Riki had stayed in my room with me for about another 40 minutes and then left before anybody caught us together. I had managed to remain calm the whole time Riki was with me but the minute he left I had a terrible breakdown. I was crying uncontrollably,shaking,and my heart felt like it was about to jump right out my chest. I hated the fact that there's a possibility that I was going to become a hoe in a casino full of mafiosos peligrosos. I wanted to lay down an die at this point. I don't think I've ever felt this hopeless in my life. I just prayed that I would wake up in a hospital surrounded by the people I love and realize that it was all a bad dream,but in the back of my mind I knew I was just kidding myself for expecting that to happen.
Riki's P.O.V
Estaba sentado en mi cama escuchando musica,tratando de pensar de una manera de evitar que Krystal sea una prostituta. Si algo la llega a pasar,no lo soportaria. Me muero si la hacen algo. Ahora estaba segura que si no puedo evitar que ella sea una prostituta,voy a sacarla de aqui,cueste lo que cueste. No quiero ni pensar en la idea que otros hombres la van estar tocando. Voy a luchar hasta la muerte pa' salvarla. No me importa lo que va ser mi papá contra mí,lo unico que me importa es ella y nada mas. Los demas pueden irse a la verga,no me importa.
Mis piensamientos fueran interrumpidos con un toque en la puerta. Levante de la cama y abri la puerta. La puta madre,era mi quierido papito. "Cosa vuoi?" Pregunte. "So che vuoi che sia la tua schiava,ma anche l'idea del mio partner era buona. Quello che faremo è che lei possa ancora essere il tuo giocattolo sessuale,ma può anche essere una spogliarellista al casinò. Anche se non avrà tanti soldi quanto l'altra idea,ma è questo o niente. " Dijo. "Vai,sono d'accordo." Dije.
Translation: "Que quieres?" Pregunte. "Se que quieres que ella sea tu esclava,pero la idea de mi socio era re bueno tambien. Lo que vamos hacer es que ella puede seguir siendo tu juguete sexual,pero tambien puede ser stripper en el casino. Aunque no va traer tanto dinero como la otra idea,pero es esto o nada." Dijo. "Va,estoy de acuerdo." Dije.
Cerre la puerta estaba tan aliviado. Anuque todavia no me gusta que otros hombres van estar mirandola y pensando en...cosas,pa' decir lo menos,tengo que darme cuenta que esto es mucho mejor que la ultima idea.
Krystal's P.O.V
I managed to calm down a bit but I was still a mess of emotions. I heard the door open and I looked up and the little fucker just let himself in like nothing. "Good news,you got yourself a new job!" He said. "Dios,le iluminas o le eliminas." I thought. "What the hell are you talking about you prick?" I asked. His fake ass smile quickly faded and it was replaced with a look of pure hate and evil. He charged at me and he was now on top of me on the bed with his hands wrapped tightly around my throat. As I desperately tried to get him off,and tried to gasp for air but it wasn't going that well. "I thought we talked about respecting me!" He snarled,his grip tightening. "The next time it happens I swear I will kill you." He said. He slapped me across the face and let go of my throat. I coughed and took in some oxygen.
Another man that looked like a guardaespaldas came in and handed him a shopping bag and a shoe box. He handed it to me and said "Here's your uniform,you start tonight." "See you later little bitch." He said smugly. He walked out the door and I looked in the bag and I just wanted to kill myself. There was leather bodysuit with sleeves and the chest area was all exposed. There was also a pair of fishnets in there,as well as a black, gold studded,leather choker and some sliver bangle bracelets along with a gold spike bracelet. When I looked inside the box,there were a pair of thigh high leather boots. I pushed the items aside and buried my face in my hands.I needed Riki and I needed him now. He was the only one that would make me feel better about this whole situation.
As if on command,I heard a knock on the door and I heard Riki whisper "Soy yo mi amor." I jumped up and immediately opened the door and rushed into his arms. My tears where falling onto his shirt and he was hugging me close and tight. He came in the room and shut the door. "Amor que paso en tu cuello? Y tu cara?" He asked getting protective and worried. "Tu papá trató de estrangularme de nuevo. Y me golpeo." I said. "Te juro que yo lo matare!" He snapped. He was headed for the door and I knew he wasn't bluffing this time,he was legit about to throw hands. I grabbed his arm and said "Amor,no lo hagas." "Pero si no lo hago,no te va dejar en paz nunca." He said. "Te mataran si te afrentas a tu papá. No puedo perderte Riki." I begged.
He hugged me again and said "Yo se amor pero no soporto verte sufriendo. Me siento inutil cuando no puedo protegerte como quiesira." I knew he was crying as well and that made me feel ever worse. I took his face in my hands and said "No llores amor,voy estar bien si estas conmigo. Yo te amo y eso nunca va cambiar. Aunque estoy sufriendo aqui,por lo menos tenga a ti;un hombre guapo,simpatico,y cariñoso. Quien me protega como puede y me ama." He kissed my forehead and said "Te amo." I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Yo se que siendo un stripper no es lo ideal pero es mejor que siendo una prostituta." He said. "Como?" I asked. "Mi papá decidio darte un trabjo de stripper pero nada mas." He said. "Por fin una buena noticia." I said. "Y voy estar ahi todas la dias observando tu belleza y voy estar amando cada segundo del show." He said biting his lips. "Comportate." I giggled. We kissed and all my troubles left me. I love Riki,he makes me feel so much better and I'm truly grateful for him,but our relationship would be a lot better if we were free from this place.