Chapter 2

I was walking down the normally quiet street and I had just kept walking for what seemed like hours and before I knew it I was in the hood. "Shit." I told myself. "Fuck I need to get out of here." I said. I always hated walking through the barrio during the day but at night it was a whole different vibe. It was already 9:30 and it was dark I was terrified.

I was speed walking and constantly looking around to see if anybody was following me. My heart was racing and I was a nervous wreck. I decided I needed to call someone to come get me. I walked towards an alley and pulled out my phone and called for an Uber. I waited by the alley. Across the street was another empty alley and I noticed that a black car pulled up by it. A couple seconds later another car pulled up. I watched as men in nice black suits got out of the cars and they quickly seemed to start arguing. They were speaking a different language and I soon caught on that it was Italian.

I could only make out some words because they sounded similar to Spanish but they were insignificant words. I then watched as one guy pulled a pistol out and shot the guy that had gotten out of the first car. "Shit!" I said. I knew I had to get the fuck out of there and I didn't even hesitate and I started to quietly walk out of there but then out of impulse I started to jog which then caused my keys to start making noise.

"Fuck!" I thought. I looked behind me and that's when I noticed that those guys had spotted me. I tried to just continue speed walking. I kept looking behind me but they started to run after me. I took off running as fast as I could but one of the guys had driven the car right in front of me as I tried to run across the street. I made the realization that I was trapped. A couple guys made their way out of the car and the guys that were pursuing me were now right behind me. There was nowhere that I could go.

I put my hands up and my heart was racing and I was sweating. "Please I swear I won't say shit just let me go and we'll all act like nothing happened." I said with a nervous smile. "You really think we're just going to let you go that easily?" One guy scoffed. This guy had short white and black hair that was slicked back and a navy blue suit. He was tall with olive skin. He looked to be about late 50s and he spoke with an accent.

"Please,I'll give you anything you want. I have a 20 in my bag and I have jewelry. Please just let me go." I said as tears started to form in my eyes. "I think you're going to be staying with us for a while." Another guy said with an evil smirk on his face. I knew that if I had any chance to try and get myself out of this situation it would be now. I tried to run through a small space between this one guy and the car. I made a run for it but the guy next to the car caught me by the arm and put a gun to my head. "Don't run and I won't have to kill you." He threatened.

I was now shaking and about to pass out. The guy still had a hold of me. "Get in the car." The guy in the navy blue suit said. "No." I said. I elbowed the guy who had me in the gut and tried to run when I felt an object strike me in the back of the head and all I saw after that was black.