Deadly Talent

This chapter has 101 & ~1.9k words.


A Supreme Decree appeared in my space. The Narrator read it and narrated in a majestic old man's voice

For the Chapter release rate is no more. For the time has come of change*. For the new month may bring us a better future. For this is what I say!

After narrating this, The Narrator narrates all of my space trembled, spheres for the future popped in and out of existence, finally, so he narrates, did it calm down and the Supreme Decree vanished. Even he no longer remembered it. The only thing left is this narration, that The Narrator forgot.


In a fateful night there was a mother. She was giving birth but made no noise. She knew that if they heard her, they would find her faster and then kill her and her child. Finally, a bouncy baby boy (~♫~I am my own grand pa~♫~) was born. "Take him and flee!" she ordered her closest servant.

Many years later Bu Keneng joined the Burning Ice Sect (a good name?). He underwent month long training and finally established his foundation. One of the sect's elders gave him a Qi Condensation technique. Very happy did Keneng go to room. He set down and read the technique. It showed how one can open and close one's meridians and move Qi through them. He did as instructed.

The Qi saturating everything began to move. Small amounts entered his meridians, got cleansed and then spread in his body. Qi naturally moved through meridians, as Qi 'wanted' to be as pure as possible. But then something rare happened. More and more Qi moved, pain filled Kenengs body as it could not yet handle so much Qi. He tried to close his meridians, but the Qi flow was so strong, it forced them to stay open. He passed out.

The amount of Qi he absorbed grew so large, it prevented those near him from condensing Qi. Unsure of what was happening they went to an elder and ask about it. "So, you can't condense Qi even though you opened your meridians?" "Yes, elder." "Try it again here." They tried and said, "It works!?" "Bring me to your rooms." The elder demanded.

They reached it and he spread out his senses "We are blessed by the Heavens! To have such a talent!" A smile formed on his face. More and more Qi moved, and Keneng reached the peak of Qi condensation. Moments later he broke through to Core Formation. The Qi inside of his body gathered in his Dantian where it was refined and cleansed even more. The elders smile spread further and further.

The Qi inside the Dantian was compressed as more and more Qi entered. The density reached dozens that of the outside, but it did not stop. The Qi rushed in even faster and the density grew. Keneng reached the peak of Core Formation. "Only a few minutes and already a Core!" the elder exclaimed "My Brothers and Sisters come and help set up an Array!"

Thunder clouds formed in the skies. *BRRRRR* one could see lightnings moving inside of them. More Qi rushed into the Dantian and compressed the Core even more. Its density becoming hundreds of times that the outside. One of the disciples near Keneng cried out in pain, blood was flowing out of his nose, mouth, ears, and eyes. He fell to the ground, but the elder didn't care, he was too absorbed in setting up a Tribulation Suppressing Array. The same happened to the other disciples that originally informed the elder.

The Qi density in the air became lower and lower. Foreign Qi entered Keneng, but it was cleansed instantly and only increased the cores density. The Clouds finally discharged the tribulation lighting. It was so powerful; it destroyed the array the moment they touched.

The lightning entered Kenengs Meridians and followed the Qi flow up to the Core. The lighting gave the final push and fused with it. Keneng reached Core Shaping.

Thunder filled the entire Sky. A Wave of Heavenly Qi spread out, with Keneng at the center. When this wave hit a cultivator, it threw them out of Meditation. A Sage from the Yellow Heavenly Skies Sect looked up and spoke, "A Core beyond the first-Rate ones has been formed. What does this mean?"

At Core Shaping one changes one's core so long till it reached the perfect Shape for one's body. But as Keneng was unconscious ( <-- I HATE THIS WORD; even after 5 attempts I did not get it right) he could not change its shape. The Qi follow never stopped and still continued to get stronger and stronger. The elder felt his Qi leaking, shocked he tried to stop it, but it didn't work. Then he saw the disciples lying on the ground. The thoughts he got scared him and he tried to fly away, but when he moved his Qi outside of his body, he instantly lost control of it. Then he ran.

The Qi 'tried' to make Kenengs Core as perfect as possible, as the more perfect it was the more could it cleanse the Qi. The Shape it got was that of a perfect Sphere. When it got this Shape, the Qi flow increased so much the elder that was at the Nascent Soul stage felt his Qi being ripped out of him.

The clouds that were just dispersing formed together again. The sun was blocked out and everything in a hundred-kilometer radius felt something greater observing them. The Sage got shocked and exclaimed "The Heavens Will!" even though he was more than ten thousand kilometers away, he still felt it.

Lightning that was not even part of the Tribulation struck down. Entire mountains got split. While the Tribulation was building up the Qi continued to flow. The Core that was now a sphere got compressed even more. From the size of a fist to the size of a needles head (?). When it reached this compression and density, it underwent a change making it able to cleanse Qi even more. Thus, the Qi flow increased. The elder fell down. He had no energy to move anymore. Accepting his fate, he tried to explode his Core, but to his shock did it not work! He lost control of all of his Qi!

