The Dragon Incident 10 year later

Like a sparkling star in the darkest nights!


The Dragon Incident: Ten Years later

Ten years ago the Sea Dragon shocked the world, it defied everything known about Nature and is till now unexplained and unique, it has shaped our world in a way even we couldn't in the short time it acted.

While we are sure everyone knows about it, here a short summary of the happenings back then:

Ten years ago, the Sea Dragon began taking action in the South Chinese Sea (SCS), it ate one fish after another and caused a 15% fall in fishing catches within only one month.

Later it was first sighted by the now famous fisher Edi as it attacked his fishing boat. Back then Edi's reports of it were seen as nothing more but jokes and lies but this changed when Monster Hunter Dan decided to search for it.

Soon he reported it, with pictures to back it up, and the Sea Dragon became known all across the World.

In the following weeks and months the Sea Dragon became a disaster and ate all the fish in the SCS before moving on. Multiple nations tried to catch it but to no effect; the Sea Dragon destroyed Steel, proved to be Bulletproof, and ate every marine animal that came in its way.

Following this, the United Nation declared it a "Threat to the World" and said that it had to be "eliminated", but even then the Sea Dragon continued it's tyranny. Even surviving Torpedoes.

In the end the UN's Security Council decided to eradicate it using a Thermonuclear Weapon. For a time the problem seamed to be solved until all fish, all marine animals, even those in Aquariums and Zoos, began trying to move to the South pole.

A global Storm formed and covered the Earth for hours before it dispersed and the Sea Dragon was observed leaving the Earth to now roam across the Sea of Stars.

What the Sea Dragon left for us and the Earth were calm and Empty Oceans with not even a single fish inside. Since then it has not been detected again and some speculate that it is now on the search for other worlds to ravage..

Ten years ago, a large part of humanity was fed by the Oceans, but with the giant Ecosystem that are the Oceans being not collapsed, but completely eradicated this important food source dried out, resulting in global food shortages never seen before and causing many developing nations to fall back dozens of years. Some experts we questioned said that "The Sea Dragon alone destroyed a century of Human progress." and looking at the global situation this is obvious, currently one halve of the world's population is having food insecurities, meaning that at any day, they could loose their food access, and one third of the world has to sleep hungry.

We, the writers of this Article, too are having problems with food. Some of us go hungry at night to give our family and children enough.

Back to the facts, in many of the developing countries civil wars had broken out as the Governments couldn't supply their population and now Warlords and Dictators rule these broken States. Countless humans have starved to death as a direct consequence of the Empty Oceans, estimates range from 'only' a hundred million to halve a billion.

Progress in many areas of science and social as well as economic developed also halted as most resources are used to produce food for the world, with the little left being all poured into finding more efficient and better ways to produce it.

Experts estimate that it will take at least a century if not more to recover to a state like before the Dragon Incident.

Many Climate and Conservation Organisations fear that now with the world needing to focus on food, pressing matters like Climate Change and Resource Exhaustion will be put asside and cause even more chaos and misery in our ravaged world.

And we haven't even started listing the Worst the Sea Dragon left behind!

We are sure you know what comes now: The Green Planet.

Ever since the fish and other marine animals disappeared, Algae has bloomed in this environment without predators. Already seven years ago there had been no natural beach left that wasn't swept full of the green plague, and now 10 years after the Sea Dragon gave us this present, the only part of the seven oceans that isn't constantly covered in green, is the nighttime arctic!

From Space, our planet no longer is the sweet blue pearl it once was. Now it looks like a toxic wasteland full of death and despair. And that is the truth. That is what our world has become.

The Radioactive fallout of the attempted nuking of the Sea Dragon was proven to have caused the now all-present algae to be mutated, making it extremely resilient to the elements and fast spreading. And, as if fate wants to joke with us, these algae are also poisonous and are deadly on touch.

All in all our world is shit.

But do not think that we want to spread a dark and sad mindset. We want to let you realise and accept the truth.

This is not the End.

There will be a time when we, the human race, will look back at these hard and hopeless times, like we had looked at the dark ages.

We, the humans, will always have the Flame of Hope buried deep within us.

Did our ancient ancestors fear the dark?

They did.

What did they do?

They tamed fire.

They didn't surrender to the darkness.

They conquered and defeated it.

And now it is up to us to solve the current problems.

We will solve them, this is certain.

But someone needs to do the first step.

For when has any problem ever solved itself?

This is what we want you to remember.

Do not give up.

If you fall just try again.

With best regards, those that want to see the Flame of Hope burn bright again.


The Dragon Incident… this continues the [Empty Oceans] Story (chapters 7-9). I find that that quasi-fanfic of [Invincible Divine Dragon's Cultivation System] is one of the best Stories I have written thus far. Just the reread before writing this was… yea cool I'd say (but maybe that's only cause I wrote it?).

Then, now to this chapters story itself.

Well, to keep it short: It turned out way different then what I thought it'd be.

If you read only the first part (split when the Green Planet gets mentioned) and then only the last part you will definitely notice a difference. At first, I just wanted to make it a continuation of Empty Oceans with its consequences, and the first part is just that.

Over the days thou, as I thought about what else are the consequences, it changed into this… yea I do not know how to call it...

Anyway, I do hope you took away something from the blind optimism I wrote there;

There will be dark times, but that just means someone, maybe you, needs to turn on the light! :D

Extra Note: Just like the last upload, I wrote this around mid January and I only changed a few things. Thought it might fit now...