Chapter 13

Time skip a couple hours

Riki's P.O.V

Ya eran como las siete de la tarde y me arregle para ir al casino. Estaba mas tranquilo sabiendo que Krystal no va servir a otros hombres pero a la misma vez, no pude ser seguro de que mi papá iba guardar su palabra. Trate de ser positivo y fui a ver a Krystal antes de que se fuera. Toque la puerta y dije "Soy yo." Ella abrió la puerta y estaba usando su traje de stripper. No voy a negar, ella veía toda una diosa en esa traje y solo quería quitarle lo que tenia puesto y comérmela todita.

Puse mis manos en sus caderas y mordí mi labio. "Estas tratando de provocarme con ese traje y ese cuerpito que tienes, amore mio. Stanotte voglio fotterti forte contro il muro finché non urli il mio nome." Dije.


"Esta noche quiero chingarte duro contra el muro hasta que grites mi nombre." Dije. "Que dijiste?" Ella pregunto. "Nada importante, solo estaba diciéndote la hermosa que eres." Le menti y la bese. "Riki, que tal si algien nos ve." Ella dijo. "A mi no me importa." Le dije manoseandola. "Riki! Contralate!" Ella dijo. "Va, tengo que ir antes de que te lleven." Le dije. Le bese por última vez y me fui.

First person P.O.V

This man is going to drive me crazy I swear! I grabbed my curling iron that I had brought at the mall with Riki and finished doing my hair. My heart was racing and I swear, I felt like I was going to throw up. The door opened and one of the man I saw in the office earlier was standing there. "It's time to get to work." He said smugly. He grabbed by the arm and scanned me from head to toe. He whistled and said "The men are sure to go crazy with you as our new stripper. Your sexy ass should bring us in double the clients." He said. "You don't seem like a bad fuck either ." He cackled. "Pendejo asqueroso." I said and tried swinging on him. He caught my wrist and squeezed. "Hispanic girl, no wonder you're hot as fuck." He said stroking my hair with his one free hand. He then pulled a gun and pointed it to my head. He then handed me a blind fold and said, "Put this on and walk!." I yelped and did as he asked.

Riki's P.O.V

Estaba viendo mi celu mientras salia de mi cuarto para ir al casino. Vi a uno de mis primos lejanos, Francesco, con Krystal y estaba apuntando un pistola a la cabeza de ella. "Ciao Francesco." Le dije. "Ieni con noi al casinò?" Francesco pregunto. "Sì, sto prendendo la mia Harley però." Le respondi. "Suona bene." Él dijo. "Perché l'hai così?"Le pregunte. "Perché adora essere una piccola cagna. Sei sicuro di non volerla condividere? Potrei insegnarle una o due lezioni." Él dijo . "Sono sicuro. lei non è nemmeno una brava scopata comunque." Le respondi reindome.


"Vas al casino con nosotros?" Francesco pregunto. "Sí, me llevo mi Harley". Le respondi. "Suena bien." Él dijo. "Por qué la tienes así?" Le pregunte. "Porque le encanta ser una puta. Estás segura de que no quieres compartirla? Podría enseñarle una lección o dos." Él dijo. "Estoy seguro. Ella ni siquiera es una buena follada de todos modos." Le respondi reindome. Por dentro, queria partirle la cara. Como se atreve decir algo asi sobre mi novia!? Pero tenia que contralarme y mantener la calma porque si no, podria joder las cosas por los dos, y lo ultimo que quiero hacer es ponerla en riesgo. Segui caminando aunque mi corazon me decia que tenia que protegerla de los socios de mi papá. Entre a mi garaje y subi a mi Harley Thunderbike estilo GP y me apresuré hacia el casino.

First person P.O.V

I was pushed along and I heard a car door open and this Francesco dude or whatever, would not take the gun away from my head. I was petrified and I couldn't help the tears from falling. When I heard Riki's voice I felt safe because I knew he would protect me but when he didn't do anything I couldn't help but be mad at him, even though deep down I knew he didn't say anything so he could keep us both safe.

Time skip car ride

We came to a complete stop so I assumed we reached the casino. I felt somebody forcing me out of the car, we walked and I heard a door open and slam shut. Someone snatched the blindfold off and I blinked a few times and I was in a room filed with all the other strippers. They were all beautiful girls with nice figures and I didn't understand how they would willingly work for these people. "If you open your mouth to anyone here, we'll find out, we have eyes and ears every where." Francesco whispered in my ear. I swallowed and he slightly pushed me out towards the other girls that were doing their hairs and makeup.

One girl approached me and she was hella pretty. She had long light brown, wavy hair. She looked to be about my age and she had a nice figure. "Hey! You must be the new girl everyone was talking about earlier." She said with a smile. "Y- yeah, I am. Hi." I said and forced a small smile. "My name is Samantha, what's yours?" She asked. "I'm Krystal." I said. "I couldn't help but notice your slight accent, where are you from?" She asked. "Well I was born here in America but I'm Guatemalteca and Puerto Rican." I said. "Neta, soy de Venezuela." She said. "Que chido." I replied.

All this situation was becoming to much for me and a few tears fell down my face. "Ey, que te pasa, estas bien?" She asked. I opened my mouth to respond but I knew I couldn't tell her the truth so I came up with a quick lie. "I don't want to be here. La unica razon por que acepte este chamba es porque mi mama esta enferma y necesito mas dinero so I can help pay for her hospital bills and treatments." I said. "Lo siento chica, but I know you'll be fine, just follow along with what we do and just push through it por tu mama." She said. "Gracias, voy a intentar." I said. She brought me out to the rehearsal room and I watched a couple girls practicing on their poles and I wanted to turn and run at this point.

We watched them for a couple minutes and Samantha broke the silence between us and said, "You think you're ready? The bosses want you to start work right away, don't ask me why though because normally they let the new girls practice." She shrugged. "I think I got it." I said softly. "Orale, vamanos entonces." She said. She led me out to the stage she walked ahead of me and right away got on her pole and started driving the guys crazy. I then walked out onto the stage a couple seconds after her when a new song started playing and just started moving to the music like I saw the other girls doing. 🎶Ehi, voglio farlo in un drink dai, gioca sporco, un timbro al polso e un altro è free. Ehi, provo un "ciao, come stai?" In tasca ho qualche storia spenta, tu che fai?

Lascia che si sfili sulle gambe.🎶 I recognized the person singing. It was Riki, they must've started using his music to use in the casino which kinda sucked because his music is to good for a place like this. I let my exotic side show that I didn't even I know I had. I danced to the music as the guys cheered me and Samantha on.

I noticed one guy at one of the front tables and it was Riki. He took a swig of his drink but would not take his eyes off of me. I saw his eyes and they were dark with lust. I gave him a small smile as I kept dancing and his eyes were basically fucking me as he watched every angle of my body. Him being there made things seem a little less worse and I just acted like I was dancing for him and only him to make the situation better. I wanted nothing more than to be happy with the man I love and be far away from here but until that happened I had to make the best of the situation so that's what I did as I danced for him on that pole.