Empty Oceans III

This chapter has 1887 words. More at the end! :)



After beginning to travel southeast the Sea Dragon now has reached the Australian continent! He currently is in the Timor Sea near the coast of Australia! He has already attacked many fishers! It's only a matter of time till he goes to the Great Barrier Reef and eats it empty!

Sea Dragon not welcome!

Australias Government released a statement that the Sea Dragon is "not welcome" in Australia and that they will do anything in their ability to prevent it from reaching the Great Barrier Reef. They also stated that they will cooperate whit the SCSs nations fleet that has also reached Australia. Its "only a matter of time" till they get it a speaker says.


While the Sea Dragon ate in a small bay, the hunting fleet set up multiple layers of nets made up of electrified steel wires on each exit. They plan to wrap the Sea Dragon in those chains and make it go unconscious with the high voltage!

"And now live to our reporter at the scene. Bob, tell me what do you see and what exactly does the hunting fleet plan?" "As you can see, the whole bay has been blockaded by the fleet." [Camera moving around] "The nets are made up of steel wires and are constantly under current. This is to prevent the Sea Dragon from escaping via the sea. This whole bay is surrounded by cliffs so it cannot escape by going on land, if it can do that." [Camera again moving around]

"Ah, now one can see it!" [Camera zooming in on the Sea Dragon] "Every few minutes it rushes in the direction of an exit and then back. Why it does it, I don't know. Anyways, the plan as I have been told is following: First, a chain will be attached on to multiple helicopters which than will fly to the other side of the bay where the chain will be mounted to the ground. This will be repeated multiple times to lower the Sea Dragons freedom of movement.

After that electric dischargers will be shot at it. Those are special weapons that discharge electricity upon contact whit their target and were developed to fry enemies' electrical circuits. Those are meant to stun it long enough that it can be entrapped whit nets. The hunters plan to begin in an hour." "Thanks Bob. We will continue to broadcast the event live, so let your TVs on! …"

"It seems like the operation now begins! There! See the helicopters!" [Camera zooms to helicopters] "The first chain has been attached! The helicopters are starting!" "Is there any reaction from the Sea Dragon, Bob?" [Camera zooms to Sea Dragon] "There is! It stopped moving and seems to look at the helicopters flying over it! And it's gone again!" …

"The Helicopters have reached the other side!" [Camera zooming to helicopters] "They are landing… and landed! The Sea Dragon seems to inspect the chain now lying in the waters!" [Camera zooming to Sea Dagon] "It tries to bit throw it! There look! The hunters are aiming a weapon at it!" [Camera zooming out so one can see both] *ZISCH* *GRRRRRORRRRRR* "It was one of the electric dischargers! The Sea Dragon was hit! It retreats!" …

"All chains have been laid down! The hunters will now begin bombarding the Sea Dragon whit electric dischargers!" [Camera now shows the whole bay] *ZISCH* *ZISCH* *ZISCH* *ZISCH* *ZISCH* *GRRRRRORRRRRR* *ZISCH* *GRRRRR* *ZISCH* *RRROOOAAARRR* "Unbelievable! One can even hear the Sea Dragons roar up here!" *ZISCH* *ZISCH* *ZISCH* *RRRROOOOAAAARRRR* *ZISCH* *ZISCH* *ZISCH* *ZISCH* *ZISCH* *RRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR* [Camera blacks out] "It- It- It- sh- sh- ou- li- tn- ng-―――" [Live Video and Audio connection cuts]

"Bob? Do you hear me?" [The moderator looks in the camera] "It seems like we are having connection issues, our technicians are trying to fix it." … "It seems like that the problem is not on our end. Hopefully the technicians live on site will be able to fix it quickly."

Capture of the Sea Dragon ends in disaster!

When the hunters began shooting stunners at the Sea Dragon, eyewitnesses report, the dragon roared multiple times. Then a blinding light erupted from the Sea Dragons mouth, blinding everyone! When they opened their eyes again, they saw that all electronics had been fried! The Sea Dragon was making its way to the electrified steel nets and ignored the deadly voltage.

It opened its mouth and again a blinding light erupted! The net made out of steel exploded and the weather changed! Lightning bolts began to rain from the sky and hit the ships stationed outside the bay! The Sea Dragon charged away in the direction of the Indian Sea. Some vessels that tried to chase after it got hit by so many Lightning bolts their hull melted!

The position of the Sea Dragon has been lost. The governments behind the hunter fleet have as of yet not released a public statement.

UN declares Sea Dragon to threat of the world

Following the disaster that was the failed catching operation, the UN declared, after voting, the Sea Dragon to a "threat to the world", as its actions "destroy the oceans ecosystem" and "influence the lives of billions". It needs to be "eliminated" as operations to capture it have been "proven impossible".

An International Task force has been established that will begin hunting the Sea Dragon. It includes multiple military vessels, airplanes and submarines. The previous hunter fleet will be integrated in it.

