Empty Oceans I

I read Invincible Divine Dragon's Cultivation System till chapter 23 for the new year challenge and the comments inspired me to write this. This is written mostly in the POV of someone who reads/watches the news or similar things. This chapter has ~1.1k words.



When students of the University of Rivertown came to study yesterday they all felt something was wrong whit the lake in the park next to the university. When they investigated it, they found out that not even a single Fish was left inside of it!

Of Course they alerted the police, but even they couldn't find the cause! It is assumed that in the night some group took them all away, but how or why they did it is unknown.

"Whoever did this is insane! The whole ecosystem of the lake is destroyed and if new fishes aren't introduced in a few weeks then it will grow full whit algae! It's a disaster!" a biology student said when questioned about the situation.

Observing the lake was a special tradition for couples and it was also used for data gathering and some experiments by the biology classes. How this will continue is unknown.

Police searches for Illegal seller of valuable Fish

Yesterday the police reports, someone set up an illegal Fish selling stand next to the yearly Goldfish Fair at the Flower and Birds market and sold five Redcap Brown Oranda for a total price of $1'750k (I think the translator messed up somewhere…). The police are searching for information about this seller, you can reach them whit [non emergence telephone number of the police] or by going to the police station.

(From here on I will no longer follow that novels events, as I only read till chapter 23. So form here on out its (nearly) completely original.)

Fisherman report getting lesser catch (?)

Fisherman report that the amount of fish they cached is this month is 15% lower than last years. Normally the difference to the previous years is only ±5% (Im no fishing expert, I just wrote some numbers down). Specialists think that illegal overfishing could be the cause that legal fishers didn't get as much catch.


42 years old Fisherman Edi says that when he was fishing something destroyed his net. He thought it were some sharp rocks and took it out of the water. What he saw were bite marks of some animal! [Picture of destroyed net] All the fish in it had been eaten and large parts of the net too. Then he observed the sea trying to see what did it. He claims that he saw a black-bluish animal that was at least 10m long and 5m wide and looked like a sea dragon from western myths! [Picture of western dragon]

"That thing was nearly as large as my ship! I was luck it didn't attack me!" he said in an interview. "I believe Edi and will try to take a picture of that thing." Says 'monster hunter' Dan "If you want to receive live updates on my progress visit my website www.monsterhunterdan.com!" Dan is a famous blogger trying to uncover the truth of mysterious events like this one.

Monster Hunter Dan: The Sea Dragon

Day 1: Im currently in the South Chinese Sea (I'll just assume that the plot starts somewhere there.) and trying to find out the truth about the Sea Dragon a fisherman claims to have spotted [Link to the above article]. I have already prepared my equipment and will begin searching for something big tomorrow.

Day 2: I searched the southern coast of china but couldn't find something big using my sonar. But I also did not find many fish swarms. Maybe tomorrow I'll have better luck. If even after a week of searching near the southern Chinese coast, I'll move to the next coast.

Day 5: I did pick something up! Here is the sonar image video: [Sonar Image video of something big; 19s] As you can see there is something! Sadly, it was too deep down, around 50m below my ship, so I couldn't take pictures. I tried to match its form whit sonar images of larger water animals but couldn't find a match. It seems to be 13m long and 6m wide, but don't take any of those numbers as granted. It also is very fast, as I lost it after 19s and couldn't find it again. I also picked up way less fish swarms than before, maybe they got all eaten by it?

Day 7: I did it! I took a picture! [Picture] It really does look like a dragon whit those long and large fins and otherwise snake like form and long tail fin. It is 12m long and 6m wide. As for its name I decided to go whit how Edi named it: Sea Dragon. I also contacted some Biologists and we are going to study it together.

"…And now to the news: 'Monster Hunter' Dan discovered a marine animal looking like a Dragon. In the south Chinese sea, a Fisherman claimed to have seen a 'Sea Dragon'. 'Monster Hunter' Dan, a famous blogger that tries to find out the truth about 'monster' sightings, decided to investigate it and after five days of searching using sonars found it near the southern coast of china. Two days later he was able to take a picture." A tv news reporter (?) said while pointing at the picture shown behind him. It was the one Dan released on his website.

He continued "As one can see, it does resemble a dragon which has led him to naming it 'Sea Dragon'. 'Monster Hunter' Dan declared that he and some Biologists will continue to observe and study it. He also assumes that this 'Sea Dragon' is the reason that the local fishing industry reported catching 15% less fish than usual last month. Only time will tell if this is true or not. …"


'Monster Hunter' Dan shocks the world by proving that the legendary 'SEA DRAGON' truly exists! A few weeks ago, a Fisherman claimed to have seen it in the south Chinese sea. Now this was proven true. It is assumed that it is eating the fish the Fisherman away! Will to cause the fishing industry to collapse? [Picture of the 'Sea Dragon']

(At this point of writing I found out about the south chinses sea dispute while looking up the fishing numbers… that thing is so full of problems I'll just say that in the world this story is happening, it doesn't exist and everyone is content whit their EEZs. I write this for my and your enjoyment, not for political statements. If I'd want to do this, I'd be a journalist or simply write something political on a YouTube video… If something I say/write insults you in any way shape or form or simply is completely wrong, then please write a comment stating and correcting it (whit sources please) so I can change it.)

"…Biologists attempts of attaching a tracker on the now world-famous Sea Dragon have failed. It was last seen two weeks ago while eating the fish in a fisherman's net. The Sea Dragon has drawn many adventurers and tourists into the area and probably will continue to do so. Which is very profitable for the area…"

"…It has also been proven that it is responsible that Fisherman catched 15% less fish…"

"…some students of the University of Rivertown think that the Sea Dragon is also responsible for eating all the Fish in the lake next to the university, as anywhere that creature goes no fish are left…"


Im now gona do what's called a pro author move: Ill split this chapter in halve.

In reality I don't quite know how I should continue writing this chapter in this style and Im tired... I have a rough idea on how this story will continue and make that chapter tomorrow. Anyways have a good night!

By the way, the whole character of Dan is a reference to a show. You know which?