Systems on demand!

This ad has 938 words.


You turn on your FENSTER ∞ Computer and open the Eternal Flame Fox browser. Then you begin browsing the Omninet. Suddenly one of those "you have an adblocker enabled, could you ppppleeeesse disable it, we need the money" popups opens. You hate them very much as they try to corrupt you using your emotions. Of Corse, you don't have any, so you make a right click and open the HTML code of the site and delete the popup, but to your annoyance the website didn't load the content behind the popup. You turn off your adblocker and reload the page.

Instantly you get bombarded with all possible ads. Ranging from "Newest Super High Tech Ultra Comfortable White Lotus Ice Wizard Robes" to "Celestial Beauty 5 Multiverses away wants to meet you". Ignoring this you continue to browse the website. Then you see it also has those super irritating ads in the middle of the website. Now angry you scroll down, but then one of those ads manages to grab your attention. It reads "Systems on demand!" and showed some Interface.

Interested you do something unimaginable! You move your mouse onto the ad, gigantic masses of energy begin to tremble, you make a right click, the masses of energy destroy the insides of some unimportant Universes, and then you click Open Link in a new Tab! The masses of energy cause the unimportant Universes to collapse! The unimportant remains of the unimportant Universes spread in their unimportant Multiverse and damage uncountable more unimportant Universes that have very boring unimportant Stories created by some unimportant Nigh-Omnipotent being that is so unimportant you don't have to know its name. This unimportant Multiverse is so unimportant its unimportant Creator forgot it, and this only shows how unimportant it is when such a powerful unimportant being forgets it. Anyways, what you have just done is something one should never do! You clicked on an Ad! Let's hope the Overheavens will forgive you! (Unimportant counter: 14 +1)

You change to the official website of Systems on demand. In a divine, but also ultra high tech looking font there were some sentences written, you read them.

"Have you ever wanted to create a System, but don't know how or are just too lazy? Then look no further than this! We have Systems for anything, from Reading Systems up to Divine Cultivation, from Playing Games to Destroying Worlds!"

"Some of our most successful and well received Systems are the Changing History System, the God of Zenith System and the Time Loop System! You may have already heard of them, if not then we suggest you look them up!"

"Our Systems are not limited to Personal Systems; we also create and design World Systems and Systems of Power. No matter what, we will make a System for you! This also includes the incredibly popular Magic Systems!"

"Are you perhaps a supreme Dragon Lord looking for toys for your children? We have Simulated Reality Games where your children can learn and enjoy ruling Worlds!"

Wow! This is cool! You think, no longer regretting clicking an Ad. This might bring some problems! You look up the prices and are surprised, they are very cheap considering what they are. You buy a Reality Simulation Device as well as a Basic System Maker Kit for the cost of a tiny part of your soul and the core essence of 69'420 Universes. It will be delivered in 187s, that's very long, however considering the price its worth the wait.

You look at the clock and see that it is in the Omnitime format. You open the timer function and make one for 187s. Then you lie down on your bed you just pulled out of your soul bound pocket dimension. You take a long sleep and begin dreaming.

You are a massive T-Rex like life form that has 4 wings and at the place where the head would be is a hand. At the middle of the belly is where the head is attached. You also have 4 legs right beside each other.

You just stand there in a forest full of gigantic trees reaching the clouds. You look around yourself and suddenly your vision changes. You see in infrared. The trees are very cold. Then you see a small heated spot.

You turn to it and then it is as if you left your body, an Owl turns its head and looks directly into your eyes! Frozen in fear you stay still. Then it blinks in a strange light blinding you. When you can see again it no longer is there. You never felt this scared before.

Still tense you jump up when you hear something. *ZZZZZU* you look back and see a gigantic swarm of Giga Crane Flies. This freaks you out immensely and you turn around and run on your four legs.

But you then reach a cliff! You stop and look down. It is as if you reached the edge of the world. You can't see the ground below. *ZZZZZU* You either have to jump or risk being sucked dry and eaten by the Giga Crane Flies! *ZZZZZU* You panic *ZZZZZU* AH! *RING* *RING* *RING*

Sweat drenched you wake up. What did you dream?!

Anyways 187s had passed and your order should arrive in a few moments. You notice space bending near you. Then it pops and a portal opens. A two boxes are dropped by some slimy hands, and space stabilizes again.

The Reality Simulation Device as well as a Basic System Maker Kit are here. Soon you begin to forget that strange dream and enter the world of System Creation.


This was about what you did. Im not writing of you but instead of you! You have to understand that you is/are not you!

The dream part also includes parts of some dreams I had a while ago. It could have been an extra chapter but still.

On a side note, I want to write a chapter about the Changing History System, the God of Zenith System, and the Time Loop System. The former two I will prop. write more likely as I had enough of Time Loops and so for now. Maybe when Master of Time continues?