The First Step

This Chapter has 1834 words!


Today was an important day in the Alliance, it was the day the Alliance was founded seven hundred and twenty two years ago.

Every year countless people would flock to the Alliance's yearly awakening ceremonies hoping to unlock their potential, and today was such a day.

Our hero was just making his way trough to it. He had been camping for a few days before the Alliance's local building, this may seem insane to us, but know that he was one of the late ones!

Hours passed as the burning Sun was shining down, some people collapsed do to dehydration but no one cared, for the opportunity that awaited them was more important.

Our hero had tried to be awakened for seven years now but never came to even the building's door, this time he had paid a few members to hold a spot open for him. Of course, he was not the only one with such an idea.

Seeing the collapsed ones he felt pain and shame, as he last year he had begun camping a full week prior but in the end collapsed right before the door and was nearly trampled to death. 'Huh…' with a complicated expression he stepped out of the line and went to help them up.

"Here, drink some." just like one would expect, our hero really did heroic stuff! Well, the Alliance's higher ups would only laugh about it, but who cares about them? For those he helped he was one and that's all that matters!

Many of those were young children and old people from the country side. He himself was also one of them till he moved to the city, but not many would be able to do this. Such was this grand Alliance!

"Thanks" and old woman spoke after drinking nearly all his water, Pablo could only smile, this was all the water he had left! He helped her up and went one to the next one, it was a little boy who was completely unconsciousness Pablo shook him a bit and he opened his eyes but soon closed them again. 'he's still alive!' our hero dragged him away from the crowds and into the cool cold shadows. The old woman and a few other followed.

"Young man, may we know why you helped us?" she finally asked, "I… I just couldn't let y'all lay there… you could've died." this were Pablo's true pure thoughts, after all he as our hero would naturally do good, he isn't some rando that'd sacrifice a whole world for their own personal benefit!

A certain smile spread on her and the others face, "Thank you." they said, the boy had waked up again.

Pablo too smiled and asked them "Do you want to stay here and help? I'll get some more water." of course they all said yes with some following him. And so the day slowly passed.

In some of the Alliance's regions majestic parades were held and TVed all around its member states these were quite effective at hiding the corruption and suffering that filled it all. If Pablo would have seen them he'd laugh for he knew how it really was.

"You all can stay at my place over night." they were already quite grateful but our hero Pablo continued to surprise them.

In the whole Alliance there were nightly curfews and anyone found violating them would be imprisoned for weeks or even months and if found a third time executed! But, as you all know, there are always exceptions to rules and the exception to this were those that had awakened their potential. Such was the grand Alliance!

Pablo's place was a small rented apartment near the city's edge even for a single person alone it was quite small and now with a dozen it was filled to the brim. He shared his food with them and then they all went to try and get some sleep on the hard floor. Only a thin piece of wool separated them.

While they all drifted into the Realm of Dreams a mystical power spread out of the young boy Pablo and the others saved. After a few minutes of exploring it finally moved into Pablo's body and entered his dream.


In a small Village surrounded by a large forest all the people were eating with their families, a little boy suddenly stopped and said to his parents "Mom, Dad! I forgot to bring the wood we got yesterday here. I need to get it now!" "Nah, little one its already late we can do it tomorrow." his Mother answered "But I need to do it today!" he was nearly crying, the little one had made it his goal to always finish what he started. "Okay… but be fast!" his Father finally said and sighted. "Yes! I'll be right back!" full of energy the boy rushed out to get the wood. "Someday this mindset will get him in big trouble… huh…" the parents looked at each other before continuing to eat.

The little boy rushed trough the woods, even in the dark he knew where everything was, and soon reached his goal. He walked up to a pile of wood, took some, and began rushing back. He was so full of energy he didn't even have to pause to catch some breath!

He neared the wood's edge, a strong smell of fire permeated the air. A few minutes later the boy stepped out of the forest. Shocked he stood still, his Village, his home was burning! Bloody bodies were scattered everywhere, the little boy recognised some of the lifeless faces: his neighbores, friends, all the Villagers!

