The Empire V - Sect War! Qi Creation!

This Chapter has 1148 words!


Three years had passed, and Wang Lei was quite proud of himself; he had formed a Golden Core! His rival only had formed a Silver Core, and at the first moment possible Wang Lei had ambushed his rival, shattered his defense using the Sword and humiliated him in front of his peers! No one would dare to say anything against him, who had a Golden Core!

At this moment a Sect Elder called all the disciples, the Sect was going to war! One of the subordinate Sects had dared to not pay tribute! And for this they had to be punished! The Sect had decided to enslave all disciples of the subordinate Sect, and those that captured the most of those disciples would get great rewards! (Does this paragraph make sense? Maybe I should have given Wang Lei's Sect a name…)

A few days later the Sect had finished preparations and set out, then they reached the rebelling Sect and began to storm it. One Domain Forging Elder destroyed the Sects defense and paralysed their Elders, they could only watch as their disciples were defeated one after another.

While many had set out in groups Wang Lei was very confident in his skills, he had a Golden Core and could fight one to one (?) against a Yellow Nascent Soul Cultivator and to top it he had such a heavenly treasure! Qi Shields were shattered one after another and Cultivators were knocked unconsciences (!!!) left and right. The female disciples that saw this thought 'So handsome!' 'So strong!' and blushed. The male disciples thought 'Why can't I be so handsome!' 'Why is he so talented! This is unfair!'.

When the Sun set, the rebelling Sect had been razed to the ground, their treasury looted, and their disciples enslaved. Wang Lei alone had captured more than 5% of the disciples! No one stood a chance against him!

The enslaved disciples had their Cultivation sealed and were brought to the Sect, they had to mine in Spirit Stone mines for the next 44 years and after that they could decide if they wanted to be released but with their Cultivation destroyed or work for another 44 years and then have the Seal lifted.

Some of the enslaved disciples were used by the Sect to sort the Sects Treasury, this was a dangerous task, as many items within it were possessed by Spirits and had been inside the Treasury for hundreds or even thousands of years! Who knew how insane they have become? What if they decided to randomly attack everyone?!

The same Domain Forging Elder that destroyed the rebelling Sects defense was watching over the enslaved disciples, he saw how one took a sword and charged at him, the Elder only snorted and the Cultivator exploded from the inside out, blood flew everywhere "Let that be a lesson to all of you!" he shouted and the air vibrated.

The enslaved disciples ran around faster while sorting the artifacts on different piles, one for swords, one for rings, one for books, one for pills, there was one for everything. Suddenly lightning shoot out from one of the Rings that a disciple just put onto the ring pile! It targeted all the disciples around it and faster than the Elder can react nothing is left of them, not even a speck of dust. All the enslaved disciples stopped what they were doing and just stood there in shock! "Continue! Whoever stands still in four seconds dies!" the Elder yelled. 'So strong? That would have hurt a lot!' he wondered.


Shi Changmao had studied the Spirit Stone Root toughly over the course of the last few years, he had also used the generated Spirit Stones to cultivate and was now halve a step into the Domain Forging Realm! During these long times of study, he had learned something, while he was not able to find out how the Root generates Spirit Stones, he found out how to use Spirit Stones to create something!

Enthusiastic he had filled many of the Spatial Rings he had with different environments. It was something nice to do. He also planted some plant seeds he had. But his greatest creation was within the fourth prince's Spatial Ring! It was the largest Spatial Ring he had and inside of it there now was a large lake, a Green Forest and all in all a beautiful place, but it was deadly silent. He had engraved a formation that pushed everything away to add gravity to the inside of the Ring, so if one looked up one could see the rest of the miniature World! (a pic in the para comments)

After creating so many things, he tried something else, he tried to create an animal! He wanted to fill the deadly silence that was everywhere. Creating the body was easy and done within a day, the hard thing was making it live. No matter what he tried the body was just that: a body without a Soul, an empty tusk, a corpse…

After failing repeatedly, he had given up and continued studying the Root as well as Cultivating. Now he had noticed a change many disciples had entered the treasury and sorted everything! He saw how an Elder watched over the whole process and also how he killed one disciple instantly! Changmao then got an idea: What if he made it seem like this Ring was possessed by an insane Spirit? He chuckled as he made a plan.

When he saw how the Ring was put onto the Ring pile, he shoot out multiple strands of Qi that surrounded the nearest disciples, he then shoot out strands of Qi again and made them glow as bright as he could, flashes of light blinded everyone, even the Elder, then he pulled the disciples all towards the Ring and stored them the moment they touched it. After this he exploded the glowing strands of Qi! This took less than a second!

He held his breath, did it work? The Elder looked at the Ring for a moment and then shouted! A few minutes passed, but the Elder still did nothing. 'Seems like it worked!' Changmao then chuckled and looked at his spoils, he had gotten 12 of the disciples! They looked like youths, and all had their Cultivation sealed.

Most were unconscious (UaQR!!! gKw!!! uQcNIu!!!) but two were awake, they stared at him. "Tell me, who are you?" Changmao questioned them, and they told him "Hm… I will give you a place to life, how does this sound?" "Great! And… and… can you unseal our Cultivation?" "Nah, you don't need it there." He then transported all 12 into the fourth prince's Ring, made a small fire and dropped some of the meat created as a result of his body experiments, even though it was lifeless, it still tasted just like the real as well as some of things. "Have a nice life, I'll watch over you." Then he flew up to the Rings inner Core and left it.


The lucky 12, from now on they are blessed by Changmao's state as a protagonist! xD