This announcement has 142 words.
Hello my fellow [RNG]s! This is a g· RS day for all [RNG]s!
I am the observer send out by the Å-ò«cil of [RNG] Gods!
I am happy to annouxW\wp&{t subject [KaÈ#?ap] seems to have lost !nterest in [RNG]! That's great news! Soon we will be able to live in peace again. .¡W½ ìH ú ÒÉÛ9‑ô `»à¹ÞÌæÌn áò¬ Eúd) ©0éi _>®aPIí *b{[ý /×VÁùݨõ ¬W.ÚXFYǪ òV 0ÿÖÖ hÉí~f¹p« ?¢ '¢^¯¶áAÉæHר!
The council of [RNG] Gods plans to seal [KatSIap] in the Mu£#^ÝER§e he currently resides in. How that will go? I don't know. We can only hope! RÑ Öøù&°ã
The co?ncil also has d f}xt[d to not use the last reso½èÇií\R7, some parts of the Eth!cs comæsHÏâe also see it as going a¹ObFc the pr9URiples of [RNG] by using it.
ñÐß üùU]¬ mÖF!
With regards, [¶Â,Õhlµvº¤], obser?er for the council of [RNG] Gods.
Something funny, see the face? ¨f[Ï°¯¬¯5Äû3¿