After a while we let go. "Gracias." I said wiping my eyes with the sleeve of the hoodie. He smiled. He stood up and offered me his hand. I grabbed it and he helped me up off the floor. "Por qué estás siendo tan simpático conmigo? No es que me moleste,simplemente es una pregunta." I said. "We walked out of the bathroom and I was drying my hair with a towel. "Bueno,la neta es que cuando te hablaba parecías una buena persona. Por primera vez en años, sentí que a alguien le importaba." He said. "Gracias." I said smiling at him. "Hago mi mejor esfuerzo." I said.
"Antes que te hagas algún ilusión,tengo que decirte que vas a tener que dejar todo atrás cuando logro sacarte de aquí." He said. "Que!? Como que voy a tener que dejar todo!" I exclaimed. "Shhhh." He said looking around. He grabbed my wrist and quickly pulled my towards his room. "Nadie puede enterar que voy a ayudarte salir de aquí." He whispered. "Ok y lo entiendo pero lo que no entiendo es porque no puedo regresar a mi vida normal." I said getting upset. "Porque involucrándose con mi papá es algo que nunca desaparecerá. Te involucras con él de cualquier forma,no hay vuelta atrás. Él te seguirá por el resto de tu vida y no se detendrá ante nada para mantenerte envuelto alrededor de su dedo o algo peor. Podrías ser tú o las personas que te importan. El no te dejará solo,nunca." He said.
"Don't cry,don't cry,don't cry." I told myself. (useless) At this point I knew my life official went to shit. "Porfa no me gusta verte llorando." He said. "Ya quiero terminar con todo esto ya." I said. "No,porfavor no digas eso. Solo dame tiempo." He said. "Yo se,yo se. Pero que tal si no funciona." I said. "Y yo siento mal porque estás arriesgando mucho por mí. Y si algo te pasa-" I started spiraling. "Ya,no te preocupes. Estoy haciendo esto porque quiero. Asi que no te preocupes por mí. Solo occupate en estar bien." He said.
"Si tienes razon." I said. "Bueno tengo que arreglarme pa' ir." I pointed to the door. "Si,si claro. Te espero." He said. I walked out of his room and went back to mine. I sat on the bed putting my hair in 2 Dutch braids.
Time skip 5 minutes later.
I got my boots back on,looked in the mirror and I looked hella awful. My eyes were all red and puffy from me crying my heart out. The outfit was just not working for me and I wasn't wearing any makeup. (I mean I look fine without it most of the time but not in this specific moment.) In general I wasn't in the mood. I sighed and walked out of the room. I dragged myself over to Riki's room and was about to knock on the door when I felt a large hand smother me. Someone had hold of my arm and was covering my mouth so I wouldn't make a sound. I was hauled downstairs to a room. We entered and I assumed it was some kind of office space. It was there where I saw the guy who had kidnapped me the night before A.K.A Riki's mother fucking dad!
The guy who brought me here had now let go of my face but was still behind me squeezing my arms. I tried to fight him off and said,"Let go of me!" It was no use. "What the fuck do you want from me you son of a bitch!?" I exclaimed. He just laughed. He walked in my direction and stopped in front of me. "If I were you I would watch the way you talk to me you little bitch." He snarled. "You want a real bitch,I'll give you one." I said. I spit in his face and tried kicking at him. He chuckled as he wiped the saliva from his face. He came closer and he started stroking the side of my face. I turned my head away. "Why are the most beautiful so dumb?" He said. He then slapped me across the face with all his strength,leaving a burning sensation on my left cheek. His ring had cut me when he hit me so blood started to form on my lip.
He grabbed my face and made me look at him. "Let's get something straight. 1st,you respect me. 2nd,if you make 1 wrong move in that mall today,you're fucking dead!" He snarled. "Is that clear?" He asked. I didn't answer and my eyes were directed at the floor. I felt his hands wrap around my throat. I started gasping for air. "I said are we clear?!" He yelled. I quickly nodded. He let go and I started coughing. Him and his minions or whatever you wanna call them started laughing at me. "I'm glad we understand each other." He said. "Get her out of here." He said.
The guy that had brought me here said,"Let's go." With that he took me back up stairs and put me in my room. I heard him walk away and I made my way to Riki's room.
Riki's P.O.V
Estaba esperando ansiosamente a Krystal. Tenía que decir a mi papa que íbamos a salir pa' que no desconfiara de mí. Estaba a punto de ir a buscarla cuando ella entró a mi cuarto toda enojada. Ella entró llorando y estaba sangrando,y su mejilla estaba magullada. "Que carajo! Que paso dime." Dije. "Que crees güey! Tu papá me golpeó y trató de matarme!" Grito. "Porque decidí ser una puta tonta y trate de hacerle frente." Dijo.
"No,no dices eso. Tú no eres ninguna puta tonta. Entiendo que estas enojada pero no puedes enfrentarlo así. Él es muy peligroso y no quiero que nada te pase." Dije. Se puso a llorar y me sentí muy muy mal. Agarre un trapito que tenia por ahi y estaba limpiando su labio. "Gracias." Dijo. Solo sonrie un poquito. No me gustaba verla asi. Era muy triste de veras. "Esperame tantito." Dije. Fui a la cocina y regrese con hielo. "Aqui tienes." Dije dándola el hielo. "Gracias." Dijo poniendo el hielo en su mejilla. "Por qué lo dijiste que íbamos a salir." Dijo. "Porque necesito que confíe en mí." Dije. "Si tienes razon." Respondio. Después de eso nos quedamos en silencio por un rato.