Tournament of Powers II

This chapter only has 302 words….


The being looked at those it brought here and spoke "For both of you fight; All for my delight; The winner a wish may say; The loser return as they" the temple changed while the being spoke and the two humans now were standing inside a gigantic arena.

Rows upon rows of uncountable different lifeforms sat there and watched them. The being that brought them here nowhere to be seen. Then an angel like being with 9 pairs of wings appeared and announced "Welcome to the first Tournament of Powers! I am your announcer, the 18-winged Angel!"

Deafening cheers erupted "Our combatants are David, a sound Esper, and Florea, who can perceive any angle, even me!" Laughter filled the arena "The place of their fight is this abandoned village…" the angel spoke and pointed at the ground, when everyone followed his hand, they were surprised to see a village "…and the lively forest that surrounds it!" looking around, everyone could see a forest where moments before dead sand had been. The crowd applauded loudly.

Confusion still filled the minds of David and Florea, but a few moments later they knew their goal, that was to defeat the other. They did not want to do it from themselves, but the gigantic crowd influenced them. The 18-winged Angel continued "There are some special items hidden all around the arena, even I don't know what they are! So place your bets with caution! Let the Game begin!" "LET THE GAME BEGIN!" the crowd roared.

David found himself in one of the houses. He looked around himself and instantly created a shield out of soundwaves around him, then he sent out soundwaves to map the area. Florea also found herself in a house, she too looked around and saw a black gun lying in a corner.


… … … didn't knew how to continue writing. In my imagination I already had this whole fight planed out, but I don't know how I should put it into words. Let's hope next time will be better…