He let go of the wood in his hands and walked – no ran – to his home. The building had burned down, only the stone foundation was left. A crippled corpse lay on the ground, a deep hole was where the hearth should have been, a bloody puddle was around it.

The little ones heart was racing and he stepped further into the ruins; the heath dried his eyes, stopping tears form forming. Finally his eyes saw another one: the corpse lay face down, its hair had been burned to the stumps and its whole back was torn apart.

Some time passed, the burning fires had slowly extinguished.

He turned

He walked

He ran

His little figure left behind the ruined Village

He reached the Forest

He sped along a little path

His tears watered the way

He slipped

The celestial bodies crept along the starry sky, slowly night turned into day, day turned into night and the little boy still laid where he fell.

Suddenly the trees parted and a nine-tailed fox stepped into the now formed clearing. The fox waived its third tail, a mysterious force wrapped around the little boy and began to calm him down. A few minutes later the boy stood up and looked at the strange being in front of him. The fox mustered it up and asked: "Boy, do you want this to repeat? Do you want to lose everything again?"

The little one shook his head, a weak "no" left his mouth. "Then become so strong no disaster may ever approach you, reach such a power that the World itself has no option other then to bow to your Will!"

The nine-tailed Fox waived its third, fourth, seventh and ninth Tails, a grand power invaded the boy's body, mind, and soul. A few minutes later a Seal was broken and it retreated. The Fox turned around and began to walk away. The Trees crept back to their original position and the clearing vanished.

"thanks for helping my disciple" the fox's voice resounded a final time.


The Sweat drenched Pablo awoke, his eyes took a while to adjust to the bright sunlight shining into the room. Today, as always since that certain night, his dream let him relive it once again. What plages our hero is his tragic past, he, like most other heroes has one. But it was a little different today, he was still as powerless as ever with no way to change this dream, but he met a strange being. This was the first time such has happened!

He recalled its words, he didn't want this to repeat, he didn't want to lose his all again. But how shall he become strong? So strong as to stand above even the World?! He didn't have a power, an ability that would give him a path to follow! And what did this fox mean with that he helped its disciple?

Little did our hero know that his fate had already been changed.

He decided to stand up and look after those he helped, Pablo stretched his arms and stood up – no he tried to – but the moment he did his legs gave in and he fell down. "What!?" Pablo exclaimed in shock, it was like his legs were still asleep!

After resting a few moments he tried again, his legs shook under the strain. "ugh" He struggled and had to lean on a wall to not fall again. "what is with my legs?" he thought aloud.

Pablo then took one step at a time to familiarise himself with walking again.

If our hero could look into his own body, mind, and soul he'd notice a Majestic Card giving of a divine feeling surrounded by shattered and broken Golden shining chains. If someone from the Alliance's awakening ceremony saw this, they'd be surprised as such a Card was an awakened potential! An Ability! A Power!

The destroyed Golden chains on the other hand would let them doubt their life as they were the World's rules that sealed each and every beings potential, for if a potential developed up to a certain point it could even make the World suffer!

Normally a being would need to loosen each chain over time and shatter them to reach the next level of strength, but Pablo had no chains binding him, the World would no longer be able to stop him from developing, only the comprehension of his own potential could!

This is our hero's advantage!

But Pablo had not learned how to do this, over time an Awakened would naturally pick it up.

Our hero was still struggling with his each and every step, but with enough trying he'd relearn Walking and be able to stand on his own Feet. For Pablo had just taken his First Step on the long Path he is destined to follow!


After the first step there is of course the seconds step followed by the third and so one, so expect a few other chapters about this story and setting! :D

I'm also trying a different style of narration here, how is it? Did I add to many "narrator comments"?

Ps.: the Card thing I copied from Godly Model Creator, a nice novel btw! Oh yea and the Alliance is a copy of its Federation...