Sea Dragon sighted in Indian Ocean!

The Sea Dragon was sighted in the Indian Ocean by patrol ships! It moved west in the direction of Africa. The task force released a statement that they will try to intercept it near Africa.


A leak says that the Sea Dragon was at least 100m long when sighted in the Indian Ocean! This is three times longer than the Blue Wal whit ~30m, the previous largest animal! The same leak also said that the 'wings' of the Sea Dragon are each 20m long! It is unbelievable that it can grow that fast! Will there ever be an end?!

Rumors of battle!

Unverified reports of a battle against the Sea Dragon are spreading online! They say that a few armed vessels are firing torpedoes at the Sea Dragon, it is fleeing from them! We have tried to get a statement from the taskforce but got ignored. We will have to wait and see what the truth is.

Rumors true!

The taskforce released a statement that the rumors are mostly true. They said that they found the Sea Dragon south of Afrika and hit it whit multiple torpedoes, wounding it, after which the Sea Dragon managed to flee by going deep underwater. Currently they are searching the area whit submarines.


The Sea Dragons skin is so strong, it can survive being hit whit torpedoes build to sink warships! Scientists are speechless! "A normal steel hull can withstand two or three torpedo hits at the same place, but this Sea Dragon can withstand even more!" (I did not check those numbers.) a shocked weapon expert says. What could the taskforce do to kill it?

Sea Dragon seen north of Brazil!

The Sea Dragon was seen near the northern coast of Brazil! Its future route is not clear exactly, but it will probably swim to the Gulf of Mexico.

The nuclear option – A possible Solution?

Unverified leaks say the USAs Government thinks about using a Thermonuclear bomb to end the Sea Dragons terror. "It does seem like a solution." A scientist says when questioned about it. "But they first have to find the Sea Dragon again, and there is also the problem of the nuclear fallout."

UN SC approves of the USAs plan

The United Nations Security Council approves of the USAs plan to nuke the Sea Dragon out of existence! The exact yield of the bomb has not been named, but the UN SC promised to try and minimize the fallout.

Protests against the Nuke!

Some conservation organization managed to cause protests against the use of an Atomic weapon in the ocean, saying that this violated the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty singed by almost all nations that prevents amongst other things the detonation of nuclear weapons under water. When questioned the USA points at the UN SC and their Vote to allow the USA to detonate a nuke to kill the Sea Dragon.

Sea Dragon nears Gulf of Mexico – Fleet locates it!

The Sea Dragon has been sighted an unnamed amount of km east of the Gulf of Mexico. The taskforce released a statement that the operation will begin in 3h!

NASA announces satellite stream!

As today there are no clouds or storms near the Gulf of Mexico, NASA announced a satellite stream of the explosion! The stream has already begun! It is live on NASAs website, the TV, as well as their YouTube channel.

"…Yesterday we could witness the breathtaking explosion of a Thermonuclear bomb on the Sea Dragons position…" "…The taskforce of the UN is currently searching the site of the explosion for any signs or remains of the Sea Dragon. Till now none have been found…" "…When the UN will declare the threat of the Sea Dragon as ended is still unclear, experts assume in a week or two…"

Sea Dragon declared dead!

The UN officially declares the Sea Dragon dead! No remains of signs have been found at the sight of the explosion, so it is assumed that the explosion completely erased it. As the Sea Dragons origin is still unclear the taskforce used to deal whit it will be restructured to find it out.

"…a large number of fish swarms are reported as moving south…" "…multiple conspiracy theories are quickly spreading online…" "…is the Sea Dragon the cause of this?"


All fish are moving south! Is the Sea Dragon the cause of this? "I can't think of another reason!" an expert said. "But I also can't understand how it survived the explosion of a Thermonuclear bomb!" What will happen now?

"Three days ago, a massive storm of unseen size covered the whole earth." [Satellite footage] "Its center being the magnetic south pole. Gigantic lightning bolts bombarded the place! Some traveled along the magnetic field lines of the Earth into space and then down on the north pole!" [Satellite footage]

"After multiple hours the immense storm began to disperse as fast as it appeared and from the south pole the Sea Dragon took flight for the first time!" [Satellite footage] "It flew up into the atmosphere and then continued on. A bright light began to surround its body now measuring in the kilometers and formed bluish wings of light!" [Satellite footage]

"It 'flew' in space! The Sea Dragon moved away at an ever increasing speed! Its destination and how it managed to fly in unknown and maybe never will! Now it is no longer swimming in the small oceans of the earth! It has reached the gigantic sea of stars that is Space!"


This concludes the Empty Oceans short story… in total it has ~4k words. I don't know how I should feel about this story… the ending feels a bit rushed but over all I think as a reader Id like it. Yea… what else? Ah, yes: How did you find the writing style? Did I bring over the events and story good or was something missing?