The next Tribulation began, and 9 consecutive bolts of Heavenly Qi struck his core. The Sage was speechless. "Nine bolts?!" The next volley charged, this time with double the power and again nine bolts struck the Core, and the Heavenly Qi fused with it. A total of 9 volleys of 9 bolts bombarded Bu Kenengs Core. Each volleys Heavenly Qi fused with the Core, making it one of the things filled with the most Heavenly Qi under the Heavens, even surpassing the Yellow Heavenly Skies Sages Core who had a tribulation of 7 volleys of 7 bolts.

The Core transformed, and Kenengs Soul fused with it. He now had stepped into the Nascent Soul stage. The Nascent Soul Core attracted even more Qi, soon so much Qi moved, that the streams of Qi became visible to the naked eye. The Burning Ice Sects lesser treasures had long since their Qi drained, but now even the supreme treasures began to leak some of their gigantic amounts of Qi.

Bu Kenengs power shot up, and soon a storm of Qi formed around him, this Qi was absorbed by his Nascent Soul and formed a semi-domain. The storms size was dozens of kilometers and had a Qi density of a hundred times the normal near the edge, the center was magnitudes denser.

Waking up from his Stupor did the Demigod stage Sage release his domain and tried to prevent any Qi from flowing to Kenengs location. He was not the only one, a total of 21 Demigod stage cultivators did this.

The Qi at the center most point of Bu Kenengs Core 'noticed' that the Qi flow decreased, meaning that its way to absolute purity got cut off. This 'made' the Qi so 'angry', it is impossible to comprehend for mortals. It 'took' advantage of Keneng being unconscious (AR! 5 TIMES! I copy pasted the upper one.) and 'made' the semi-domain condense. The core got condensed so much, his body began to radiate the Qi away, but as the semi-domain was still condensing the Qi radiation could not leave the semi-domain and instead got focused onto the Core. He reached the peak of Nascent Soul.

Again, a tribulation formed. Thunder echoed everywhere and clouds filled nearly the entire sky. It started to rain lightning bolts, but the 21 Demigods managed to prevent the tribulation from spreading too far. Gigantic amounts of Heavenly Qi converged, and tribulation lightning formed.

A valley of 10 bolts full of powerful Heavenly Qi struck down. The moment they hit the domains of the 21 Demigods, they instantly pierced it. The bolts hit the core and refined it, then the Heavenly Qi fused. A total of 10 valley with 10 bolts descended down upon his core.

The 21 Demigods were terrified by the purity of the Qi that radiated away from his body. A few moments later he broke through and became a Demigod. Instantly the rest of his semi-domain got destroyed when his true domain spread out. It covered a thousand kilometers, the other Demigods felt their domains being pressured, then the first domain broke, Bu Kenengs foundation was too perfect.

The Heavens Will that still was there focused on Keneng, it observed him closely and watched his every action, not that there was any.

When all of the domains were broken the demigods felt their Qi being stolen, a gigantic storm of Qi formed. No matter if from the north or south, all Qi got dragged to Bu Keneng, even the Qi inside of the Earth.

The Qi purity inside of his core grew and grew, it grew so much, that even the Qi at the end of the World 'began' to move towards him. This awakened two beings, beings cultivated so high, they could be called Immortal. They had fused their souls with parts of the Heavens, thus making them indestructible. After living for an Eternity, they had begun to sleep at the end of the World, now their sleep had been disturbed.

These two moved and tired to spread their senses all across the world, but they meet resistance, a gigantic storm of super dense Qi blocked them. They were surprised, as this Qi was so dense as a new Demigods. The broke space and soon were next to the storm.

Then they felt a Tribulation forming, the tribulation they had to go through to archive Immortality formed again, this time for the being at the center of the Storm. The Sky ripped open and the Eye of the Heavens looked down upon the World. Unimaginable amounts of Heavenly Qi gathered at the center of it.

But then something that should have been Impossible happened! The Qi of the Storm changed its shape and formed a pillar ascending up to the Heavens, when it touched, the Heavenly Qi began to storm down towards Bu Kenengs Core, destroying the Forming Tribulation.

As the Immortals were connected with the Heavenly Qi, they felt they were dying and tried everything they could to cut the connection to the Heavens. The Heavens Eye blinked and tried to form the Tribulation again, only to have the Heavenly Qi drained.

The struggle continued till Kenengs Core reached a density comparable to that of the Immortals. Moments after this happened, the World collapse onto itself, the Qi that made up everything in it condensed into Bu Kenengs Core.

Even after an Eternity Bu Kenengs was still unconscious (I didn't even try.), but his core was not without change, it got purer and purer ever so slightly nearing Perfection, but never to reach it.

This was the Story of Bu Keneng, who was so talented that it 'killed' him.


*Yesterday I read my Horoscope (I don't belief in them) and it said that a large change will happen in my life next month.

The cultivation ranks: Foundation Establishment; Qi Condensation; Core Formation; Core Shaping; Nascent Soul; Demigod; Immortal(; Ascension)

Also, how many times did I write the word Qi? 70 + 1 (that's larger than I thought.)