See you yesterday

I'll say the truth: I had no idea where this was going while writing (more on that at the end of this chapter). I tested out a few tools to make to story more in depth, maybe you spotted them. This chapter has 1484 words, this is more than halve of all of the previous chapters combined!


Tim was walking in the Forest of Epwickburgh, when he saw a tunnel at a hill. He had never heard that there were tunnels here. Curious he went inside of it.

Epwickburgh was a sprawling city at the borders of the Naland Kingdom, it had a population of fifteen thousand.

Tim stopped. It was too dark for him to see anything, so he decided to go up again. He turned around.

In the castle of Epwickburgh a few generals talked. Soon at army of Odheim would reach the city. Epwickburgh had already been fortified and the army was standing outside.

Tim had already been walking an hour up again, but it seemed like he didn't even come closer to the place where the light came in. He took out his mobile and looked at the time. 17:42 Shit his parents would scold him for been late. Wait… the sun set normally at 17:30… why did he see the light of the sun here?

"Sirs, the army of Odheim has set up a camp in the forest. They probably want to rest and then attack at sunset." "This is within our plans, good job scout!" a conversation went "Ready the army, well attack them while they set up their camp."

Tim had leaned himself against the walls, for some reason they were warm, he had tried to walk up, but it didn't work. His mobile had no connection so he couldn't call for help and he also didn't have any food. His eyes became sleepy and nearly closed. -come… come… down… down…- He sprung up in shock.

"Stand up soldiers! It's time to fight!" one of the generals exclaimed loudly while he thrust up his sword. Then the army began to march.

Almost as if he was hypnotized Tim stood up and walked down the tunnel. The air got warmer and warmer. Finally, the tunnel ended, and Tim reached a huge cave, there he saw a gigantic temple like structure that glowed bluish, it was surrounded by garden full of beautiful flowers. He stood there shocked.

The leading general and his horse stopped. He turned around and shouted "Soldiers, we have to defend our homes! TODAY WE FIGHT; TOMORROW WE FEAST!" he pushed his sword again up into the air. "TODAY WE FIGHT; TOMORROW WE FEAST!" the soldiers roared in unison, then they charged at the enemy camp.

"It's nice to see you again." A priestess dressed in white appeared before the startled Tim, she took his hand and suddenly they were in the temple. "Wa… what?" Tims face was pale "Oh, you don't remember… I forgot that reincarnation messes whit memories." The priestess answered, she sounded a bit hurt. "Look around, do you remember this place?" she questioned while looking into Tims eyes. "a… a bit…" he spoke weakly while admiring her blue eyes. "I see." She muttered. Suddenly a picture formed in the air "Look at this, tell me what you see." "A fight of two armies?" Tim said curiously.

"ARCHERS PUT ON THE ARROWS! AIM! FIRE!" A volley of burning arrows was fired from the attacking army, putting the twilight sky on fire. Just before the arrows could turn down and hit their targets a large green wall of light appeared! "WIZARD! THEY HAVE A WIZARD!" a panicking soldier cried while running away. All arrows that hit the green light stopped midair. Then they turned around and shoot at the running soldiers like they had a mind of their own. The generals were also panicking a bit "They have a mage! You go and retreat whit the army, I have an artifact and will help me stop the mage till reinforcements arrive. For Naland!" "For Naland!" they said while parting ways. They knew he was going to die, but it was their job to protect their country, even at the cost of their life.

"This is real, you know, it's happening right above us. You told me to guide you here and help you change the destiny of this world. You must do this now." The priestess told him, she looked sad when she spoke about the past Tim. "I have no idea… Can't you do something to stop this fight?" he questioned while looking at the images. "I can, but you said that I should help you, not finish it myself-" studently she stopped "Wait, you have not yet unlocked the magic of this body, right?" "No?" said Tim who didn't knew what she talked about. "The follow me." she said while taking his hand again. Then they were in front of a white marble well, crystal clear water was peacefully moving in it. "You must drink it." She spoke. Tim did as she said; it tasted better than anything he had ever tasted before. His body warmed up and he felt something in him brock, a crimson light began shining from his eyes. At the ceiling of the cave the sky ripped open and an eye the size of a car looked down. The crimson light connected to eye on the ceiling and it vanished as fast as it appeared.

