There were three spheres that touched each other. Hm… I have to increase the spatial dimensions of this space sometime in the future, currently its 3 dimensional and can only support 12 touching spheres… The Narrator thought.

There were three spheres that touched each other, their worlds were fused. While they could exist without each other, they would have no true story flow.

Then The Narrators view switched to two specific spheres. Hm… I should explain the exact "view" more The Narrator thought, so he changed the narration.

Then The Narrators view that was Omniscience within this specific space |Suddenly a being of higher authority interrupts and changes The Narrators narration| (As in The Narrator knows everything about what is in this space, but that was it. It does not know what is outside of it.) focused on two specific spheres. Both spheres were smaller than the others, but they were as important as them. The first of them contained not a world, but two regions. This sphere was around 3.5 times smaller than the average of the other spheres.

The first region had 6 spheres each containing a concept, the newest one of them contained the concept for this narration. The second region contained two spheres. Those spheres did not contain concepts but also not worlds. They contained the story flow framework of two worlds.

The Narrators Omniscience view left the first sphere and entered the second one. This one did not contain regions. It only contained a single sphere. This sphere was a world that had its story flow currently being created – It was currently narrated.

The Narrator looked at this sphere like it was his own child. It was his hard work. The work it loved to do – to narrate.

Suddenly The Narrators view moved back, out of this small sphere and focused one a concept a being with higher authority just created, the number of concepts now reaching 7. Its contents made The Narrator wonder how exactly he should narrate this, as the concept was very mind bending and may confuse The Audience.

The Narrator paused for a long time. How shall I continue? he thought. Then a being of higher authority gives The Narrator a path to follow, with the goal of increasing the word count.

I was created by a being of higher authority. The reason for my creation was to narrate this beings' creations. At the time of my creation there were only three spheres. Soon after another two got created. After the amount of spheres reached 12, the sphere containing concepts and story flow frameworks was created. It soon was beginning to fill up.

I often wonder what is outside my space. I assume my space is nothing but one sphere out of many in the view of the being that created me. Maybe those other spheres have the same structure as this? Maybe they have their own narrator?

Hm… I think I will now increase the spatial dimensions of this space The Narrator ends his monologue he had with The Audience.

I still have to change something he thinks and returns to the middle part of the narration and adds a part of the sizes of the world spheres in comparison to the sphere containing concepts and world flow frameworks.

Now on to increasing the spatial dimensions The Narrator thinks. While he is Omniscience within his space, he is not directly Omnipotent in it. I now have to use a trick, he thinks, I will narrate that the number of spatial dimensions in this space is 24. As my narration is the truth within my space it will make it so that this narration, that includes a copy of my space has 24 spatial dimensions.

This space has 24 spatial dimensions! The Narrator narrates. And his space's spatial dimensions increased to 24.

Now if ever there is a story flow made up of more than 12 spheres, I can just put into this narration's my space! He continues, but then stops.

Wait… as this is just a narration, wasn't it totally pointless for me to do this? The being that created me is Omnipotent, so this shouldn't have been a problem. This being should even be able to make a squared circle…

Did it make me do this only to increase the word count? He narrates I even narrated a few paragraphs above that the path it gave me, was given with the goal of increasing the word count.

Then Ill just do the end work of counting the word count and adding it before my narration even started. After doing it The Narrator happily looks at the completed work. Finally finished!

|Suddenly a being of higher authority interrupts and changes The Narrators narration, again|


I wanted to make something "unnormal" this time yea… that was it… do you have an idea what The Narrator described when talking about "my space" and those "spheres"? Comment it! This time I won't give a hint, but if someone got it right, I'll say it.