The Empire XXVI - Like a phoenix from the ashes

This Chapter has 700 words.


Shi Changmao and the Fiery Storm Dynasty's Ruler silently drank their drinks empty. Finally, Changmao broke the silence. "Miss, your story has more importance to me than you may think. Thank you too. For that I want to help you sowing the seeds of the future." (Is 'Miss' the right one here?) She thought for a moment, "I greatly accept your help, but first let's talk to our guests."

The Ruler's Domain made a short flinch and the door opened. Outside stood a small group of people, some were Cultivators, some Mortals, some poor, some rich, some old, some young. "You may enter." she spoke. They all looked scared a bit, but then the first entered and the others followed.

"What is your matter?" she asked. "Ahm… so… I… we… We would like to know… to know what you will do with us…" the one who spoke was very nervous. "Oh… that's it? Nothing." "nothing…?" Changmao answered this time "Well, we plan to help you. We wish you no harm." "…"

'Man… they are really only concerned about themselves and their families… being a Mortal has its benefits! They have no hidden agenda or even plan to harm us. They know we are unreachable to them and could kill them like bugs, but they still came. I admire them and their bravery.' so were his thoughts.

He moved his hand in a mysterious pattern and said, "Go to the City's Gate and bring everyone with you." They looked confused but then the Ruler chuckled "Go, see for yourself!" They moved away and began calling for the others to follow them. "That's nice of you." "They need that."

They began talking again, discussing multiple things like how to help the population and what to do about all the destruction and deaths, but they also talked about the concept of Laws, how they Cultivated, and their cultivation path itself.


"Mom, get the others! We need to go out!" a certain girl shouted. "Why Darling?" her mother sounded concerned "The ones who went to meet the Cultivators said we should. They too didn't know why but everyone else is also going!" "Hmpf… but…" the mother was still not sure, and the girl tried again "Mommy, if they wanted to harm us, they would have already done so!" "Boah! Big Sister always has the big words! Mommy I want to go!" her little brother had overheard them. Being verbally assaulted by two of her children broke the impenetrable Defenses of the Mother. "Everyone, you heard your Sister! Come down!"


Both the Ruler and Changmao smiled upon seeing the happiness that filled the City's people. They were enjoying what Mortals could only describe as a divine meal. 'Food… it solves every problem.' He thought and said, "All what people need are a meal and something to drink." "For not having any experience in ruling you sure know much about it." Changmao chuckled "hehe… it just is so…"


A Domain Spread, wherever it passed the death Earth was blessed with life and became a green grassland. The long dried-up rivers returned, bringing the sounds of life.

A Storm formed in the Sky; it covered the whole Dynasty. Masses of Water were spread by it before it all fell down in a refreshing rain.

Having emptied its water, the Storm as large as the Dynasty contracted to a thousand kilometers. It rotated silently for hours until suddenly a raging Fire began consuming it. The fallen Sun began ascending, returning to its rightful place in the Sky. The Fiery Storm and the fallen Sun fused, bringing a Grand Light to the rising Dynasty.

A Pulses of Qi shot outwards from the old Capital, it was like a Call. And the remaining Sects and Cities followed it, beginning Long Journeys.


'A Law… how would my Law look like? Will it give me the Power to defeat any foe? Will it give me the Defense to survive any attack? Or will it be like hers, giving a wide range of Abilities?' Changmao was fantasizing about the Laws he could form.

He had helped the Ruler to revive the dead Earth and to rebuild the fallen Sun. 'Maybe something that will help me create things? Hm…'


sorry this chapy seems so… empty? didn't really know what to write after the 'family scene'… :(

Oh, and the plot I wrote doesn't even come close to being worth the name the chapy has…

also ignored all the dead miners who had their own families and friends back in the City