
This text has 1314 words. More at the end.


Marcus was serving in his fathers Inn when he heard an old drunken man talk. "Oh my oh my… the world… so evil… plague… illness… death… how much I wish… how much I wish… I found it…" tears began dropping from the man's eyes "that place that island… I promised my wife to find it… and soon I'll be visited by death…" he looked at Marcus "Give me moooor" he spoke while putting the money on the table. Marcus woke up from his stupor and ran to get the bear.

"…I hope someone will find it…" the man whispered while staring at the wooden celling. "What do you speak about?" Marcus couldn't hold back his curiosity. The man stared into Marcus' Eyes "Utopia…". Then he continued staring at the celling.

At night Marcus woke up. He looked at the full moon. "I'll find you Utopia! Even if it takes a hundred years! This I vow!" he declared, his eyes shining with confidence. The only witness of this vow was the moon, the eye that observes the night.

Many years had passed since then. Marcus had told other people about Utopia, but only some got as fascinated as he was by it. The amount of people he could convince to try and find it whit him was only 19, they had stayed in contact over the years. They all moved elsewhere to try and find information and had gathered a large amount of it. Marcus organized and filtered it. He was sure he found its approximate position. In a month they would all gather at the port of Calaris and buy a ship!

It was a happy reunion, even though not everyone knew everyone personally they still all had the same goal, reaching Utopia! All of them had given money, some more, some less, and now they had enough to buy a ship and a crew.

After a month of training all of the people who would be going and buying food for three months on sea, the ship set sails. At first everything went right, but after three weeks of traveling a gigantic storm started. Soon they lost their way and were only drifting around. The ship was like a toy to the storm. Even after three weeks the storm was still there.

"Marcus, the crew is getting impatient. Some of them think the storm will never end." "And our people, Silvia?" "They are doing fine." Marcus was worried. What if the crew decided to mutiny? (I had to look up that word; it is the event when a crew takes control of a ship; is its form right?) Suddenly Silvia and he heard a shout "Land ahoy!" They ran up to the deck (?). When they finally reached it, they saw that nearly all people on the ship were up there, looking at a small island. Marcus commanded the crew to sail in its direction.

When they got nearer, they saw the island better, it had a large mountain at its center and was surrounded by a forest of unknown tall trees. After some time, they anchored a short distance from the island away and of boats whit people. They build up a camp as they wanted to rest a week and stock up supplies.

Then soon after they had brought a few supplies from the ship to the camp something no one expected happened. The storms intensity increased, and it knocked over the anchored ship! Its mast brock apart and its hull split! Gigantic waves consumed the rest!

Fear… Fear was the only thing all people had in common. At the time of the ships destruction no one was on bord, but they still had Fear. The Fear that they will never be able to return home, and that they will die here on this island in nowhere.

It was night when they heard something. It were unnatural sounds. A small group went out, they wanted to find the source. A few hours later the others heard a scared cry "HEEEELP!". They soon gathered and ran in its direction. They saw an immense beast chasing the rest of the small group!

Its appearance frightened all of them "Did… did… we find hell?" one stuttered. A brave one ran further and threw his torch at the beast! *GRRR* it stopped a moment and then continued its unstoppable march. "All of you, throw your torches!" Silvia exclaimed; she was drenched in sweat. They all did as she said but could only stop a beast for a few moments. Then it happened! A man stumbled! He was part of the first group that went away. The beast neared and soon was standing over him!

*GRRR* At this moment Silvia ran forth! She had a torch in her hand and hit the beast in its right Eye whit it! *ARRRRGGGG* The man managed to stand up. "Go! I'll stop it!" her voice was filled whit fearlessness. In a daze the man ran away. "Silvia, come!" the others shouted but she didn't answer, she continued hitting the beast whit her torch. "We have to go!" some spoke sadly.

The next day everyone was very tired. They had lost three comrades that night. Everyone was different after that. No one spoke, they just sat there and observed their surroundings. Then the storm cleared. Some cursed their luck that they stranded yesterday.

It was night again. Soon they heard those unnatural sounds, but this time they all stayed at the camp. They had made spears out of sticks and all held torches in their hands. The beast appeared *GRRR* it made upon seeing the torches. Its head was full of burns and its right eye closed.

But that didn't stop it. It was like a force of nature, unstoppable and absolute. It charged forward! The man ran also forward and threw their torches and spears at it "ARRRRGGGG" it paused. "May we see us in Heaven." one whispered. He didn't throw his torch as he knew that it wouldn't work. He ran away into the forest while shouting and moving his torch, trying to get the beasts attention. The beast looked at him, then it charged after him.

The others looked at the man in disbelieve, but also in thanks. No one spoke about him. The sun rose and the night ended. Similar events continued for a full week. A total of 13 people sacrificed themselves. (This is just me skipping the week, as I don't know how to write the same scene differently for 7 times.)

The sun was rising. Everyone was exhausted and they lay on their backs staring at the sky. Suddenly a blinding light appeared! When they opened their eyes again, they saw a young girl standing in front of them. Her eyes glowed lightly, and a bright smile was on her face. "Hello travelers! Some of you have passed the test, you are the ones that didn't. Im here to send you of home."

All stared at her stupefied. What just happened? Marcus was the first to get out of it. "Test? Home?" he muttered. "The test to join us. As for how you'll get home, see that ship?" she pointed in a direction no one looked "There it is." She giggled when she saw the disbelieve in the peoples faces when they noticed a large ship.

In a daze they all went on it and prepared to sail away. "May all of you have a happy life!" the girl shouted while waving her hand, "On last thing, can you tell me the name of this place?" Marcus asked curiously, the others waited for him to enter the ship. "Utopia" she spoke, then a blinding light surrounded her and when it cleared, she had vanished.

The years flew by after this. The group disbanded after returning home. All of them went their own ways. Marcus became a traveler. He had grown old, soon he would be 80. He looked at the moon, the night was crystal clear (?), "How would my life have been if I didn't vow?" he shook his head and entered the Inn in front of him.


I didn't quite know how I should have written the part after "They had lost three comrades that night." So I wrote the ending ("The sun was rising. …") after that. I also like Roman names, thus Marcus and Silvia. I was thinking if I should have used Markus or Sylvia but decided against that as Markus is too "unenglish" and Sylvia too "english".