"Riki, necesitas ayudarla." Me dije a mí mismo, caminando hacia mi habitación. "¡Pero como güey! Y la neta es que,si ella va,yo también quiero ir." Dijo. Necesitaba ir con ella para protegerla porque seguramente la perseguirán y no la dejarán sola. Senti mal que yo tenía que ser la persona que la diga que su vida nunca volverá a ser la misma. Cuando te metes con mi papá,es una sentencia de por vida. No se detendrá hasta que te tenga comiendo de la palma de su mano,que le tienes miedo,que nunca lo traicionarás y que si no lo consigue,no tiene ningún problema en deshacerse de ti. Hay noches en las que no duermo porque estoy pensando en lo que pasaría si alguna vez encontrara a mi familia. El bastardo no se detendrá hasta que los encuentre y eso me destroza. Me quedé sentado esperando a Krystal mientras me perdía en mis pensamientos.
Krystal's P.O.V
I was standing under the water,running my hands through my hair. I felt as if the world was standing still,like nothing made sense,like none of this was real. I was in shock and I was not in a good mental state right now. I had been thinking about all the shit I had taken for granted. I knew there was a huge chance that I was never gonna see my family and friends again. It made me feel as if life had just all of a sudden decided to turn its back on me and I don't know what I did to deserve any of this. People say that bad shit happens for a reason but what could the reason behind this be? I mean I'm being held captive and probably not gonna survive this week. I wasn't sure how to think of Riki,he seemed sincere but at the same time,I've seen plenty of ID channel to know that people know how to fool you.
The storm of thoughts in my head was overwhelming me to the point where I felt I wanted to just end it all right then and there. I felt the tears start falling down my face that quickly got washed away by the water falling from the shower head. I got out and put my clothes on. I then noticed that on the sink there was a razor. The thoughts came in again like a tsunami and it was unbearable. I grabbed the razor and didn't give a shit anymore,in the moment it just seemed like the right thing to do. I drew the shiny,cold,pointy blade to my wrist,I was about to drive it into my skin when I heard a knock on the door. "Krystal,estás bien?" I heard Riki ask through the door. The tears then started falling down my face again,hearing his voice made me feel like a complete bitch. Here he is living out his whole life with his father in this hell and I knew that it's not fair that I try and take the easy way out when he has had the courage to be here day after day,year after year. At the same time I couldn't help but think that I was just causing him more problems.
"Krystal,voy a entrar." He said. Right after the door flew open. I looked up,my vision was slightly blurry due to the tears that wouldn't stop falling from my eyes,but I could see Riki standing there covering his eyes. "Krystal!" He called. At this point I was sobbing. I guess he heard and he opened his eyes. He looked down and saw me. "Krystal,que pasa?" He asked. I looked down at the razor blade in my hand and threw it on the floor. I covered my face with my hands and just cried. He sat on the floor in front of me and said in a soft,sympathetic tone,"Ey,porfavor no llores. Ya estoy aqui. No tienes que tener miedo." I didn't remove my hands from my face. He then gently took my hands away from my face and held them in his.
"Mirame." He said. I looked up at him and gazed into his ocean eyes. "Voy a cuidarte,aunque me cueste la vida,voy a hacer todo pa' protegerte." He said. "Como." I sobbed. He wiped the tears off my face. His touch sent chills down my spine. "No se pero vamos a salir de aqui. Te lo prometo." He said. "Pues ojala que sea pronto." I said. He then pulled me towards him and held me in a warm,comforting embrace. "Yo tambien." He said.