The Empire VII - The Golden Capital; Easter present!

This Chapter has 1152 words!


The Capital of the Dynasty… Wang Lei lacked the words to describe it… every building was made out of a material that was filled with so much Qi, that even a brick of it would be considered a treasure! The ambassador tould him that it was a special mix of Spirit Stones and Qi infused Gold. And Golden, that was how the Capital looked like, he saw Shining Buildings as far as he could see. The Powerful Auras of many Cultivators that could defeat his Sect singlehandedly were everywhere.

Finally, the ambassador reached a certain building, it was a round tower that reached the clouds in the Sky. "This is where you will live during your training, go inside." After a few moments she added "May our paths cross again." she chuckled and went away.


Lei was already within the Capital for seven years now and had reached the Domain Formation Realm. During those seven years he had learned many things. The whole Capital was based on the concept of merits. One would get a given amount at the end of each moon based on one's position and for tasks. Those could then be exchanged for whatever one wanted, be it wealth, pleasures, food, pills, or knowledge. He had amassed quite a bit of them over the years. However even now, after 7 years he still had not once seen the Dynasties Ruler nor anyone of the Royal Family.


Shi Changmao had managed to create a Spatial Ring! He had spent the last few years studying the ones he had and today he used his creation ability and forged one! While its space was only a few fists large he could only improve from now on! He had also put the Spirit Stone Root in one Ring he had emptied of all and increased its space. It was now filled with such a Qi density, if a Body Tempering Realm Mortal would take a single breath, they would break through the Qi Condensation and Foundation Establishment Realm, till the Core Formation Realm.

It was a perfect Cultivation place. Whatever he put inside would be infused with Qi within a few hours. The only problem he had, was that it would be filled with Spirit Stones after a few days if he did not put them somewhere else or use them for cultivating. He was at the peak of the Domain Formation Realm and was sure that he would break through in a few weeks if he continued to burn Spirit Stones like he did at the Current Rate.

The inside of the fourth prince's Ring had changed during those years too. There now was a small Village of eight wooded huts, but most of them were empty. There were also many children playing with each other. When Changmao looked at it, it always brought a smile to his face. He had an idea "How about hiding a few Spirit Stone and seeing how long it takes for someone to find them?" and so he did it.

Multiple bright lights flashed out from the Rings inner Core, all inhabitants looked up, but the lights had already landed by then. The children, curious as children are, decided to find out what it was while their Parents discussed shortly with each other and, after coming to the conclusion that whoever put them here has no reason to harm them, let it be.

About fifteen minutes later one of the Children saw a slight blue glow under a Trees Roots! It called the others and then the bravest one took a step forward and removed the roots! Blue light filled their eyes and the bravest took the Stone, it was warm. The bravest then covered it with his hands and the glow died down.

"It's warm!" he said, the others touched it and to their surprise it was very comfortable! "There have to be more of those glowing Stones!" a smart girl exclaimed, and the others agreed, they split up and began searching the forest.

Changmao was surprised, within one and a halve hours the children had found all the Spirit Stones he had hidden! He had added some after seeing how much fun they had and now each child had one Spirit Stone. "Note to self: If you want to hide something, make sure children don't get curious and try to find it!" When he saw how the children proudly showed each other their Stones, it put a smile on his face.

"Daddy look what I found!" one boy said, he was the fastest who returned to the little hamlet, the others were shortly behind him. He opened his hands and a blue glow spread in the boy's surroundings! "A Spirit Stone!" the boys' father exclaimed, and it attracted the other parents' attention. "What is a Spirit Stone?" the smart girl asked, the others had also reached the place.

"A Spirit Stone is something rare, and if you know how, you can use it to make you strong!" "Strong?!" the children whispered to each other. "And if you are Strong you can fly!" "Fly?!" "Wow!" "I will become Strong!" The girl thought to herself a bit and then asked, "How can I use it?" The father laughed, "For that you have to cultivate, but for that you are still too little. We will show you how when you are enough." She looked to the other adults and they nodded, "Hm…" she stared at the Spirit Stone in her hand.


It was already becoming dark and the children got to bed, every one of them cherished their Spirit Stone and kept it closely to themselves, it warmed them. The adults had come together and were talking "To think it were Spirit Stones! And such high grade at that!" "With them they can Cultivate even here where there is no Qi!" "But should we really teach them how to cultivate? What if they get into an argument and fight? Our Cultivation is sealed, they would probably destroy much!" "But the real question is, why would this Savior give us Spirit Stones? Does he want the kids to Cultivate?"

Just then they felt how Qi began filling the Air, while it was still quite thin and weak so much so they would not have noticed it if not that they were Cultivators before. They all instinctively took a deep breath, and the Qi began circulating within their body. Then they felt how their Seal shattered! "He unsealed us?" "Maybe he wants us to teach them Cultivation?" "Probably!"

Their fatigue instantly vanished and their long-lost Strength they hadn't felt for nearly a decade returned. It was little Qi, it still strengthened them largely. Their senses also enhanced, and they noticed someone observing them. They turned towards where the observer was located, but no one was there. Little footprints filled the ground. The adults connected the dots and chuckled.


FYI: It was Easter when I wrote this part. Happy Late Easter! :D