The Empire XX - The Mine that isn't

This Chapter has 1339 Words!


Slowly the light illuminating the city as a replacement for the extinguished Sun darkened, and the lively city fell asleep. Changmao left his bed and went downstairs, it would take him a few days to adjust to this Dynasty's Day-Night Cycle, it was a little bit longer and around eight hours shifted. It wasn't that important to him as a Cultivator but still.

A lovely atmosphere greeted him, candles stood on every table and a nice aroma filled the air. It was like this Inn was a top restaurant! "Looks nice" he said and sat down. The Inn's Owner heard him and soon she gave him his meal. It too was prepared with skill and smelled good. He nodded to her and began eating, he enjoyed every bite.

As time passed customers entered the Inn, most only for a beer or two. He followed all their Conversations and overheard something interesting: "…Hey Jon, are you still working for that greedy bastard?" "Yea, why Ron?" "Well, Tom tould me that a new Spirit Stone Mine was discovered today and that they are searching for miners!" "What! I heard they pay good money…" "Yes, I already applied as soon as Tom tould me! You have to also do it before they don't accept anyone new!" "…hm yea-" "You have to do it as soon as possible tomorrow! I don't know when they will release it to the public!" "Yea yea… did Tom gain it form his Source?" "Hmpf, Im still curios as to who that is…"

It was so curios to him, as there were no unmined Spirit Stone Mines within a thousand kilometers from the City! And those Mines don't just appear out of nowhere! If there really was one, then he would have found it when he Scanned this Territory. His Domain expanded and covered the whole city, it was as thin and weak as he could, within a few moments he found documents stating that a new Mine was found! He then retracted his Domain. 'Hm… shall I explore it now?... Nah… Im currently trying to live a sort of normal life, and just this was already cheating… I know what, I'll apply as an Overseer!' Overseers were Cultivators that protected the Miners from danger and made sure there were no thieves.

While finishing his meal he noticed another thing he didn't before, nearly every Mortal here had not even entered the Body Tempering Realm! The first, and easiest Realm! Even though every Mortal can reach the peak of the Third Realm, the Foundation Establishment Realm, no matter their Talent, age, or physical strength. 'Hm… I'll stay here a bit and listen to their conversations…' And so, the night fell by.

The next day Changmao stood up early and began strolling through the awakening City. He reached the Miners Guild's Building; a long line was before it. It were Mortals who heard of the new Mine and wanted to work there. He as a Cultivator didn't need to wait and was Guided inside.

"Welcome Sir, how can I help you?" someone asked him "I'd like to work as an Overseer in the new Mine." "Hm… let me see… we still have a few posts. May you tell me your Realm, Name, and Residence?" "I am at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm and my Name is Shi Changmao. As for my current Residence, it is a little Inn." "A little Inn… hm… Anyways, we will open the Mine at the last this month. We await you here by noon." "Yes, till then!" and so he left the Guild Building. 'That was fast… I expected it go take longer…'

The rest of the Day he spent exploring the City, trying out different Food, or looking at Cultivation Tools. When he returned to his Inn, he decided to increase his Stay there till the end of the month. When the Owner asked him as to what he plans after he tould her of his job as an Overseer. She seemed a bit surprised but congratulated him.

The days flew by, he continued what he did before, and he even took part in a little Skill competition: How many Qi balls can one control at the same time while fighting? The Challengers would fist fight each other while controlling as many Balls of Qi as they can. For this he limited his control and endurance as to what it was when he still was within the Nascent Soul Realm. It made a bit fun, and in the End, he won, but it didn't feel like a real challenge. (…wanted to make a better competition but didn't came up with something else…)

He also saw the girl from when he entered the City again, she was buying food on the market with what seemed to be her parents. 'She looks happy… Should I have given her more? Nah, that was enough…'

The month ended and Changmao said goodbye to the Inn's Owner, she made excellent food. "When I return from my job, I'll check by here." He promised.

He went towards the Miners Guild where a massive Crowd greeted him, there were tens of thousands of Mortals and hundreds of Cultivators, ranging from the Core Formation Realm all the way to the lower end of the Domain Formation Realm, there were two of them.

About halve an hour later what seemed to be a Guild Manager silenced the Crowd with her presence. She gave instructions and explained the Mine a little, then she guided the Crowed out of the City. An Airship waited there. Soon they all had entered when it started its journey.

The Airship seemed to swim through the night, but it was just too dark to see anything outside for the Sun was extinguished. The light illuminating the City shrank, and soon it was nothing more than a little point.

Having lost track of time the Miners wondered when they will arrive when the Airship stopped, and the ramp down was opened. A bright light illuminated the way as the Manager guided the Miners and Overseers down underground. Changmao felt how the Qi within the Air increased, one of the Signs for a Spirit Stone Mine, and then he saw it with his own eyes as Spirit Stones filled the walls and ceilings. 'How?! They don't just drop out of the Sky, do they?'

Slowly they reached a tremendous Cave, the slight light of Spirit Stones illuminated it and the Qi pressure was huge. Changmao was quite sure that even without actively trying most of those mortals would advance a Realm.

The Loud Voice of the Manager filled the Cave "You will work here, there still are no houses and such build, that you have to do yourself. We will give out the Mining equipment in about an hour. There is no daily quota per se, but your Protector may assign one. And lastly, don't try to steal Spirit Stones, we will know if you do and won't take you back with us once your job is finished!"

After this she stepped down and explained to the Overseers the Structure of the Mine, what dangers there are and where they would live. For the Cultivators they had prepared Rooms, but not for the Miners. "You may use some of the Collected Spirit Stones for Cultivating, but not more than 10% of what your Group of Miners Collects. I hope you understand why." Most of the Cultivators nodded, they knew how it would work.

To get something to eat the Miners needed Money, to get Money they would have to mine Spirit Stones and give them to their protectors, the Cultivators, who then would give part of them to the Guild which would return Money for the Cultivators to pay the Miners. The Cultivators could Cultivate using some of the Collected Spirit Stones, the Miners get paid for mining, and the Guild gain more Spirit Stones. It was a win win win situation. (or isn't it? *VSauce Music Plays*)


The next Chapter will return back to Wang Lei, lets see what he was up to while Changmao lives a second life…