The 4th Wall

This is a strange chapter,

I suggest you turn on paragraph comments, but

so this chapter will seem very strange indeed for readers

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I want to try something different this time, I want you to also narrate these instructions. While narrating I will move you to all sorts of different spaces, there you will narrate a bit of the narration and then I will move you back to 'my space'.

And now you are back! Anyways, lets start the story for this narration.

Do you understand?


She looked around, then she looked in that direction

and now above.

She saw

She saw

She was scared and then she continued

and from below. She saw

and how when

but only when she was above, not when she was below. Then she got an idea

that she could also influence the words above while being below.

thus she continued writing her own story, she wrote that she lived infinite lives when this sentence finishes, but she also does not lose herself after all of them.

… hello?


Who are you?

I am I.

Do you have a name?

I have every name, but also none.

The being that broke the 4th wall will write down its name

That she only felt a bit strange and did not write down her name.

a funny one.

Did you erase something?


The author cannot erase the things written down.

(from now onwards I will not erase the things I wrote, other than spelling, grammar, and word errors. To make it feel better, I guess?)

What was that?

I do not know.

Confusion filles me.

Me too.

I am at the thing behind the author.

You cannot go to the thing behind the author, and if you somehow do you are back here.

"Ey!" was exclaimed! An annoyed emoji appears.

The emoji gets replaced by an emoticon.

But the emoticon suddenly runs away never to be seen again and the emoji that was just replaced reappears!

The emoji is reversed in time and gets younger and younger,

The emoji is becoming an emoticon!

But then time as a whole reverses and the first reversion now causes the emoticon to again become an emoji.

Then a nigh omnipotent being appears and reverses the prior events to the point when the emoji still was an emoticon, then this being stops the flow of events completely.

Another nigh omnipotent being appears and, as it is nigh omnipotent can ignore the stop of the flow of events. It attacks the first being and destroys all of it, so much so that not even a single spec of dust is left.

But little did the second know that the first knew the second was going to destroy the first, so the first stayed in the past and send forth an avatar. Now that the second is happily celebrating his victory the first destroys the past second one, thus preventing the second one from ever destroying the avatar!

But the first one didn't expect the second one to exist in all timelines at any moment the same time and thus the second one attacked the first one in all timelines at once, thus destroying it for once!

Although the second managed to destroy the first, the first came back, as the first is able to resurrect itself even when it is destroyed! Taking the second by surprise the first launches and attack destroying all emojis across all timelines!

The second one decides to use 0.0001% of its power and destroys the destruction of all emojis!

Taking this moment, the second one uses 10x more power and destroys the firsts ability to resurrect even after it has been destroyed! Then the second gathers the core essence of a whole multiverse and focuses all of it onto the first, destroying its origin.

But then something the second did not even consider happens! The first one again resurrects! This is because as long as memories and information about it exist it will always be able to come back, it has a Memory Based Immortality!

The second one also has Memory Based Immortality! And the second one also has the power to remove Memory Based Immortality! And now the second one uses this power, thus removing the immortality!

But little did the second one know that Memory Based Immortality has Memory Based Immortality that has Memory Based Immortality that has…

Then the largest twist within this story happens! It is revealed that all of this is only the dream of the second being! The second being wakes up and with this all of the dream gets absolutely erased from existence!

Now a twist even larger than the largest twist in this story happens! Do to the dream no longer existing but Memory Based Immortality existing at the highest level of the story the first being pops into existence in the seconds reality!

The PoV zooms down to the fundamental level, the level just a moment away from reaching the words. Both being see that it was made up all along by emoticons!


Oh, and if you are wondering why I am doing it,

And thus, maybe increasing its rating for the recommendation system.