Empty Oceans II

This chapter has 1016 words.


"The Sea Dragon strikes again! Today the Sea Dragon was seen eating empty many fish farms!" [Video showing it] "It first bit itself throw the steal cages that surround the farms and as soon as it was inside it began to devour them all!" [Video continues] "The sea was painted red by the blood of the fish, and panicking fish farmers (?) who tried to scare it away by driving whit boast above it and thrusting landing nets in its direction couldn't do anything." [Video…]

"After eating nearly all fish in the farm it left and went to the next one. All in all, it ate 11 fish farms empty, first assumptions of the financial damage are in the millions of USD!" [Video ends and starts again] "This video has gone viral the moment it was released and already has more than one hundred million views on twitter!" [A picture showing it] "How the countries of the SCS will react to this is unknown…"

The Sea Dragon: An Overview

The Sea Dragon was first seen four weeks ago by a Fisherman named Edi in the South Chinese Sea. It ate all fish in his net.

Then 'Monster Hunter' Dan began his search for it. After five days he picked it up for a few seconds. Then two days later he managed to take a picture of it, thus proving its existence.

It is assumed that it entered the SCS around two months ago as then the amount of fish catched decreased. It is also assumed that it ate empty a lake in Rivertown five weeks ago.

Currently the Sea Dragon in the SCS is the only known example of one. It is unknown if it entered the SCS from the north, south or east.

The Sea Dragon seems to be carnivores, as it has only been observed eating marine animals, but never plants.

It is unknown if the Sea Dragon is male or female, but the media speaks of it sometimes as 'he'.

The size of it when eating empty the fish farms was measured to be 14m on 7m. When fisherman Edi spoke about it four weeks ago, he said it was nearly as large as his ship which would make it 10m on 5m. 'Monster Hunter' Dan reported it as being 12m on 6m. This either means there are multiple Sea Dragons showing up, or one that grows at an astounding speed. Its color is dark blue.

When eating empty the fish farms it has been shown to be capable to destroy steal cages which makes it the strongest animal alive! It also seems to be smart and cunning as it ate empty fishers' nets and those farms.

It also is fast, calculations based on the videos have shown a maximum speed of 69km/h, but it is probably higher.

This list will be updated whit new information.

"Today at nighttime the Sea Dragon again attacked fish farms and ate them empty. A total of 13 were hit. The owners demand the Sea Dragon to be chased away by the SCS nations to prevent it from doing it again. Todays damages are again in the millions of USD. Some of the SCSs nations have released public statement that they are discussing the matter."

The hunt begins! SCS nations decide to catch the Sea Dragon!

The SCSs nations released a public statement that they will cooperate to try and catch the Sea Dragon and prevent it from attacking any more fish farms and fishers! Some Conservation organizations demand the hunt to be stopped while others demand the hunt to be done whit as less violence as possible to protect the Sea Dragon.


The Sea Dragon that attacked fishers seems to have left the earth! In the last five days it was only seen once when attacking a fishers' net! Even vessels of the SCSs nations couldn't pick up anything! Did it move on to continue its terror somewhere else?!


After two weeks of silence the Sea Dragon appears again! It attacked a large fish farm in the south of the SCS! Some armed fishers tried to shoot it but didn't hit! Before any of the catching vessels could arrive, it disappeared again, so fast some small boats chasing it lost it!


"The SCSs nations released a statement that they will use their military vessels to try and catch the Sea Dragon after it managed to escape again and again! It is unknown if the vessels are allowed to shoot at it."

New study says that 25% of all fish in the SCS have been eaten!

A newly released case study of the SCS came to the result that 25% less fish is in it in comparison to the last years! There are no exact numbers on how much the Sea Dragon ate, but the researchers assume that it is the greatest contributor. …

"I am authorized to speak on behalf of the SCSs nations: We decided that to protect the natural environment of the SCS we will now begin hunting the Sea Dragon whit force, we will try to disable and then catch it. If this is not possible, we will chase it away. Any questions?" …


While trying to disable the Sea Dragon by shooting his 'wings' it was shockingly noticed that the Sea Dragons skin is bulletproof! "It is unbelievable that such a being has bulletproof skin!" a soldier who took part in the mission says. "Its size is also larger than what we have seen before! Nearly 20m long!" That's longer than most Whales! Is there even a limit to the Sea Dragons growth?!

Sea Dragon seen moving southeast!

Local fishers in the Philippines and later in Indonesia report seeing the Sea Dragon moving southeast, in the direction of Australia. The SCSs nations military vessels are also reported moving southeast. The Australian government has as of yet not released a statement on their opinion of the Sea Dragon.


I now have a full plan of what will happen. The next chapter will be the last of the Empty Oceans Short Story.