Tournament of Powers I

This chapter has 643 words.


A being sat atop a mountain so high, nothing was able to reach the top, even if one climbed for all eternity. It looked above itself, the being saw nothing. Then it looked below, its gaze pierced the infinite deep layer of clouds and continued further on.

Below it was the entirety of creation, a such gigantic and complex system of Rules this being often wondered how and why it was designed as it was. The beings gaze continued on, piercing universal, temporal, and dimensional layers. Finally, it reaches a specific moment in a specific place.

A woman was infiltrating the headquarters of one of the strongest forces of her world. She had brownish black hair, darkish cloths, and multiple hidden guns with her. Currently she was standing in front of a locked door and was typing in the passcode to open it.

She heard multiple footsteps 'Shit, seems like the patrol came faster than expected. Should I take them out?' Her brain calculated multiple scenarios within a few seconds, then she took out one of her guns with a silencer. A short glance at the walls and she knew where to shoot at, 6 bullets left her gun in sequence. Moments later did they hit the wall at such a specific angle that they bounced off and hit all of the patrol's members on breast height.

"AH!" cries of agony left the man's mouths while the Woman ran around the corner and shot each man into their head from point blank range. Blood and brain matter painted the surroundings. 'Shit, I messed up…' She turned and ran back the way she came, loud noises echoed.

She blinked, and when she opened her eyes again, she was somewhere else. The beings gaze retracted and then moved forward again, piercing layers till it reached another specific moment and place.

A man was running within the slums of a highly technological city, he was chased by a small group. Stone, Flames, and some Bolts of Lightning were shot at the man, but most did not hit. The stones exploded when they neared the man, loud explosions followed. The Flames were too weak and couldn't cross the distance, but the lightnings did soon one found its target.

"ARG!" the man screamed; he fell. The group soon reached him "Finally got you David!" the leader exclaimed. David looked at the leader, a strong sound was created that would make a normal human go insane and make them faint, but a smile spread across the faces of the group. "You think we didn't prepare ourselves for your Ability?" some small lightning strikes left his body and burned the ground "Just tell us where it is, or do you want more hits?"

David remained silent "Oh come on, why do you protect it?" *ZAP* "OW!" a small lightning hit David *ZAP* *ZAP* *ZAP* "OW!" tears formed in David's eyes. "Still not talking? Should we use flames?" another man ignited Flames on his hands and moved them close to David's face, the heat was unbearable. He closed his eyes, hoping it was all a dream. He could never tell them where it was.

Suddenly the heat vanished, surprised he opened his eyes again. He was standing in a gigantic temple. Everything felt 'divine' and 'supreme', a strong pressure filled everything. He tried using his Ability, but to his surprise it didn't react! Scared did he look around.

He saw a woman standing near him, she also looked surprised and scared. He wanted to talk to her when he was what she was looking at. It was something indescribable with mere words, even the thoughts he formed couldn't describe its beauty. It gave of the feeling of being the most 'supreme' thing in existence, as if they were nothing to it, not even comparable to ants as they are to humans.


The name is absolutely totally 200% not stolen from DBS, as the name is Tournament of Powers not Tournament of Power! The Woman is inspired by Black Widow from Marvel.

I wanted to write more but didn't quite know what else I could write just now. I need some time to think, but I think Tournament of Powers II will have 1k+ words.