Time skip a week and a half later
Me and Riki were still separated and it pained me to see him every day in the casino or when he left me breakfast in the morning or when he was in his dad's office when they dragged my ass down there. We hadn't spoken a word since the break up and it was slowly killing me but I realize that I did what I had to do.
I was getting ready to go take a shower because I had to go to 'work' in a little bit, and I got mad dizzy. I held on to the wall to keep from falling. I felt hands on my arms and I jerked away making the dizziness worse. "Tranquila, estas bien?" Riki said. "No es nada." I said. My stomach turned all queasy and I got really nauseous. I ran into the bathroom and I started throwing up.
Riki came in after me. "Krystal que te pasa? Necesitas ir al hospital." He asked. "Ya son varios mañanas que estoy asi pero no te preocupes." I answered. I started rinsing out my mouth when it dawned on me that I haven't had my 'friend' come visit me this month. "Cual es la fecha?" I asked. "El 17." Riki answered. "A la verga." I said. "Debería haber llegado." I said. "De que hablas?" Riki asked. "Riki, yo creo que..." I said hesitantly.
I took his his wrist and dragged him into my room and locked the door. "Mi regla no ha llegado. Ya es 3 dias tarde. Nunca soy tarde. Y ya son 4 dias que tengo náuseas, vomitos y mareos." I said. "Estas diciendo que..." He said. Tears started blurring my vision and a smile spread across my face. "Riki, estoy embarazada de tu hijo." I said. "Enserio?!" He said and an enormous smile shot across his face. He put his hands on my stomach and said "Ahora mas que nunca necesito estar a tu lado. Quiero estar en la vida de mi bebe. Y necesito estar al lado de mi amada." He said looking into my eyes. "Te extrañe." I said. I stood on my tip toes (short people problems) and kissed him. "Te necesito mas que nunca." I said.
"Espera, nadie puede entrar de esto. No puedo poner a mi hijo en riesgo." He said. "Si tienes razón. Pero cuando empiezo a enseñar barriga?" I asked getting worried. "Tenemos que fugar de aquí mas pronto de lo que esperábamos." He said. "Como?" I said starting to cry. He held me and said "No se amor, pero voy sacarte de aquí. No te preocupes. Confia en mí." He said. "Claro." I said. But I still couldn't help but think of the worst.
"Ahora vete porque si nos ven juntos, olvidese." I said. "Va. Te veo al rato." He said. He stole a kiss and left and I went to go take a shower.
Time skip 20 minutes
I was getting dressed to go to the casino and I started thinking of my family. I was actually pregnant and I couldn't run up to my mom with a 'world's greatest grandma' shirt. I wouldn't be able to tell my sisters and brother that they are going to be tio and tias. As much as I tried to push these thoughts out of my head, I couldn't. I started crying and that's when el hijo de puta walked in.
"Why the fuck are you crying little bitch." He said. "Oh nothing, these are tears of joy. It's every girls dream to be held hostage by a bunch of mafiosos and have the son of the boss rape them." I said. "Watch the attitude." He said coming near me. A slight squeak came out of me and I jumped back. "That's what I thought." He said. "You ready?" He said. I nodded my head and he grabbed my arm and lead me down stairs to the car all while holding me at gun point. A routine I was all to familiar with.
Riki's P.O.V
Decidi no ir al casino para planear como Krystal y yo íbamos a escapar de este lugar. Sabia que sera mejor fugar a Colombia no podemos quedar en América, todos se fugan a México o Brazil asi que sería tonto ir para allá. Y no puedo ir a Europa porque es el primer lugar donde me buscarán.
Vamos a tener que cambiar nuestros nombres, cambiar de apariencia, y deshacernos de los electrónicos. Asi sera mas difícil para encontrarnos. Pero todavía no sabia cómo chingado iba fugarnos. Mi papá tenia la casa bien vigilada. Hay hombres armados, y camaras por todos lados. Y no puedo confiar en nadie aqui en mi casa asi que esto iba ser mas difícil de lo que pense y ahora nuestro tiempo está limitado.
