This Chapy has 1367 words!


Oh, you're still here?

Well, I think I should thank you for giving me your body so easily. I mean who would sleep without casting a dream warden?

Right, you can't answer me… you're only a dispersing Soul, bound to this body… hm… yea I think I owe you an explanation.

I'm a Dream Jumper, you know what we are? We're beings that go from one dream to another and try to take control of the dreamer. The weaker the dreamer's resistance the easier we can fuse with them.

So, you didn't have any resistance at all! You know there are less beings with no resistance then beings with an impenetrable one! And for that I love you!

Now… let's see how this body of yours is…

Ah, now I know why you didn't cast any dream warden! You haven't tapped into your magic source!

That's perfect! Over my long live I have learned some great ways of strengthening untapped sources!

I think this time I can finally complete my long-term goal! What my goal is? Nah… I won't tell you… that's spoilers! Haha…

So now let's look at your place… wait what you're sleeping on the streets? You're homeless? Great so no one will miss you! Oh, did I hurt you? Sorry…

But your clots! Even a slave I became three centuries ago had better ones!

Anyways… let's see where we are… okay so it's some city… and it smells… hm… how many cities do I know that smell?! Every single one does!

You are probably wondering why I don't just read your mind to know all that, well the thing is that there are certain unbreakable laws in this world. Law three is "The Mind is Sacred. Only it's Soul may know it's Secrets." It's a very annoying Law.

Because of that I often try to fuse with someone who writes a diary. Do you have any idea how many secrets of great mages one can get simply by reading their diary?

I'll for now focus on learning your body, that's always the hardest part. If you haven't already dispersed in a few hours, I'll continue talking to you.


Hey, are you still there? Well, I mean your Soul is, but does your Consciousness still exist?

I guess I shall tell you what I did.

You see, I tried to find out where I am. And you know what? This City! Its this one! I think fate played a joke here. You know… one of those who founded this City seven centuries ago was me! I controlled him! You probably don't find it that funny, but I do…

So, then I went outside, this city has grown so much since when it was only a little village.

I'm currently collecting some plants to brew a Mana potion. With that I can use magic without tapping into your Source. This is because the moment one tapes into one, it cannot easily be strengthened anymore.

What I plan to do then is to get some of my stash I buried when I founded the city. I always do that. It gives me a sort of jump start in my next possession. (btw, is 'possession' the right word?)

Ah! There is the final flower, a red blood tulip!

So now up to the river…


I forgot how much I hated doing things by hand… it always takes so long and in the end the body always is so weak… you have no idea how many bodies I lost because of that!

…right! Mortals need to eat! I almost forgot that… but that's a matter for later.

Hm… so first put the roots in water for a few seconds… 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… okay, then take that and eat it. Bah… roots taste disgusting. Second take all the tulips and put them in your mouth… then chew them down… now eat that…

And that… and that… and finally drink as much water as you can…

It probably sounds like I made some disgusting poison but that's how it is… I haven't discovered this potion! Ask whoever made that how they got such ideas! They had to have been insane!

Anyways I can already feal a little magic furnace forming in my belly… a few more minutes and I'll have access to all my spells again!

But sadly, I won't be able to actually cast more then a few… most strong ones I know require so much magic even a Mage of the High Council wouldn't be able to cast it alone.

What the High Council is? You will know soon enough when I encounter a Mage of them… but know that: They are annoying cockroaches that have near perfect dream wardens! Till now I only ever could take control of a single one of them! And that was a servant!

Anyways, I'll now go back to the city and recover the Source Strengthening potion. I hope it still work, one of the ingredients is a dragon's scale. You do not want to fight against a dragon.


I got a better idea: There is a small caravan that seems to have left the city. I'll rob them.

Hm… don't want to already kill… the High Council has an annoying Crystal that shows the scene whenever a human gets killed by magic. I know a few spells to hide from it, but they are too expensive for a single Mana potion.

Yea I'll just scare them with a few Fire Balls into giving me their stuff.


Such a waste of magic… a single Fire Ball would have done it! Their guards ran away, and the merchant wanted to give me everything he had to survive!

I took halve of his Money and a few cloths they had. Even I have a sense of style!

You may ask, don't you fear that the guards will alarm the city? And that's a good question, but no. In my experience they will come back when I'm gone and say something like "We tried to prepare an ambush! How could we have known they only wanted the money!"

I already changed; the cloths make me look like a normal citizen. Not so sure if I will stay with that or chose a robe… but for now it works.

Next short-term goal: Recover the Source Strengthening potion!


I'm inside again, but my belly now wants to eat… I hate that…

So short-short-term goal: Eat something

I'll just ask some citizens after an Inn.

Okay, know the way.

Oh, that rhymes!


Either the value of the currency has fallen or that Inn was way too expensive.

Anyways I'm currently walking towards the city center. From there the stash should be easy to locate using a certain spell.

I just noticed that this City doesn't seam to have any Mages… hm…

Just for your information: Someone with a tapped Source radiates a bit of their Magic unless they trained to contain it. But only someone from the High Council would know how to do that.


Okay, reached it. Yea I too can scare all of them away. I'll summon a fireball high up in the Sky and let it explode a few dozen meters above ground.

And it hit! Boom! They are all running around like ants when you touch their hills for only a second.

Now, the location spell…

Ah… there it is.

I'll have to dig a bit… nah blow the ground up!

A good Fireball can solve any problem!

Great I have the chest… now… yes hide in the alleys like the rest.


Yea this is a good spot… I'm now at where I first took control of your body. Can it be that you chose it as a hiding spot?

Anyways, I used up the Mana potion, but I will no longer need them now. The Source Strengthening potion is still in perfect condition! So, time to drink it!

Hm… the taste of it is probably the greatest thing on Earth…

I can already feel the body's connection to the Magic Source growing!

Tomorrow it should be finished… I'll now go meditating for a bit.

Good night


Hm… yea that was this chapy… maybe I'll continue this Story next time.

Anyways, how did you find this Chapy? I had that idea stuck in my head the whole week already...

Pease read the Author's note for more info.