Chapter 10

Next Morning

I had waken up and I was glad I actually got some sleep. I looked around the room and Riki was gone. "Este pendejo me abandono." I told myself. "The audacity." I added. I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed. I grabbed some clothes and went to go take a shower.

Time skip 30 minutes

I just finished getting my clothes on in my room. I was wearing black short overalls with a purple,blue and black tie dye shirt. I had just finished styling my hair and doing my makeup when I saw the door crack open. I got scared at first and I jumped up only to see that it was just Riki. He was holding a plate with food on it.There was waffles that looked hella delicious and he had a glass of orange juice. "Te traje un poco de desayuno." He said setting it on the dresser. "Eres un ángel? Te juro que eres demasiado dulce. Gracias" I said. "Nada de que." He said sitting down on the bed.

"Que hora es?" I said eating a forkful of waffle. "Son las 12:30." He said. "De veras? Como puedes ver me gusta dormir hasta tarde." I said. He laughed. "Como dormiste?" He asked. "Sorprendentemente,bien. Creo que es porque sabía que estabas aquí conmigo." I said. "Que bueno." He said. "Antes que se me olvide,fui al mall y te compre algo." He said. "De verdad? No te hubieras molestado." I said. "Pero yo quieria." He said. He took something out of his pocket and handed it to me. It was a black mp3 player. He had downloaded a bunch of CNCO songs,some Selena and some Billie. He even threw some Aventura in there. "Neta!? Me encanto! No puedo vivir sin mi musica. Muchas gracias." I said kissing him on the cheek.

He looked at me for a second and then grabbed me and straight up kissed me! At first I was in shock at first but after a few seconds I gave in and kissed back. His lips were soft and he was a really good kisser. I had gotten lost in the moment and I had forgotten about everything going on around me. Right now he wasn't Riki the son of the mafia,he was just Riki. And I wasn't Krystal the girl kidnapped by the mafia,I was just Krystal. All my troubles left me and for once I felt relief in his arms.

The kiss lasted what seemed like forever but in reality is was probably a minute. "Espera espera espera. Perdon,no debi hacer eso." I said backing away from him. "Porque no? Yo te amo y se que tu me amas." He said stepping closer. "Riki eres un chico bien simpatico,dulce,y eres re guapo pero-" I tried saying before he cut me off. "Pero soy el hijo de tu secuestrador." He said. "Riki porfa,no digas eso. Si,eres el hijo de mi secuestrador y eso no me importa. Yo se que tu no eres como él,tus intenciones son buenas. Pero lo que si me importa eres tu. Yo no quiero ponerte en riesgo. Si tu papá entere que estamos juntos nos va matar a los dos y no quiero que nada te pase." I said holding his hands. "Yo se pero tambien se que todo pasa por algo,y esto te paso para que estuvieramos juntos. Y si muero no me importa porque se que mori por amar a la chica de mis sueños." He said. "Riki,es imposible no quererte." I said kissing him again. "Si tú y yo vamos estar juntos,debemos tener un chorro de cuidado." I said. "Yo se hermosa,yo se." He said holding me in his arms.