Creating Worlds

This chapter has 1550 words.


Henry You had just gotten his Simulated Reality Device (SRD) as well as the Basic System Maker Kit. He pressed a button on the SRD, and it folded itself out. "Nice, it has a pocked dimension storage!" Henry said to himself. When it finished folding out it was a large Black Cube with so perfect edges 21 century Mathematicians would wage war for it.

He connected the SRD to a small l7-LPUEED. Soon it was charged up and he turned it on. A robotic arm exited the smoot surface of the cube and moved towards Henrys neck. Then a needle exited the arm and pierced his skin, of course only because Henry allowed it otherwise his skin is near impenetrable, then it connected to his spinal cortex and a System Interface appeared before Henry.

[Thank you for your purchase! We, the Systems on demand! Company are proud about every sale. May you enjoy your time in this SRD!]

[Starting Configuration…]

[What type of Interface do you want to use for the SRD?]


Standard Text Interface: currently selected; the most popular Interface

Standard Voice Interface: very popular; the Interface simulates hearing a Voice; the tone of the Voice can be selected, currently installed: Cold Robot Text to Speech, Nice sounding Female Voice

Standard Mind Link Interface: Raw Information is transferred directly into one's Mind and selection happens based on one's thoughts]

Henry chose the Standard Text Interface, he liked it most as he grew up in a time one needed to always use a command line for Computers, and everything was text based back then.

[Selected Standard Text Interface.]

[Please chose a Color Scheme for the Standard Text Interface:

Dark mode: currently selected; saves eyes, saves lives; is the most popular Color Scheme

Light mode: DESTRUCTION OF YOUR EYES AWAITS; not recommended as most users using this are never heard of again

Blue mode: it's the blue mode! The perfect balance between Dark and Light mode

Install more]

Without thinking Henry selected the Dark mode, he could not understand how anyone could use the deadly light mode.

[Selected Dark mode Color Scheme.] [Finished Configuration! More options can be changed in the Options Menu.]


- Play a Simulation -

- Create a Simulation –

- Install a Simulation -

- Options - ]

Exited he clicked [Create a Simulation] as Creating is way more enjoyable for him then playing.

An Interface opened where he can select the base rules of the World he was going to create.

[Name: [New World]

Size: [1]; max: Infinite; warning: the greater the size the slower the simulation will run, speeding up time will slow down the user's perception at a certain level instead of speeding the simulation up; size also means the maximum amount of information a World can have; it is recommended to leave this setting as it is, as a value of 1 is enough to encompass an infinite Multiverse; this setting can be changed at a later date, however it is recommended to only increase it, decreasing it may lead to part of the World being deleted!

Base Time speed: [1000:1]; the time speed in comparison to the real world that the SRD should aim for, may be higher or lower when running the simulation; this setting can be changed at a later date.

Physics: [Base Template]; for new users it is suggested to not change the Laws of Physics of a World. Changing them without knowing what they do or creating a new set of Laws will very likely result in an Unstable World that may collapse at any point!; changing the Physics at a later date is possible, however it is very likely that the World will collapse after even the slightest alteration!

Special Laws: [None]; used to add for example a system of power like magic that is independent from the Physical Laws of the World; great to test out different systems of power before implementing them in the Physical Laws; can be changed at a later time, as Special Laws do not affect the World directly, other than is some special cases, they can be always changed.

Base State of the World: [Void]; the state of the World upon first creation.]

Large amounts of information showed up, as he read through them Henry got more and more exited. He only changed the Special Laws to [Base Magic Template] it was a Template that included everything needed to create a magic system while being in the World and seeing the changes live. He got it from the Basic System Creation Kit.

Then he pressed create. He found himself looking down upon a gigantic higher dimensional cube, this cube was filled with an also gigantic Void of nothing.

Henry opened the console and created two spheres inside this cube that was the Simulation. The first sphere took up 50% of the Cube while the other took up 1%. "That was a great idea I had, making a testing space and the running space!" He then focused onto the smaller Sphere.

The Sphere contained nothing but a Void when he wrote a command. The Sphere changed and it now contained a misty fog, Henry named it "The Fog of Creation" this fog was equally spread but did not move as the simulation was paused. He unpaused the game, still nothing happened, then he removed a very small amount of The Fog of Creation, instantly chaos filled the Sphere, the fog rushed to fill the void, but it created more and more voids that the fog also moved to fill resulting in even more voids.

Then he wrote a command that created a small Sphere with an expanded space whenever The Fog of Creation collided when filling up a void. Those Spheres would then float in The Fog of Creation. The fog would not be able to enter the spheres, but the spheres could collide and fuse with others or be ripped apart if the pressure of The Fog of Creation was too great. The spheres also attracted each other, the nearer they were the higher the attraction.

He then sped up time inside the sphere that took up 1% of the simulation to a very high amount. Then a few moments later he paused the game. "Let's see what that made." The chaos had decreased a bit, but still was very high. Some massive voids had been formed in which immense Spheres floated about with smaller Spheres orbiting them. It was fascinating what order could originate from chaos!

Seeing that his initial plan had worked he also added The Fog of Creation to the large sphere, increased the speed of events inside of it and then went back to the smaller sphere. He now had to fill the expanded spaces that got created. For this he used one of the templates from the [Base Magic Template], that is Base Mana Template.

He used this Template to create a new type of mana and named it Origin Mana. This mana would automatically fill all expanded spaces and depending on the size of the sphere different amounts of Origin Mana would fill it. It would be moved around by the outside movement of its expanded space in The Fog of Creation and every set interval of time halfe of it would become different particles. Which exactly would depend on its speed. When all of it had been transformed the expanded space would be finished and then randomly new things could be created.

He tested it in the small Sphere and seeing it worked as intended he paused the small one and added it to the large sphere. In the large sphere massively complex and interesting setups for all the expanded space spheres had formed as it still was speed up. After seeing that everything was ok, he opened the Base Mana Template again.

He created another type of mana he named Final Mana. This mana would be created when an expanded space gets ripped apart by the pressures of The Fog of Creation. The amount depends on the things inside the space that got destroyed. This Mana would then spread in The Fog of Creation and wait till nearly all expanded spaces got destroyed and no new ones are spawned. When this would happen, the Final Mana would all converge at one point and destroy a small amount of The Fog of Creation by exploding, thus starting the circle all again till there was no fog left. As for what would happen after that, he still needed to think of it.

An alarm rang *Ring* *Ring* "Oh, come on. I forgot I had to work!" Annoyed Henry exited the simulation and teleported away. However, he didn't pause the simulation as he was in a hurry and it continued to run at a fast speed. He also did not define what exactly counted as a particle that was to be spawned by the Origin Mana, and so, many things that were in the [Base Magic Template] also flooded the simulation.


Is this Henry You the character from chapter 23? And what will happen with the still running simulation? Let's hope at least one of these questions will be answered. :P