"An awakening!" a green-eyed mage exclaimed as he instantly collected his magic and formed a misty shield around himself. The general who stayed behind was confused, why did the mage go into the defensive (?) all of a sudden? Then he griped the artifact stronger again and began running towards the mage, he had to kill him before he cast a too strong spell that would one hit him.

"I remember!" the boy said while tears were streaming out of his now crimson eyes "Li!" then he embraced the priestess named Li. "Yong!" she said, while sobbing. "Let's go up." Yong spoke after a few minutes. Li only nodded.

The general was just about to hit the mage when space twisted in the air, the artifacts self defense mode instantly activated and a shield formed around him, the mage stopped his movements shortly because of the powerful magical fluctuation he sensed. The general thrust his sword into direction of the mages heart, a green shield formed and prevented a direct hit, then he used his free hand to punch into his face, a shield also formed, but the punch still pushed the mage back.

"Stop." Young said loudly while flouting in the air. "What do you want?" asked the green-eyed man while pushing back the general. "Your organization, your level and the reason your helping this army." Answered Young emotionlessly. "Fiery Island, third awakening. The reason for helping? As a fellow mage you must know the only thing a kingdom can offer you." Spoke the green-eyed man, he also took flight and neared Young.

Shit, three mages… together they could destroy even a large army fast. I have to warn the army, they only prepared for a single mage. Thought the General. He turned around and attempted to run when a crimson light griped him and lifted him in the air. "You stay here." the crimson-eyed person declared.

"Fiery Island still exists? Anyways you greeted me so now it's my turn. Blue Temple, first awakening." Young was a bit surprised, but he suppressed it. Then he turned to Li "This is my partner, also from the Blue Temple, forth awakening. I want you to stop helping them. As payment I'll give you something you only have heard of… you know what I mean?" "You have that?" the man said, a bright smile spread across his face. "The Blue Temple has more than you think. Anyways wait a moment, I'll bring it here." Then Young vanished.

The man looked curiously at Li "And you don't want to talk?" Li only gave him a cold glance. "So the silent type. Hm…" he then looked amusingly at the general "What about you? Are you happy you don't have to die trying to fight something you will never understand?" the general still struggled, then he paused and looked up. "You just wait. The day of your demise will come and then we will laugh not you or your kind." he uttered while spitting on the ground.

Space twisted and Young appeared again, this time he had a box whit him. "Take it and go." He spoke while levitating the box to the man. Then without a further glance he and Li vanished again.

"Li, I know we just reunited after so much time, but I need to go. Don't worry, this time Ill be back before I even went away . I just need to care about some of the matters of this body." he said while looking directly in her bluish-eyes "Do you understand?" "Hmpf… still the old one… (?) okey… but only once!" she declared. Then she leaned forward and gave Young a light kiss on the cheek while blushing a bit.

"See you yesterday!" he exclaimed while running up the tunnel.


How did you find it? I personally find this text meh…

So, as I said at the beginning I didn't know where it was going while writing it. You have to know that I wrote over the course of the entire day whit many breaks in between. At first I wanted to make it a time travel story (thus the name, I made it first as an overall focus or so…) then a time travel story featuring magic. After that I added the military part, then I added that reincarnation twist. Not so sure why…

Next I wrote that beast of 208 words without any [ENTER]. At that time I wanted to add some nice fight scene whit words like "The Sky was painted crimson from the light of the explosion" (get it: EXPLOSION and CRIMSON…) or "Large thunderclouds gathered and the sky ripped open, lightning bolts were shooting down like a waterfall and thunder echoed everywhere" this made me write about that eye that appeared and vanished.

I also introduced that artifact that was only named thrice and then forgotten… (on the point of forgotten: that changing the destiny of the world was too) after that I thought long about if Tim/Young should get back his memories and decided to go whit it and make him and Li friends (/lovers).

Next came that fight scene, that was in reality only three or four moves. Did I make it good? Then that talk and so… there I tried to color conversations more by describing the characters actions and reactions as well as their expressions and emotions. Did I manage to draw you more in?

Yea, and lastly the ending… I didn't know what to do, so I just wrote what came to my mind.

I should stop now… this chapter nearly has 400 words of commentary…

Anyways I wish all of you Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, and if you read this at a later time, then I wish you a happy time! (: