Forbidden Letters

A short one.


In a certain Country, there was a Dictator. This Dictator had arisen after a catastrophe occurred that its former government couldn't handle, during the resulting civil war he promised prosperity and wealth. Of course, as with all dictators, he didn't hold his words and ruled his land with iron fists. The only positive thing that came with him was the weak stability and order his rule enforced.


One year this dictator read a report of his land's state – this report was hand written since a material shortage made creating printer ink impossible – and was very annoyed over a certain thing: The reports' writer had a very bad handwriting, so bad the look of a certain letter made the dictator nearly vomit himself to death!

And so he did what anyone in his place may have done, he forbid the letter in it's entirety! Whoever was discovered creating this forbidden monstrosity were certain of one thing, this was the last time they'd see the light of the daytime's Star.

In the following days and weeks many learned this lesson. From now on they'd have to work in the mines, else their families'd see the dictator's wrath!


A year later; people had started to simply write this illegal character backwards with a mark above it, after all this was a grey area.

The Dictator raged after he was said this. From that day, it was illegal to do illegal!

The press, a part of the leadership, had to always have some experts at search of other words with it.

The people, who already had problems to express themselves, had to check if what they said or wrote was okay. It were two characters that were made illegal yet they made so large problems already!

What if the dictator decided to forbid a few more?!


Some people with lower age expressed their rage over these choices, they were lead to this as the dictator's activities made the title they gave themselves illegal. They all took the third letter their rivals' title had, they all wrote this letter everywhere, they all tried to make the letter as bad as possible.

Why did they target their rivals? These rivals had made jokes over their misery.

So came the dictator some day by all these ill letters. The dictator raged. He made the letter illegal.

The rivals'd liked to swear over the others, yet it was impossible as all the swear words they had grasped had the letter.


The leader the state had, had a letter a year later as – there was a shortage as two years ago – the letter had two 2d spheres above. That made the leader rage!

Yet that also sealed the leader's path that he was to do.

The leader's doctors attempted to tell the leader that he had a deadly health problem, yet, as he had a hole where a head was, the doctor's words were to complex!

A week later he was dead.


Those that took control of the country after the now deceased dictator of course removed these stupid and crazy laws. The population liked them for that, but only for a short time.

After all, dictators are dictators.

Those with too much power in their hands can get drunk with it.


That was fun to write. Can you guess what letters the dictator banned?

Maybe you'd be able to find out by comparing the letter frequency (how often a letter appears) of this text and that of the English language.

Anyway, look out for those that have nothing limiting their authority, else you may find that you must always listen to… you know the rules! :D

(a small note: I wrote this a month ago and was debating whether or not to post, but as you read this, you know the result. Another thing: While writing I had a small list of the banned letters but I deleted it, so even I do not know what exactly the banned letters are without searching!)

(there is an extra note in the Author's note)