The Empire VI - Daddy? The Dynasties Ambassador!

This Chapter has 945 words.


"Daddy?" "What is my son?" "I want to show you something we made!" a little boy said with a bright smile filling his face. "Oh, and where is it?" the father asked, "It's there!" the boy pointed with his hand upwards, the father followed with his eyes and saw a small clearing within the forest, there were multiple apple trees. "Whoever is there the fastest wins!" the boy exclaimed and ran towards the place; the father laughed and ran after his little boy. (this should answer how they get food; they get it from the trees and other plants)

Shi Changmao smiled when he saw this, it was the right decision. A few years had passed, and he had reached the Domain Forging Realm, with this increase in his Cultivation Realm, he had also seen an improvement in his Creation abilities using Qi! With his Diamond Core and Purple Soul, it was only a matter of time till he reached the Domain Expansion Realm or even those beyond, what would he be able to do then?

The Spirit Stone Root had generated millions upon millions of Spirit Stones, more than he had gained through all of his robberies and it also grew slightly in size. While he had not managed to create a Spatial Ring, it was still a mystery to him how they were made, he found out how to increase ones Space. It took many Spirit Stones as well as much of his Qi what said something considering he was at the Domain Forging Realm. The further he expanded the Space inside, the more energy was needed, however the increase was permanent.

Changmao had thought about many thinks during those years, should he exit the Ring and go away to another place once he reached the Domain Expansion Realm, or should he let the Ring be within the Treasury till he was bored? In the end he decided to keep the status quo for now.


"Wang Lei! Wang Lei! Wang Lei!" an Elder shouted excitedly "Elder, please calm down. Why are you so exited?" Wang Lei questioned "An ambassador of the Dynasty is here!" "What?!" shock, confusion and many more things filled Lei's voice. "And she wants to meet you! Now come!"

The Elder and Lei ran to the Sect hall, all the disciples that saw this were shocked, why would Lei, the most talented of them all, run to the Sect hall right now? Gossipy spread, and finally one of the Sect's Gate Guards told them "A Dynasty ambassador is here!"

Lei opened the Door of the Sect hall, and saw that all Elders, the Domain Expansion Experts as well as the Sect Leader had assembled. They all humbly talked with the ambassador; this was something he couldn't even think of in his wildest dreams. When they noticed his arrival, they made way for him.

Finally, he saw the ambassador, she was beautiful, she looked like a goddess that had descended onto the mortal Realm. A heavenly aura surrounded her as well as a force that made him think she was invincible, maybe this was the Rulers aura protection her? Her pure white robe only continued to make her seem even more grand. (I wanted to copy a +200 words desc of some heavenly beauty out of another novel, but 60 is enough! xD)

"You must be Wang Lei." She spoke and he fell out of his stupor, "y- yes, I am Wang Lei." He stuttered. "As you have a Golden Core as well as a Blue Soul, it is very likely you will reach the Lord Realm!" shock, that was what everyone thought, the Lord Realm! Two whole Realms above the Domain Expansion Realm! But she had not finished yet "Many years ago our great Ruler decided that everyone who has a chance of reaching the Lord Realm will get all the resources they need! Thus, Wang Lei, are you willing to go to the grand Capital of our mighty Dynasty and learn from the strongest masters it has!"

They were speechless, for Wang Lei to be send to the Capital! The heavens must have blessed them! After a few seconds of silence, Lei spoke confidently "Yes! I am willing!" "Great!" the ambassador nodded and took out a spatial Ring, "There is a reward for every Sect that manages to produce such a talent, here." She threw it towards the Sect Leader "While Wang Lei is at the Capital your Sect is excluded from the yearly tax." She then turned to Wang Lei, "Pack your thinks we will leave when the Sun sets." After this she went away.

A few hours later all disciples had assembled to send Wang Lei off, he was saying goodbys to the elders, the Domain Expansion Experts as well as the Sect Leader. He then looked at the Crowd "May our paths cross again!" he shouted, the ambassador thought 'Hey, that's a nice line, I should remember it!' she then touched Lei's arm and took out an mysterious Stone. The Sect Leader focused on it but couldn't find out anything about it. She then whispered some words and send so much Qi inside, it send sweat down the Domain Expansion Cultivators necks, many of the disciples even got knocked out! (yea! I could paraphrase the cursed word!)

A bright light shone out of the Stone and moments later it vanished, the ambassador and Wang Lei were nowhere to be seen!


"What the hell happened outside?!" Changmao had just cultivated when he felt how massive amounts of Qi suddenly appeared was gone as fast! As nothing happened a few minutes later he just continued cultivating.