The Empire XXI - Cultivation Laws & [ ]

This Chapy has 1750 Words!


Wang Lei was playing with his children when the Dynasty's Ruler came. Upon seeing his grandchildren, a smile spread on his face. "Lei, I can you meet me in two hours? I have an important matter to tell you." "Yes sure, where?" responded Lei, curiosity filled his voice. "At the southeastern edge of the sky. It's better if we are there." was the answer. He nodded, and the Ruler disappeared.

"He's gonna tell you to train more father!" shouted his Son, now close to the peak of his Realm, who overheard a bit. "Nah…"


The Green Lightning Dynasty's Ruler sat below a proud Tree, a Tree he had planted all those Years ago, it was such a Strong and Sturdy Tree it could survive at the Sky's Edge where the Stars moved.

His eyes suddenly moved and focused upon a rapidly approaching Golden Light. It was Wang Lei. He slowed down and landed next to the Ruler, but his interest on the Tree. "Follow me." the Ruler stated and walked through a hole forming in the Sky's Border.

Lei had already seen the Wasteland beyond, but he still couldn't truly comprehend its size. It was like the Dynasty was a single Grain of Sand in an endless Desert. As for the Void above, it still scared him, not for himself, he now could suppress its Aura, but for his Family.

"What I am now going to tell you, is something even my closest don't truly understand. It is the secret to a completed Ruler Realm Cultivation." As to dramatize the sentence hundreds of Green Lightnings formed around them, of course made by the Ruler. "The Secret of a completed Ruler Realm Cultivation?" shock filled Wang Lei who comprehended the sentences hidden meaning: Just by Cultivation alone one can't reach the true Ruler Realm!

"The Ruler Realm, just like the Lord Realm, can be reached Simply by cultivating. However, one's strength will be largely limited. Even if one reaches the Peak one won't stand a chance against someone who followed the true path and just entered the Realm." The Ruler formed more Lightnings, a literal thunderstorm surrounded them and burned the already burned ground of the Wasteland even more.

"The Secret, Lei, is to form a Law. A Law as close to one's Self as possible. A Cultivation Law!"


The Ruler exploded many of the Green Lightnings, and it had its intended effect on Lei. His state of shock only got stronger!

"A Cultivation Law is something that will follow you till the end of your Path, whatever that may be. It will help you largely and is the strongest trump Card of any Ruler. Mine…" He threw his hands upwards, and Lightning began roaring "…is the Green Lightning Law!" A flash of green light blinded Lei, and moments later a powerful shockwave devasted the Wasteland around.

The Smoke, dust, and waste that had been thrown up slowly dispersed, but Lei just stood there, trying to comprehend the concept of Laws. When it had finally settled down, he spoke in a firm voice "How do I form a Law?" a slight golden glow radiating from his entire being. 'He has a desire, power, and firm majesty. Just like what a true Dragon is said to have… he will form his Law!'

"There is no one way to from one. I formed mine by Studying the Heavenly Lightnings, other phenomena, and overcoming Challenges. My Teacher formed hers during a War with many life and death situations, an Alliance of Rulers broke apart, but that's a matter for another time. As to what your way will be… that only the Heavens know."

Silently Lei nodded, "Do you have any lead for me to follow?" "Yes, a tremendous distance away are the Rulerless Planes. They are a gigantic Sky more than one thousand times larger than my Dynasty. No one knows its Origins, as far as my Teacher knew it, was already there when the current Era begun. I entered it once to explore it a bit but had to leave again after a few years as I got ever closer to the peak of the Archon Realm."

The Ruler paused shortly before continuing "The Rulerless Planes got their name from the fact that no Ruler can enter them. The Sky's Border is like an impenetrable Wall to even the weakest Ruler while a simple Mortal can just walk through it. The closer to the Ruler Realm someone within gets, the greater pressure focuses upon oneself, and at the moment one crosses over, the Plane expels one."

"That's… strange? So, if I get it right you want me to visit this Plane?" concluded Lei "Yes, but you don't need to. You can also stay here, with your family, and try to from your Law." A strange expression creeped upon his face "How long do you think would it take me to reach the Plane at my highest speed? And how far is it away?"

