Secret Melody

What Inspired me to write this was the song 'Two Steps From Hell - Secret Melody' and the picture from I will add the picture as a paragraph comment here. I suggest you listen to it while reading! :) This chapter has 579 words. (By the way the amount of words I write here is only the amount of words of the story. Comments like this part are not counted.)


"There, see the deer drinking from the lake next to the stone cow? Today we'll hunt some of them little fox!" my brother big wolf spoke; he was the leader of our small hunting group. This was the first time I was helping. Before I only was allowed to gather some berries near our tents. I was very excited! "I see them big wolf!" I answered while glimpsing at them.

"You and little bear will run in their direction from the tall tree over there, while I and big bird will wait near the Stone Cow!" big wolf explained the plan to me. "Take some stones. You will throw them at the deer to make them rush here faster." I nodded and looked around for some. "Is there anything else we have to do?" I asked, my voice was a bit high. "No, but if the leader turns to you continue running! Don't stop or hesitate a moment or it will charge at you!" the idea scared me. 'I have to get this done! Otherwise big cow will never accept me as a true hunter!'

We went to our places. The deer had not yet noticed us. I looked in little bears eyes. We both knew what he had to do. "WAAAOOOOOOOUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRR!" I roared while running forth. Little bear roared "RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRR!" The deer looked up, some turned and began to run. The leader looked me in the eyes. Never before I had been so fearful! What I saw was the pure instinct of the deer. Its gaze seemed to pierce my soul, my entire being! 'I have to get this done! Otherwise big cow will never accept me as a true hunter!' I thought and continued running. The leader also turned and began running, directly to the Stone Cow where big wolf and big bird were waiting!

The deer all rushed away, and when they sprung over the small river near the Stone Cow, big wolf and big bird shoot up from under water! Each of their spears hit! *AAAARRRR* the two deer roared. Their leader glanced back at them, his eyes looked sad, he continued running. All of this happened in a few breaths!

Big wolf took out a knife and send the souls of the deer on to mother nature. He grinned happily "You have done good! The only thing you could have done better is actually throwing the stones and not carrying them." "Oh… I forgot this… I was too exited…" little bears voice was low, he looked down ashamed. "…I too…" I confessed. The stones in my hands suddenly weighted as much as mountains. "You don't have to be ashamed! We'll only speak good of you when big cow asks. Maybe in a moon or two you'll be allowed to take the test!" big bird encouraged us; his eyes shone with a certain light.

We lay down on the wet grass to rest a bit. My eyes soon wandered to the Stone Cow. Big cow always told the story of when his grandpas grandpa first found the lake. He says that even then the Stone Cow was already there, watching over the lake. How long has the stone cow been watching over it?

Then we heard it! Big cow said many moons ago when he was still little cow, he had heard the Stone Cow sing. He said that one can only hear it when no one speaks, no birds sing, and no wind moves.