The Book that controls Reality

This chapter has 1224 words.


At the beginning and end was it. It was only then, but not between. In the instance that was the beginning it created a book and everything else. In the instance that was the end, it deleted a book and everything else. This is what happened in between.

The book floated about for millions of years, traveling from realm to realm, dimension to dimension, universe to universe. Then it appeared before a poor farmer, he had to work all day and got paid only so much that could barely feed his family.

He had just come home from work and wanted to sleep when he saw that a book lay on his bed. It confused him, and so he took it. He wanted to see if there were any pictures inside of it, as he couldn't read. It was empty, but the pages it had were so many he could not even count them. And the touch of them was very strange. He had never before touched something like this.

Thinking he could sell it for much money the man said goodbye to his family and went to the market. He went to one of the merchants and showed the book. The merchant thought about it and seeing that the paper was such strange but also high quality bought if for a price equivalent to two months of food for the man and his family. Overjoyed the man went home and told the rest of his family.

The merchant too tried to count the pages and also tried to find out what material it was made out. Even after counting one thousand pages there still seemed to be many many more. As for the material? He never found anything. A few months later the merchant sold it to a monastery for an price magnitudes larger than the one he bought it for.

In the monastery it sat around collecting dust, the man who found it had long since passed away when a new student stumbled over it. He decided to use it to write down his thoughts. Some of it were new prayers, others were ideas on how to reform his religion while the rest were how his day to day life was. Slowly but surely did this student change the nature of his world.

Two Realms were created, Heaven and Hell. Each having their own supreme being. He also created the being that created his world. Yea, it sounds confusing but that's how it is.

A few years later did started the great war between Heaven and Hell again. The last time it happened it nearly destroyed the world, but the supremes of Heaven and Hell had powered themselves out. But they had regained their powers.

Demons and Devils, normally the largest enemies, fought against Angles and Holy Spirits on the mortal Realm. Gigantic Empires so large you needed years to cross them by foot fell within weeks. The Heavens and Hells supremes also broke their shackles and began to enter the mortal Realm.

The moment they reached it, it seemed like something broke. It was the wall separating the three Realms. Cracks formed all across the former Mortal Realms spacetime and the book fell through one never to be seen again ín this world.

The book changed hands multiple times and soon rumors spread across the Multiverse as multiple beings outside of spacetime and beings with a Static Memory reported that things changed. What exactly changed even they don't know, or at least all of them weren't willing to share more information.

One of those beings outside of Space Time, also one of the most powerful, was Jörgl. He ruled over countless Universes and his influence stretched all across the Infinite Multiverse. He was very interested in whatever changed reality as he could use it to strengthen his rule and also try to use it to break the shackles of the multiverse, thus reaching something beyond. He assumed the cause to be an item, as if it was an being there would have been many more changes and these changes would happen regularly and not in such gigantic timespans that near the lifespans of lesser Universes.

He spread out his senses and all Universes under his rule got scanned for any anomalies, for things outside the norm, for uncalculated things. Then he noticed something, in a world of fire there was a book, it confused him a bit and so he decided to look at it directly. He moved, but not left, right, up, down, forward, or behind, no he moved in another direction, he crossed the spacetime border of his Universe of Origin and after a few moments crossed another and entered this world of fire.

Instantly Flames that could burn anything they touched assaulted him from all directions, but Jörgl didn't even flinch, for he was beyond spacetime and could ignore them. He turned to the book and stretched out his hand when he felt a foreign power near him in strength descend into this Universe.

Jörgl used all his power and projected his entire being into the Universe. Its Space began to crack while its Time ran uncontrollable for- and backwards, the Universe would not survive this encounter no matter the outcome. Jörgl was only an instance away from grasping the book, he saw a flame being native to this Universe was in his way and tried to move his hand through it to get the book. However, do to him projecting all of him into this Universe his hand had taken a physical form and so he pushed this native onto the book. Then the largest change happened!

Feura was scared, she was just idling around when suddenly an unstoppable force touched her. She wanted it to stop, but the force was too strong, she felt her entire being ripped apart. She wanted nothing more then that it stops. She wanted to be alone. She wanted to it to end. Then she felt some resistance behind her.

The entire Multiverse was restructured all because one that influence all of it got deleted from existence. No matter if in the past, present, or future Jörgl was deleted and with him any traces of him ever being. Destroyed Universe were again there, whereas many others weren't. Infinite Fates changed; uncountable events influenced.

She was outside it all, alone nowhere and with her the book. Feura did not understand any of it, but a long time later when she had calmed down, she linked it all to the book (very anticlimactic…). She opened it and saw things written in unknown languages; pictures drawn showing things she had never thought off.

Feura used her fingers to burn some patterns into the paper as she was bored, but then things appeared before her! Intrigued she burned a picture of a flame on it, and to her surprise she was then surrounded by flames! She felt comfortable being in such an environment.

Enthusiastic Feura drew many things, and so created a new world outside all, a place being nowhere. She lived a fulfilled life, something not many can, and after her death the book vanished again.

This is only the start of the books tale, there are still many untold things that happened between the beginning and the end, but these are storys for the future.


I wanted to play a bit with the concept I introduced in chapter 25, more specifically the line: …thus she continued writing her own story, she wrote that she lived infinite lives when this sentence finishes,… That is, writing one's own Reality, one's own Story. (However even in this story made extra for this no one really wrote their own story… :c)

If you are interested in how exactly the book works: What is written inside of it changes reality on an absolute level. One does not necessarily need to write inside of it, drawing or even straight up punching it also works (this is how Feura used it the first time), one only needs to "change" the pages. It can also do things one cannot write out, as it takes what should be done for the intention of the writer. On limitation is, that all changes are made with the least amount of changes needed.

(that /|\ is ~85 words of extra lore… hey its LORE!)

Btw my name choices are perfect, right? :P