I woke up and I was in a bed in a dark room. The room was kinda small and there was just the bed,and a dresser. I lifted myself up off the bed and made my way to the door. I opened it and when I did there was 1 of the guys I had seen earlier when I was surrounded by the alley.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asked glaring at me. "I need to use the bathroom." I lied. "Go. Down the hall. It's the last door to the right." He said. I made my way down the hall and I was amazed at how huge this place was. I assumed that I was in some type of mansion. The place was real fancy looking and I couldn't believe that criminals were living here.
I got to the bathroom and I shut the door behind me. I frantically searched my pockets for my phone but I couldn't find it. I looked around the bathroom and I noticed a small window. I opened it and tried to wiggle my way out of but it was useless. The window was way to small. Out of desperation I kept trying anyway. Suddenly I heard the door open. "Fuck!" I said to myself.
"Che cazzo!" I heard a male voice say. I quickly made my way out of the window and turned to face the person. "Please don't tell anyone I tried to leave. Please don't hurt me. I swear I won't do it again." I begged nearly sobbing. "Tu chi sei?" He asked. "Mi dispiace no parlo Italiano." I said in my shitty Italian. "Do you speak English?" I asked. "Not much." He said with an accent.
"Ahora que voy hacer. No tengo forma de decirle a este persona que puede ser mi ultima esperanza,que estoy en peligro." I told myself. "Como que estás en peligro?" He asked. "Hablas español?" I asked. "Si. Quien eres?" He asked. "Por favor! Tienes que ayudarme. No se donde estoy y quiero regresar a mi casa." I said crying. "Por que estás aqui?" He asked. "Unos tipos me secuestraron." I said tears falling down my face. "Como que te secuestraron?" He asked. "Vi que ellos dispararon a un hombre y trate te irme de la escena pero me cacharon." I said. "Eres uno de ellos?" I asked backing up into the wall. "No me toques! Por favor no me hagas nada." I begged sobbing. I slid my back against the wall and I felt my heart racing,I was shaking,and I felt like the walls were closing in on me. He came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "No te voy a lastimar. Solo quiero ayudar." He said.
I looked into his magnificent blue eyes. I was still breathing heavily but hearing him say that made me feel reassured. He looked to be about in his 20s. He had blue eyes,long light brown hair,light skin,and he was tall. "estás cautivo tambien?" I asked. "Supongo que podrias decir eso." He said with a smile. "De que estás hablando?" I asked. "Te explico mañana." He said. "Que hora es?" I asked. "Es alrededor de la medianoche." He said. "Mierda estaba inconsciente por unos 2 horas." I said. "Como te llamas?" I asked. "Riccardo. Pero puedes llamar me Riki." He said. "Y tu?" He asked. "Nancy pero puedes llamarme Krystal." I said. "Deberia volver a la habitacion." I said. "Si. Entonces nos vemos mañana." He said with a smile. "Esta bien." I said with a slight smile. I left and made it back to my room. "What took you so long?" The guy outside the door asked. "Stomach problems." I lied.
Riki's P.O.V
Senti muy mal por Krystal. Ella estaba triste,confundida,y asustada. No se que hizo pero no puede estar en los negocios de mi padre. Mi papá es el patron del mafia en Nueva Jersey. El y sus socios siempre estaban haciendo cosas chuecas como lavar dinero,apuestas ilegales,y estaban involucrados en el trafico de drogas. No era la primera vez que oi que mi papa mato alguien pero esta era la primera vez que el secuestro a una persona.
Regrese a mi habitacion y no pude dejar de pensar en ella. Tiene cabello largo,castaño oscuro con puntas moradas. Tiene ojos color cafe y su piel era bronceada medio oscura. Era un altura normal y tenia un piercing de la nariz,y varios en su oreja derecha. Ella veia en sus 20s y era muy linda. Ella fue la unica persona de mi edad con la que hable desde que mis hermanos se fueron hace 2 años. Sabia que tenia que ayudarla pero no sabia como. Ni siquiera pude salvar a mi mismo de los manos de mi padre. Quede pensando en ella hasta que me quedo dormido.