This chapy has 507 words.


Ah… the nice feeling of Sunlight touching one's face in the morning…

Welp, I welcome you to another day on the face of Earth my little friend.

I just readied the horse and fed it. In a few minutes I'll continue our journey to Rasok! Now that it's getting bright, I can already see the Volcano from here. It's a massive Mountain. I wonder how it'll look from the Capital…

Anyways, let's first destroy the runic formation. For that one just has to scatter the rocks, without them as nodes for the infused magic it cannot support itself anymore and breaks.



Green fields to our sides, a rocky road, the blue cloudy sky, and the crimson Sun shining above it all.

A dust cloud behind us as the horse is running along. The Air blowing in the face…

I thought I'd tell you a bit about our surroundings.


Large fields covering the flatlands… every so and so a Windmill. People working everywhere…

The city quite near now. Others filling the roads, a few merchant convoys before us.

The Sun now reaching its highest…


We reached the grand city gates. A large crowd is entering and leaving constantly… we will need to wait.

Rasok, the Volcano, looks even greater from nearby. It reaches high up into the Sky, ascending beyond even the Clouds. I think we should climb it in the future.


Our turn now!

They asked for my reason to visit, tould them for work. Guess that's not a lie?

They also wanted an entry fee… well, we have enough money for that.

We're now entering trough the grand gates. Many people are filling the roads, as expected of a capital!

Gotta search for a place to stay for now…


Found an Inn, it's near the slums and looks quite cheap, also looks like to doesn't have to many visitors. It's perfect for now.

Entered it, no ones here… ah there is a little bell! We should ring it, right?

Someone's calling that we should wait a moment… hm…

Now it sounds like someone is running down the stairs…

A woman showed up, she looks somewhat familiar… like I have 'seen' her before again… overall this whole situation… seems strangely… familiar…

Anyways, we will take a single room for a week, that's a good time for now.

Oh, nice one doesn't have to pay extra for food!


Ah, right I nearly forgot to tell you, I sold our horse to some merchant, made even a little bit profit! Hehe…


Its evening now and your Soul has shrunken gain… it makes me quite sad to see that, having a companion… I don't remember ever having one before… its nice to talk to you… really!

So, I decided something!

You and I shall be companions for this life!

I shall sustain and rebuild your Soul for as long as we inhabit your body!

This I swear!

Till tomorrow… my friend…