Chapter 15

Time skip next morning

I woke up and Riki was still asleep beside me. "Amor." I whispered and kissed his lips. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled. "Buenos dias bebe." He said and kissed me. "Lo pase muy bien a noche." He smirked. "Y yo igual.'' I giggled. In that moment I made the realization that me and Riki spent the whole night together and I'm not in my room. "La puta madre." I gasped. "Tengo que ir. Que tal si no me encuentran en mi habitación, somos muertos." I said slipping my clothes back on. "No te preocupes por eso amore mio." He said gently taking my wrist. "Como no? Si enteran de que tú y yo somos novios nos matan!" I explained.

"Si tienes razón. La próxima vez debemos tener eso en mente." He said. "La próxima vez? Calmante señorito." I giggled. "Debo irme." I added. He sat up, reached out and grabbed my waist and pulled me back on the bed besides him. He kissed me and I kissed back. "Te amo mi preciosa bambina, y no quiero que te olvides de eso." He said. "Nunca." I smiled. "Ahora, si me permites." I said getting off the bed. "Va, te dejo ir pero voy estar muriendo lentamente sin ti." He said. I giggled and gave him a quick kiss before leaving.

I quickly made my way back to the room and prayed that no one noticed my absence. I sat on my bed and pulled out the mp3 from under the matress and was listening to Everything I Wanted by Billie Eilish. A little while pasted by and I heard the door knob turning. I hid the mp3 player and one of the asshole's minions came in, left a plate with breakfast on the dresser and walked out without saying a word. (which isn't necessarily a problem.)

I walked over and brought the plate back with me to the bed and started picking at the food. There was some sausage and a pancake and a glass of orange juice. I took a couple bites out of the pancake and drank like a fourth of the juice. I really still wasn't in the mood for eating (but last night I was in the mood for sex, question mark) I put the plate back on the dresser and went to go take a shower.

I put on a really chill out fit, sweat pants, a t shirt and hair in a messy ponytail. I continued to sit on my bed listening to music and I started thinking of my family. My hermanos, my parents, my friends. What if I never saw them again? What if I never get out of here? Then I started thinking of Riki. What if they find out about me and Riki? What if they do something to him? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to him. These thoughts were driving me insane and bringing back my depression and anxiety.

I started shaking and my heart was about to beat out of my chest. I held my knees to my chest and started sobbing. I was caught up in my own world and I hadn't even realized that Riki was in the room with me. I snapped out of it when I heard him say, "Mi amor, que pasa? Te hicieron algo? Mi vida, por favor habla conmigo." He said.

I looked up at him, tears still blurring my vision. "No podemos seguir asi Riki." I bawled. "Yo se amor pero las cosas van a mejorar." He said interlocking his fingers with mine. "Riki, no puedo lo siento pero lo hago pa' protejer té. No quiero que nada te pase. No voy a soportar si algo te llega a suceder." I explained. "Pero yo te amo, estoy hasta el cuello por ti. Nuestro amor es mas fuerte que cualquier cosa en este mundo." He said. "Lo siento Riki. Te amo pero no puedo." I whispered as I weeped. "Amor, no te puedo abandonar." He said, tears forming in his eyes. "Riki, porfa, no lo hagaas difícil para mí. Por favor vete." I said. "No voy a poder vivir sin ti." He said, his voice trembling.

I slipped my hand away from his and looked in the opposite direction and waited for him to leave. "No me importa si muero por amarte." He said. "Pero a mí si!" I yelled. "No me voy de aqui, tú eres mí todo y no voy a poder sin ti." He said. "No puedo ponerte en riesgo. Lo siento pero lo hago porque te amo." I said. "Ahora dejame sola, porfa." I said. "Krystal-" He started. "Riki, te juro por la tumba de mí hermano que estoy perdiendo la paciencia. Si no te vayas ahorita mismo te juro que te mato con mis propias manos." I threatened. "Yo se que tú me amas." He said. Damn is this man persistent! Like I'm trying to protect you bro! What the hell. 

"Vete! La puta madre! Que terco eres!" I hollered. He stared at me for a second and it killed me to see him look at me with such hurt but I was doing this because I love him. I cared to much to fuck everything up. I didn't want anything to happen to him. He stood up and walked towards the door. "Siempre te amare Krystal. Tú sabes que siempre voy estar aquí para ti." He said before exiting.

I couldn't do anything more than just sit on the bed and cry my mother fucking heart out. I just lost the only true love I had. I didn't know how I was going to survive without him but it would be selfish of me to put him in constant danger like I was. It was the best thing I could do for the well being of both of us. I sat and wondered what would my life be like if I was to escape. How would I continue on with my life knowing that Riki would still be stuck in this hell on Earth? Would I ever forget about him? This was probably my biggest concern out of the many racing through my mind.