"Hm… a little more than a year and a halve I'd say. As for the distance if you take this Dynasty then around twelve thousand." "THAT… THAT FAR?!" his mouth was gawping open, "Hey, it's not that far considering you can cross this Dynasty in about an hour…" the Ruler was trying to calm him down a bit. (…do the distances fit??? Or is the time too less? I didn't want to make it too long to travel there…)

"How should I explain that to my wife and children? That I'll be gone for a decade or two? You do know how old they'll be when I return!?" Lei literally shouted.


Weeks and Months passed with Lei being unable to tell his family. At night when they were sleeping, he went to visit the Royal Divinator. He hadn't woken up, but he was still alive… even the Ruler was unsure if he ever will.

But his mumbling went on, he did it constantly… most was incomprehensible, but some were words and sentences... predictions! All night he stayed there, waiting to hear what he shall do. But it didn't happen…

Then one day, he went towards the Blue Forest Territory. He wanted to simply walk through it… to calm his mind… and to think. 'Shall I…' 'Hmpf… it…' 'I just can't…' '…what will they think?' he was so sunken into his thoughts that his Domain slowly retracted, no longer was there a Will to sustain it. He kept walking until the Silence around him woke him from his thoughts.

He looked around, but there was nothing… really nothing… fear and shock filled him! Where was he? He tried to expand his Domain, but to his shock it couldn't go further than his Skin! The same for his Qi! "What?!" he exclaimed. He was nowhere… and there was nothing he could do! The base of his strength, power, and confidence… all useless!

His mind fell apart... sorrow and pain filled him… how can he ever see his family again?

What seemed like an eternity passed, he just stood there… pitying himself. Then within the deepest parts of his mind something awoke… it was the part of him what would not simply accept something. But a moment later it fell asleep again, deeper than ever before. But within this single moment it implanted a slight suggestion into Wang Lei's empty mind: Walk

And so, he slowly moved, one step after another. No place as a goal… simply walking.

The distance he crossed seemed infinite, but the nothingness continued… it was endless.

Lei's being began dispersing. For he wasn't made for Eternity.

First his Domain fell together to a single near Infinitesimal point before radiating away one speck after another. A process to slow to comprehend.

Then once his Domain was null, his Qi froze… the Qi, the breath of the World, died. And it too dispersed slowly. But due to its nature even slower than his Domain.

But in comparison to eternity, it was nothing, and so it too became null.

Then followed his Body as it couldn't sustain itself without a constant influx of Qi. This happened relatively fast. If compared to his Qi of Domain, it was less than an eye blink. What remained was a skeleton controlled by his Soul.

But the walking continued… for this was all he could.

Then his bones slowly ground up. With each step they hit each other





but this came at a cost: They got more and more porous till then *knack* the first bone broke!

However the empty hulk continued on, for a Skeleton was not needed to move.

And so, the last bone shattered *knack*

What remained now was the hulk, the closest state to vanishing a Soul can have before dispersing.

Having lost the body binding it too existence the long and slow process of dispersing began.

Distance and Time had long lost their meaning, but the Soul continued on…

With each shard of it dispersing a part of the Soul was lost forever...

First it were the unimportant parts… random details of what this hulk's long gone Domain had scanned, then followed people whose paths only once crossed with it.

More and more were lost… gone…

Memories of a family the hulk once had, were the last external memories it had.

The first to vanish was the wife, a princess from a Dynasty that had been buried and forgotten in the sands of time…

The next were the children, the sons, and the daughter... all at once, as if it couldn't be decided who of them were the most important…

But the husk… the only thing remaining was its Self within a deep slumber, continued…

Its only purpose: Walk

But even the Self, the most resilient part of a Soul, wasn't made for Eternity.

Stress continued to build up on the husk, trying to shatter it. But the Self refused, for it wanted to fulfill its purpose: Walk

The Stress only increased in power, while the hulk weakened.

But it could only win, and so the Stress overpowered the near indefinable Self


With a power full release of force able to erase nearly everything, the Self was ripped apart.

It was the End.

But still, no Eternity had passed. For only that which is Eternal can.






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That was what remained, if one can even talk about "remains". It was what made everything….

It was Eternal