This Chapa has a total of 1082 wörds.


Good Morning, I hope you had a good sleep.

I stayed awake the whole night and helped the Source Strengthening potion take effect.

You may think that I'm now gonna drink even more of them, I wish I could, but sadly that's not how magic works… the more potions one drinks the less of an effect they have. I tested it, and for this particular potion it's a total waste to drink more than one. The second only has as a tenth the effect, and the third only a hundredth!

Anyways, your Source was very strong to begin with, and now it's even stronger, and I haven't even started training it! If it weren't for your circumstances, you would have become a great Mage, certainly even a part of the High Council. But now I'm going to bring you further then you ever could.

Let's see… what were all the wardens again… right… Warden of Unnoticeability… Warden of Defense…

Then the spells… Mana Shield… Mana Absorption… Greater Senses…

That should be the basics. Most is self-explanatory, the Warden of Unnoticeability basically is an Illusion that makes one seem more normal to everyone and great for hiding in crowds, as for the spells, Mana Absorption absorbs all the Magic one radiates. It's nice to have until one's body has learned how to stop the leakage.

Now with that out of the way… let's eat something first before I forget that again. All the magic flowing to one's veins can make one ignorant of one's health. It's great for fights but that is it… your body is nice, and I don't want to lose it so soon.


I'm currently wandering along the market; it seems like they have already forgotten what happened, thou I'm sure a Mage is on their way here to check it out.

Boa… the prices are quite low in comparison to that Inn from yesterday. They scammed me!

I'll buy my food here from now on and not in those overpriced Inns.

Hm… yea that I'll take…


I just noticed it; your Soul has shrunken quite a bit over night… but talking to you seems to slow that down. Maybe telling you about what you can't sense makes your Soul stay attached to the Mortal Realm?

I think I know how you must feel when left alone. If I don't have a host, I can lose track of reality pretty fast. My only homes are dreams, the one thing meant to not be reality. What seems like a moment can be centuries… hm… maybe a few more day till you'll leave this life?


Spontaneous change of plans: I'll leave the City and go to the Capital of whatever Kingdom currently rules this Region.

I will give a try at politics. Maybe become a lord or something… maybe rule the Kingdom from the Shadows?

I never tried that before and it seems like something fun.

And if successful I might expand it to build a small Empire! With an entire Empire working for me…

Muahahaha if established even the High Council wouldn't dare to oppose me so easily! It would also give me a place to continue ruling if I sadly would need to sacrifice your body.

How didn't I think of that a thousand years ago?!


Bought a horse and a map, this Kingdom is called 'The Rasok Kingdom', apparently there is a sleeping Vulkan near it's Capital called as such. Thou there wasn't one as far as I remember when I founded this City…

Guess it'll take two or so days… yea it's not that large, I could cross it on horseback in less than a week.

Oh, and I didn't forget to bring enough food! Not gonna starve now… hehe


The Sun is setting right now, here on the plains it looks quite magnificent. I like to call it the Crimson Eye, I have a fun story about that. But now is not the time for that.

I'll show… tell you how to create a safe place to rest. First, find a clear area you doubt anyone would go through. Then, setup your resting place like normal. Third, search eight stones, all of around the same size, and place them in a circle around you resting place. Now, for the fourth step comes a little bit magic: Infuse all the eight stones with your Mana and go to the circles center. All that is left now is to weave a certain pattern between the Circle's Nodes.

It goes like this: Connect them to make an Octagon, and also connect every opposite Node so the Circle is split into nine pieces. This is the basic shape of Illusion Runes. What comes next is the hardest part, you have to weave the magical pattern of the Spell or Warden you want the Rune to use into each of the nine parts using smaller threads of mana. Every Spell and Warden has such a pattern, when casting normally one doesn't really use it, but it is there and can allow your opponent to know what you are casting before you finish, if they can read it.

This makes Rune casters, Mages that use beforehand made Runes, so annoying opponents as there is no way to hide it other than by multicasting! Well, me too but… yea. You know, knowledge is power and in magical fights its even more so! If you know what you opponent is doing its way easier to defend or outright break their spell.

Anyways, do you even understand me? I mean, you just came in touch with magic.


Finished! It's always satisfying to finish a Rune and see it activating.

The Warden I engraved is a special version of the Warden of Unnoticeability that also includes a little bit Invisibility. Unless you actively scan for Wardens or walk into its area of effect you will not find it.

Of course, I could have applied the Warden to myself, but I doubt this body will be able to hold up more than two Spells while Sleeping, and they are the Warden of Defense and the Spell of Greater Sense.

Give me a week or two and I'll be able to hold up a dozen or so while sleeping!

So, yea, I better sleep now.

Good Night my little friend!


This Chapy had a lot of WORLDBUILDING for the magic system, hope it makes sense! :D

Welp, let's see how the Kingdom part will go. Still haven't decided how our lovely Dream Jumper shall take control. (ps: any resemblance to Kabul's Fall that might appear is not intended and merely a coincidence! :P)