Estefano's (Riki's dad) P.O.V
I had just finished dropping the little whore off in the dressing room with all my other little hoes when Francesco came up to me and said, "Yo uncle Estefano." "What do you want?" I asked. "Leonardo Romano is here to see you. The man looks like he ain't fucking around either he came to talk about some serious ass business." "The Romano family." I scoffed. "Tell him to fuck off." I said. "But Francesco, he sounds dead ass. Imagine, we can make a deal, get some profits and once we get what we need, we whack em." He said. "Damn, it would also show other rival family's that you don't fuck with Estefano Marcuzzo." I said. "Well not necessarily, they would know that you're a back stabbing asshole." He said. Bitch. "True but his business can do good for us. Let me go talk to him." I said.
He led me over to a table in front of the stage where Romano was. The fake ass greeted me with a smile. "Estefano, so glad to finally meet you." He said shaking my hand. "Let's get down to business. What brings you here?" I asked. "I was thinking, maybe we could get into businesses together." He said. "And how would this benefit me?" I asked. "We can go 50-50. And plus it would make us more powerful, more respected, feared." He explained. "Ok but I'm going to say this only once, I don't need no back stabbing pussies on my side." I warned. "You got a deal." He said. "But I do have a proposal to make." He continued. "And that is?" I asked. "Let me fuck one of the strippers up there, you know, to seal the deal." He said. "Which one?" I asked. "That one on the first pole." He said pointing at the bitch. Let me see what I can do real quick." I said.
Phone's P.O.V
Estefano: Riki, sto parlando con il capo della famiglia Romano e lui vuole concludere il nostro nuovo accordo scopando il tuo schiavo.
Riki: cosa ?! Perché?! È il mio giocattolo del sesso e non ho bisogno che nessun altro la scopi. Mai sentito parlare di malattie sessualmente trasmissibili ???
Estefano: puoi sempre avere un'altra zappa, ho bisogno di sigillare questo accordo quindi non mi interessa quello che dici a questo punto.
Riki: qualunque cosa
Estefano: Riki, I'm talking with the head of the Romano family and he wants to seal our new deal by fucking your slave.
Riki: what?! Why?! She's my sex toy and I don't need no one else fucking her. Ever heard of STIs???
Estefano: you can always get another hoe, I need to seal this deal so I don't care what you say at this point.
Riki: whatever
Back to Estefano's P.O.V
"Ok you got it." I said. I motioned towards the girl to come off the stage. She did so and I said, "You have a new client. This is Leonardo Romano, you are to do what he asks." I explained. "What do you mean client?" She asked. "Take her into the back room over there." I told Leonardo. "What?! No." She said. He took her out of my sight and disappeared into the room.
First Person P.O.V
"Please don't do this." I begged. He locked the door and sat me down on the couch that was there. "Listen, I'm not gonna do anything to you. I just need to ask you something." He said. "What?" I asked. "Can I trust you?" He asked. "Sure." I said. "Ok how much money would I have to pay you to be my inside person?" "Your inside person?" I asked. "Yeah, you get all the shit on Estefano and you come back and tell me everything." He said. "And why would I risk getting killed?" I asked. "Because I can get you all the money you need." He said. Damn this can actually be my break! I had to know more. "I just need money to get out of this country." I said. "Trouble with the law?" He asked. "More like trouble with the mafia." I said. "What do you mean?" He asked. " Can I trust you?" I asked. "You help me I help you." He replied.
"Ok I'm being held hostage. I fell in love with the boss' son and we're having a kid together." I said spiraling. "Calm down. So let me get this straight, you got kidnapped by the Marcuzzo family, fell in love with his son and now you're gonna have a kid together?" He said. I nodded. "Ok so our time is limited?" He asked. "Yes." I said. "Ok I'm going to help you but you're gonna help me take over the Marcuzzo family mansion and eliminate them all." He said. "Ok but Riki has to come with me." I said. "Of course." He said. "Now tell no one about what happened in here." He said. "Totally. I just hope I put my life in the hands of the right person." I said. "Trust me, you won't regret this." He said.